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Nova sat by the window watching outside,she smiled,she couldn't believe life gave her a second chance, it was so unbelievable but there was a but and then she frowned.
She was having nightmares last night and she couldn't sleep,there was a man in black and a girl who she saw in her dreams.

Anytime she sees them,she was hearing that clock sound but last night own was alarming and surprisingly loud,it was like they were waiting for her and the girl resembled Allen's blood sister,Dabria.

Was she going to leave the would again?..

She looked at her wristband and smiled or maybe blushed....It wasn't a new thing that Princewill was handsome and to hear a guy as hot as Prince proclaim his feelings  was  worth it.

Nova sighed,she did miss Shantelle,Doris,Ben,Beth and all of them but she wanted to forget all of them,all of Shirley's life....She was okay being Nova and having a brother and Mom like Allen and Omisha.

Shirley's life brought only pain and she hated that,she has vowed that she would tell them she had forgiven all of them but she didn't want their pity especially Zion whom she liked and that's why she couldn't face them.

She sighed again and looked outside,her eyes caught Oscar and Linda arguing and she could hear their voices or rather read their lips.

" It hurts!,we can't keep having sex all day,you said we were going to get married before the end of this year! ".

" Your husband just died this year,what would your family members think? ". Oscar yelled.

" But you promised me ". Linda whined.

" Maybe it's because I need another round ". Oscar wiggled his eyebrows.

" You'll be the death of me,Mr. Benjamin ". Linda said seductively as a window from Linda's house opened revealing Shantelle in a white silky singlet that brought out her pointed nipples.

" Can you both stop informing the neighborhood about your sex life! ". Shantelle screamed at her mom and Princewill's Dad.

" And hey,Mr.Oscar....". She called back," Fuck you ". She gave him the middle finger and shut the window loudly.

" This neighborhood is on fire ". A guy that was passing told his friend as they laughed.

Nova was tempted to laugh but then she saw a look on Mr.Oscars face,that same fucking look he gave her on that night.

She opened the louvers so she could hear better.

" Let's go inside ". Oscar told Linda but his eyes were still staring at Shantelle's shut window.

And Nova made up her mind that she had to be here at all cost watching over Shantelle through the window but little did she know,she was being tailed.

Minutes later,Nova was still at her window pavement,she was having a massive headache and her stomach was grumbling,she still had her eyes on Shantelles window.

" Nova,aren't you eating? ". Allen came for  the hundredth time.

" Allen please No,when am done here,I'll eat any food you give me but I swear to God,I can't take my eyes off this window ".

" Are you staring at Princewill? ".

" No ". Nova replied," And besides he's not around ".

" Someone have been spying ". Allen teased.

" Just go away ". Nova laughed.

" But you are fine right? ".

" I am...Please go away ".

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