Rumple Buttercup (m.g.g)

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matthew gray gubler x reader
summary: reader is a second grade teacher and matthew makes a special appearance
warnings: pure fluff

"i'll see you later, bubba." Y/n pressed a kiss to Matthew's cheek, as he gave her a small smile as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door and towards the school.

a few hours passed, the time now being nine forty two am. Y/n gathered all her students on the colorful rug, saying she had a surprise guest that should be here any moment.

"Mrs. Gubler, can you give us a hint?" Dylan, a little boy with dirty blonde hair asked.

"well," the woman started, but got cut off by knocking on the door.

"that must be him!" Y/n smiled at her students, walking over to the door. the h/c haired woman grinned at the tall man, dressed in his Rumple costume.

Y/n opened the door, as Matthew walked in.

"hey kids!" the man cheered, the kids all shooting up excitedly to run up to the tall figure.

Y/n let out a giggle as she watched her husband get bombarded with questions.
"alright guys, come sit down so our guest can read you a story." she told the small children, leading them back to the colorful rug.

Matthew slipped off the Rumple mask, a shine on his forehead as his brown hair stuck to his sweaty skin.

the tall man sat down in the smaller chair, the sight making Y/n smile as she sat down on a desk.

"my name is Matthew Gray Gubler, and i'm going to tell you guys about Rumple's story." Matthew grinned at the small children.

Y/n walked over to Matthew, handing him the hard covered book.

"are you related to Mrs. Gubler?" Kendall, a bright girl with deep brown hair asked.

"no, Kendall. Matthew and i are married." i answered the small child.

"are you guys going to have babies?" Jackson asked.

heat rose on Y/n's face, as she was trying to stammer out a response. "Yes." Matthew answered flatly, sending the blushing woman a wink.

Matthew began the story, the eager kids listening intently.

Y/n watched her husband in awe. he had always been amazing with kids, but seeing him with her students always made her heart flutter.

a particular three pages were coming up. they were and always had been Y/n's favorite pages, ever since she'd read the book.

the words fell from Matthew's lips, tears blurred the woman's vision.

"and that's when Rumple realized

everyone is weird

that's what makes us great."

Matthew looked up at his wife, knowing all to well those were her favorite words. she sent him a small smile, as he continued on with the ending.

as the man closed the book, he handed it back to Y/n as she set it up on her white board. she listened as the students asked Matthew questions.

ten minutes went by, as Matthew was goofing around with the small children. Y/n gasped as Matthew made his way over to the woman, his face with covered with marker.

"oh my gosh" the h/c haired girl gushed, looking over his cheeks at the drawings. he smiled at her, "you like?" he asked. a laugh left Y/n's mouth, as the kids were begging Matthew to come play more, or tell them more stories.

"do you guys want to see a magic trick?" Matthew asked the students. the kids nodded excitedly, as Y/n sat down her office chair.

"what's your name?" Matthew asked Nelly.

"Nelly!" the black haired girl answered cheerfully.

"Nelly, can you check behind your ear for me?" Matthew grinned. the tiny child confusedly touched her ear, only to be shown with shock.

"a quarter!" she jumped, causing the other students to gasp.

Y/n glanced at her watch, seeing it was lunch time for the kids.

"i'm so sorry to cut this short, but it's time for lunch!" she announced to the kids, who all said their goodbyes to Matthew and grabbed their lunches. they all ran out the door, leaving the costumed man and Y/n alone.

"i finally get to kiss you" the woman sighed, grabbing Matthew's head and eagerly pulling him towards her. his arms wrapped around her waist, deepening the kiss.

moments passed and the two eventually pulled apart, as Y/n rested her head in the crook of his neck.

"thank you for coming today" she sighed.

"of course, you know i always love to come hang out." Matthew responded.

"i love you so much, Gube." Y/n said.

"i love you so much more, Mrs. Gubler" Matthew smirked.

"so when are we going to make those babies?" the man teased.

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