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" Beth hold up! ". Paul ran after her.

Bethlehem kept on walking fast as the rain poured on her.

" How is she this fast? ". He asked himself and spotted Nova walking home alone.

" Nova ". Paul walked to Nova.

" Paul...Hey ". Nova turned to him.

" Beth won't wait for me,I don't think she'll listen to me ". Paul complained.

" Take ". Nova gave him her umbrella.

" Catch up with her and am sure you know how to make it up to her ". Nov a smiled.

" But you?...The rain? ". Paul asked.

" I'll be fine,I hate everything water but I'll be fine ". Nova smiled at him.

" Thanks ". Paul hugged her as he ran to chase his stubborn friend.

" Bethlehem! ". He was directly at her back now.

" Leave me alone! ". Beth cried.

" Beth just listen to me ". Paul held her hand.

" Go home with Brianna,I don't care what you guys do,both of you can get bethroted for all I care,I regret choosing you as my best friend,I just wish Shirley was alive,I would have dumped you! ". Beth cried still running.

" Where do you think you're going to? ". He ran after her.

" Home where else would I be? ". Beth frowned at him.

" Am with your house key Beth ". Paul sighed,if this wasn't a serious situation that could cause him his friendship,he would have laughed at her.

" Oh...". She paused cleaning her eyes," Give me my house key ". She said.

" Not until you listen to me ". Paul said.

" Listen to you?,we should forget that Brianna killed Shirley and we should forgive her?,She's the reason why you hated your mom,you said she gave you plenty of food so that girls wouldn't like you,you slim down for her,you starved yourself l,you have ulcer,you were literally depressed because you liked her or should I say love?..You were so in love that You didn't know I liked you,i wanted that chubby friend but you couldn't see me,I was probably to fat....Shirley would tell me that you like me but you just wanted me as a friend and I should not ruin what we had for my silly crush,I......remember what she did to me,giving me her books to copy and calling me cow and yet you still like her over me...Over us,over Shirley ". Beth cried as Paul pulled her into a hug as Beth kept on crying on his shoulders,his hands wrapped protectively over her as she hugged him back.

Minutes later,the umbrella was over Beth's head as Paul brought out a tissue and gave her as they sat on the pavement.

" Clean your nose ". He said as she took it.

" Am sorry ". They both chorused.

" No...Don't apologize ". Paul said," You've said all you needed to say and I'll talk ".

" But.....

" No...Am sorry that I couldn't see what you had for me,am sorry for liking Brianna..Am sorry for making you cry,am so sorry for slimming down when you liked me that way...
Am sorry for all those times when you liked me and I'll tell you how much I liked Brianna...Am sorry for being blind and selfish,am sorry for making her apologize to you...and Am sorry that it feels like am choosing her over you and over us and over Shirley...am sorry for the days when she called you all kind of words and I couldn't do anything about it..Would  you forgive me? ". Paul said.

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