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" You don't seem fine,are you okay? ". Nova turned to Zion for the fifth time.
It was break time and most people were out of the class.

" Am just having headache,I'll be fine ". Zion stared at her.

" You're having dark circles under your eyes,you are not acing the little tests,you have to buckle up,Zion...It's almost exam season,you do not want to relent now ".

" Why do you care? ". Zara barged in On them.

" Oh Lord ". Nova rolled her eyes.

" Zara,can you let us be? ". Zion said as Zara walked out not before glaring at Nova.

" Your sister is really weird ". Nova said.

" But why do you care? ". Zion asked.

Nova paused," Uh....I think...i uhm...remember when I told you that no matter how beautiful I was,I'll still care about you ".

Zion paused.

" Uh...I mean,what did I just say? Am sorry that didn't mean to come out,have I ever said something like that? ". Nova was confused.

It was like she had a second mouth and another mind but still it felt right,it was like she had said it before.

" I'll just go ". Nova left class to clear her head.

Zion sighed relaxing on his chair,he couldn't forget the statement Shirley made a certain time when she was always in his business and even though,he didn't want to admit what Zara has said,it was the living truth,somehow Nova was replacing Shirley and it didn't scare him at all,it relieved him,he was tired of taking medicine to sleep and hearing Shirley voice,he didn't want his parents to clear the good memories he had of her neither did he want them to cover up for his sins and if Nova was here to dig up the past,he wanted that as soon as possible because he knew Zara was up to something.

Last night,Antonia and Zara were up all night and he didn't want Zara to dirty her name all for his sake neither did he want Antonia to get her hands dirty again.

" Dude,are you okay? ". Antonio sat on his table.

"  Am good ". Zion nodded as he stared at Nova who was smiling at Beth.

" Just tell her you like her ". Antonio said.

" For once,Shut up ". He said playfully.

Antonio adjusted himself on the seat.

" So,you don't like her,I should shoot my shot? ".

" I liked her ".

" LikED? ". Antonio emphasized.

Zion sighed," It's complicated ".

" Ah.....How? ".

" She reminds me of someone I had a tiny crush on and I hid it and all because of her appearance and now a lookalike is here but prettier and I'll be hypocritical if I start accepting the feelings,you grab? ".

" Oh.....". Antonio paused," Chill,is it that Shirley girl? ".

Zion nodded as his best friend looked at him,he knew that the guilt was killing his friend.

" Apologize ". Antonio said.

" Apologize?...to the dead? ".

" Maybe they have a connection and to be free,you have to apologize if you're truly sorry and because you feel that there's a connection,do not tell out your feelings ". Antonio said.

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