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" Someone's life? ". Nova paused.

" You don't know us Nova,it'll be best to keep quiet ". Diane said.

" Oh am sorry if I have to know you to understand words! ". Nova stood up and went to her seat.

" You don't understand Nova,no-one is righteous,we make mistakes ".

" Okay,make your announcement ".  Nova folded her hands.

" As I was saying,with all I've said before,am coming to the conclusion that we are bringing back out Friday secrets to life! ".

" And Wednesday ". Diane giggled.

" Y'all are going to move on? ". Beth asked.

" It's high time you do Beth ". Diane said.

Amy leaned to Beth," Moving on can also bring the cats out of the bag Beth,I've said it before,make choices wisely,use anything to your advantage in this damn class ".

" Who's in? ". Blaze hollered as the class chorused "YES "

" Bring yourself tomorrow,after class,the same location ". Blaze said.

Nova sat on her seat as her eyes saw something aligned on the pavement.

'Shirley was here '.

Her eyes bulged,she was sitting on the very same secret she needed to find out.

The class was almost empty as Shirley packed her stuffs.

" Are you okay? ". Zion asked.

" Yes ".

" You Shouldn't be mad at anyone, things were said out after a long time ".

" I don't care Zion,are you going to tell me what happened to Shirley? ". Nova asked.

" Nova ". Allen called,she turned and met Allen and Princewill.

Zion turned and met Princewill and her brother.

" Come on let's go ". Allen said.

" Bye ". Nova walked out,she didn't want to talk to her brother just yet ,so she went to Princewill.

" You guys talk? ".

" You mean I and Zion? ".

" Yea...yes ".

" Uh...okay ".

" How do you know him? ". Nova asked.

" Bad history ". Princewill laughed.

" I get it...I apologize for the other day, it's up to you if you want to share your secret or not,I won't force you to ".

" Am glad you understand,but I baldly want to share one ".

" Really?..". Nova laughed," Am listening ".

" The person you were asking Zion for,I know her ".

" Shirley? ".

" Yes...Shirley Nicholas ".

" Nicholas? ". Nova paused.

" Am dying to find that girls skeleton , who was she? ".

" This is our secret and we'll continue later at my house if you reconcile with Allen and come over to my house ".

" Oh God ". Nova groaned, " Fine Fine ". She turned to Allen and ran to hug him.

" Am sorry big naughty brother ".  They laughed as Princewill smiled at them.

" Ouch ".  A girl voice said.

" Watch where you're going ". A male voice said.

" Princewill? ". Paul paused.

" What are you doing here? ". Amy asked.

" I came with Nova's brother,Allen ". He pointed to the back.

" I want us to talk Princewill,am coming over ".  Amy said.

" We're coming over ".  Paul said as Beth nodded.

" Bye Nova ". They walked past her.

" Bye lovers ".  Nova smiled at them as they left the school.

Nova knocked on Princewill's door. He opened it.

" Uh...Nova  ".

" Princewill,am so sorry I have to cancel plans with you,I promised Shantelle that I'll come over,how about we meet tomorrow? ".

" Uh..No problem ".

" Ok...Great ". Nova moved to Shantelle's house and at the same time Beth,Paul and Amy arrived at Princewill's place.

Short chapter,Am sorry.
Long one coming soon.
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And if you feel like you have a great suggestion,please PM me,I need one right now because am about to enter the writers block.
Thank you for taking your time to read all my work.

Next chapter coming soon this week or the next.


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