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Princewill,Doris,Ben,Amy,Paul,Beth and a tipsy Shantelle were in Allen's room as Prince narrated the whole story to Allen.

It was past 10 and Nova didn't come out or make any sound.

" I can't believe you guys ". Allen stared at all of them," Y'all did this to her and now she's in there back to where it started ".

" I still can't believe these ". Shantelle muttered to herself.

" What's there not to believe?,you know what I hope you all who did that to Shirley rot in hellfire! ". Doris said as Ben held her for comfort.

" Will she be the same? ". Beth whispered to Paul but everyone heard due to the silence in the room and everyone minds started wandering.

Will Nova be Shirley again or would she go forever?...

Princewill leaned on the chair and cleaned tears from his eyes,the truth was that he had fallen head over heels for Nova and he didn't want her away from her side,he couldn't just take it but then would Nova knowing fully well she's Shirley feel anything for him?...

" We're not done ". Paul broke the silence.

" What do you mean? ". Beth asked

" I mean,yes we know Nova is Shirley but is the world still stable for Shirley, Princewill's Dad is running round with a lose trousers,anyone can be the victim again and there's still no justice,the media that took Shirley's 'suicide' case up don't still know the truth of her death....". Paul stood up.

" For instance,they didn't know Antonia betrayed her friend due to jealous reasons,Brianna and other people tormented her,they didn't know Royalty Hall College is not what they think it is,they don't know she was raped and no one believed her,they didn't know her pain and finally,they don't know her supposed mother treated her badly ".

" What... ". Shantelle froze and looked at them with tears in her eyes and a mad hangover.

" You can't say anything about my mother to the media,you can't possibly take all that I have left,I mean Princewill's Dad.....

" Am sorry Shantelle but there's no two ways to these,my father and your mother have a hand in her death ".

" But there's no proof that your father raped her,don't you see what's going on Princewill,they're trying to make us orphans! ".

" Who brought this bitch into my house?! ". Allen charged at Shantelle but Paul was quick to hold him.

"Get the FUCK out of my house! ". Allen kept on screaming.

" Fucking mini bitch! ". Allen pushed Paul dragging  Shantelle out of the house. 

" You and your heartless mother will pay for your sins! ". Allen said.

Shantelle pushed his hand and ran to meet Princewill.

" Listen to me ". She held his hand," It's not like am proud of my sins or I don't want to be punished but that's all I have left,I honestly miss Shirley but if she was here she wouldn't even want my mom to suffer and take a look at you throwing your dad out for a girl who may never like you after all you've done to her! ".

And the next minute,Shantelle was on the air as Ben dumped her outside of the house.

" Now,we've gotten rid of her what's next? ". Ben asked as Doris smiled at him,for the first time he was doing something she was supposed to be doing.

" And you?,what are you going to do? Run away like that girl just did? ". Allen pushed Princewill's shoulder.

" Can I talk to her? ".

" No ". Allen responded.

" I won't beg her to open the door ". Princewill said,Allen was about to shout No before Beth held his hand.

" Let him go....please ". Beth said and Allen kept quiet.

Princewill ran upstairs and leaned on her door.

" Shirley,I know you are inside and you can hear me...Am sorry for what you heard that day and I know you felt like I never told you the truth and the truth now is that when i met you,I didn't fall in love at first sight like all those novels,I needed an inspiration and you were it and the more I got to know you,it didn't feel like a mere inspiration,I felt unique that I was with you and I did like you...like like you but I couldn't tell you because you were into Zion and I didn't want that divided attention and all ". He paused as he heard a sob in the room.

" I didn't tell you in your first life not because you were a down syndrome patient but because you felt broken and I didn't want to worsen it..You were perfect Shirley and you're incredibly strong,I hope you keep on being stronger and about my Dad,I wish you had told me ".

" The truth is that I really wouldn't have believed you immediately because I thought my Dad had a tiny bit of human in him but I guess I was wrong,a leopard never changes its spot....'Sorry' can never erase whatever you're feeling and I promise you that am not the same as that man and I'll still do everything in my will to make sure that his punishment would be while he's alive and that I promise you...And please don't near the bath tub,we still haven't gone back to that field you love,whatever happens from now on,please don't forget me ". Princewill removed his wristband and swiped it under the door and then he left.

The wristband was there for minutes and hours until it was taken and slipped on the wrist.

Hi readers,with all that's going on in the world most especially in Africa but to be precise in Nigeria #endsars movement. I hope you all are still hanging on a tiny hope that everything will be better if not now but soon.
Keep on praying and stay away from toxic media,your health must be placed first..
Also don't forget that my book is coming to an end and I need y'all now because a new book would be coming to your screen and  I need all the love.

And to my fellow Nigerians,let's hope for a better country #2023.

Kindly vote and comment and leave a comment #prayforAfrica.

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