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Diane eyed Nova as soon as Shantelle entered the class with her.

" You can stay at my house instead of Princewill ". Nova patted her shoulder and walked to her seat.

Books were scattered on her desk.

" Who are the owners of these? ". Nova asked Brianna.

Nova shrugged.

" Sorry am the one ". A scruffy Zion said.

" Are you looking for something? ". Nova asked.

" Yes,a receipt,you can throw the books on the floor ". Zion said running his hand through his afro.

" I'll just wait,when you're done let me know....it'll be rude of me to just dump the book on the floor ". Nova went over to Paul and Beth seat.

" Good morning ". She tickled Beth who chuckled.

" Shells I know it's you ". Beth said and froze immediately she realized what she said.

" Shells? ". Nova's jaw dropped.

Beth turned.

" I get it,the nickname you gave Paul "
Nova smiled.

" I and Paul aren't dating and besides Paul likes someone else ". Beth said arranging her books as a picture fell out.

Nova was quick to pick the picture,it was a fat Paul and Beth.

" Oh my God,is that Paul?,he looks cuter,why did he slim down? ".

" He wanted to.........".

" To stay healthy ". Paul interrupted.

" Hi Paul ". Nova grinned.

" Watsup". He hugged Nova.

" Shi....".Zion paused," Nova am done ".

"Okay....later ". Nova walked back to her seat trying to cheer Antonia up until a teacher entered.

A ball of paper hit Zion as he turned to meet Anthony.

Zion rolled his eyes at his best friend and opened the paper.

' you almost called this girl Shirley and you can't stop staring at the girl back,she's Tonia friend,I can link up '

" Are you mad? ". Zion said.

" Who said that? ". The teacher asked as everyone in class froze.

" Am the one ". Nova stood up.

" Am sure it was a male voice I heard,
newbie? ".

Sweats was breaking out from Nova skin,she tried to give up an excuse but she couldn't.

" It was me Sir ". Antonia quickly said.

" Miss Antonia,do not try to take the blame for someone ".

" Sir,it was Zion ". Shantelle said as Zion stood up.

" Am very sure Zion wouldn't do that ".

" Sir,it was me ". Zion said.

" New student,why did you take the blame for him?...i don't want anyone doing girlfriend and boyfriend love in my class,each and everyone of you should carry your cross till you reach Golgotha....Zion,Antonia and new student,meet me for your punishment ".  The man said as Nova ran out of the class.

She pushed the toilet door and ran to the mirror,tears were flowing from her eyes. She wiped her tears and looked at the mirror,that sick feeling invaded her again.

" Nova...Nova are you okay? ". Shantelle and Beth along with Antonia ran inside.

" Yes,am fine ". Nova sniffed chuckling," It was so stupid of me to take the blame ".

" But why? ". Amy walked in," Why did you take the blame? ".

" I.....I don't know honestly,i was probably sleep talking ".  Nova said.

" Well,sleep talking got you in that mess ". Amy said and walked off leaving the rest to console her,when she entered class,Zion went to meet Amy.

" Is she okay? ".

" She's fine ".

"Did she tell you why she took the blame? ". Zion asked.

" No,but she was probably scared that we will call her before she did ".  Amy said as they both stared at each other wondering what was happening.

" Such a weird girl ".  Brianna muttered to herself after eavesdropping on their conversation. Brianna didn't like her one bit,she was taking Antonia from her hand slowly.


Nova removed the cupcakes from the oven.

Allen strolled into the kitchen" How many people did you invite miss bubbly bee? ".

" Antonia and her twin,Shantelle and her best friend,Zion and his sister,Beth and her best friend ".

" You're weird ". Allen said.

" Got it from you,so who did you invite from our former estate? ".

" Obinna and Vanessa my ex,I told Princewill to invite just a friend ".

" Great ". Nova smiled as Omisha entered.

" Mom,I hope you invited your friend,  you don't want to be bored hanging out with teenagers ". Nova said.

" Just the lady across the street and the man beside us ".

" Shantelle's Mom,Linda ".

" The  man beside us,Princewill's Dad ". Allen said.

When the time ticked 6:01,Linda and Shantelle were the first to arrive followed by Antonia and Anthony minutes later,Paul and Beth arrived.

" Excuse me ". Nova excused herself and went to open the door as Obinna and Vanessa.

" Hi Dab.......Nova ". Vanessa hugged her.

" Fine girl ".  Obinna teased her as Nova laughed it off.

" What of Allen? ".

" He went to the next house to get his special guest,before he comes,Come and say Hi to my new friends ". Nova pulled them to her group.

" Guys meet yourselves ". Nova ran back to the door,she opened the door and met Amy and Zara.

" Zion ? ". Nova looked around.

" He couldn't make it,so I filled in for him,hope you don't mind? ".

" Not at all ". Nova smiled but truth be told,she was sad. Before she could turn,the doorbell rang,she opened it, she was met with Allen,Princewill and a girl.

" Nova,this is my friend Laura...Laura Nova ".  Princewill introduced.

" Welcome,Come in ". Nova said.

" Is Obinna and Nessa here? ". Allen asked.

Nova nodded as they all settled inside.

Another knock came in,Nova hoping it was Zion ran to the door to open it as she was met with Linda and a man,who by the mere sight disgusted her.

" Hi Nova,this is Princewill's Dad, Oscar Benjamin ".

Nova just glared at him.

" Hi Nova,nice to meet you,I've heard........

Nova walked out slamming the door.

" Nova,who's that? ". Omisha ran to the door to erase her daughter's mistake.

" Are you okay? ". Amy asked her.

" Uh...Yes am fine ". Nova sat beside Beth as Omisha walked in with the guests Nova had left outside.

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