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Nova took a deep breath as she waited patiently for Shantelle's Mom to open the door,she was scared of that feeling she had felt the last time she was there,it felt like she was supposed to hate all of them but for unknown reason,she was gradually buying her way to their heart.

" Come in ". Linda opened the door.

" Am sorry for the last time,I wasn't myself ". She apologized for slamming the door at their faces.

" It's okay dearie,I mean Shantelle is becoming more free and I'll do anything to keep that smile ". Linda said as Nova smiled and went to Shantelle's room purposely ignoring the left side of the room.

" Nova's here ". Shantelle smiled as Diane rolled her eyes.

" I didn't plan on sleepover ".

" Its not a sleepover Nova,just a great gist or let's say an invitation to the gang ". Shantelle patted the side of her bed as Nova sat down.

" Diane,where do we begin? ".

" The cliques ". Diane responded.

" I'll tag it as Clique A,B and C,Are you ready? ". Shantelle asked passing a box of cookie to Nova.

Nova accepted it.

" Clique A is mine,consists of my ex-boyfriend,Blaze aka the mastermind and my bestie,Diane and you...Clique B is Antonia lost group,which consists of her obviously and her twin,who just returned to school after years of tribulations ".

" Tribulations? ". Nova interrupted.

" A story for another day...Back to what I was saying,Antonia,Antonio and Brianna,Tonia's bestie and then let's say Zion ".

" What of C? ".

" C is like overall for people who just hate us..Like Amy,Beth and Paul? ".

" Okay...I think I knew that from day one,who's Shirley Nicholas? and don't tell me you don't know because she bears your surname ".

" She's history Nova ". Diane said," And besides that's not why we invited you,we did invite you to let you know that during the game,we're to take those other cliques down at all cost ".

" And it's obvious you're in our clique? ".

" Clique?,am friends with everyone in that class,if you haven't noticed am a girl of my words,I don't sly and besides why the hatred? ".

" Nova,it's better if you stay in one place,there's no space for many people in each clique,you'll just get hurt ". Shantelle said.

" In or Out? ".

Nova took a bite of the cookie and looked at them.

" In ".

" Great!..Our only aim is to take them down,now let's plan for tomorrow's game ".

Nova smirked,she wasn't foolish,she would never be the fuel to their fire until she knows the damn truth!.


Princewill stood at the front of Amy,Beth and Paul.

" I know that since the death of Shirley,I've not seen you guys,I wasn't myself......My Dad was a suspect and things weren't exactly going great ". He swallowed hard.

" I know Shirley would never lie about that Princewill,she would never ". Beth said.

" Yes,she wasn't lying but I tried to find proof,the one that would make my Dad pay for his sins but No,I couldn't ".

" Shirley spirit can't rest guys ". Amy spoke up," She died as everyone saw her as a liar,they saw her as someone who took her life just because she was a down syndrome,they think she was never okay with herself ".

" I have a confession to make ". Princewill said as everyone kept quiet waiting for him to speak.

" I don't know what happened that night of Zion's bash but when Shirley ran home in tears,the first person she came to meet was me and it felt like I betrayed her but I didn't ". Princewill sighed and continued.

" I have a hobby,am like a blogger of the universe of weird things of unexplainable things,I always want to find answers to things,I want to know how people feel and all....I get pages in magazines to write my findings to the world and my father moved us here and at that time I was researching on something important that I had to cancel and all sort ".

" And I met Shirley,I took interests to her and started my research on down syndrome patient ".

" What?! ". Beth eyes bulged.

" Am sorry...".

" Shirley always wondered why you were friends with her,she doubted your genuine feelings ". Paul said.

" I know,I always lied to her that I just liked her but I did....I took a liking to Shirley not just for the research but she was humble...I....I..liked Shirley,I always did ".

" Do you mean Like-like? ". Amy asked.

" Yes ". He released his breath," As much as I wanted to tell her,she was over Zion so I just hid it and went off as friends ". He said.

" Okay,take us back to what happened that night ". Beth said.

" I continued my research,I wanted to stop or at least tell her that I was an inquisitive writer but I didn't have courage to do that,I felt everything we built would crash and I never told her till that night,My friend,Laura came and was asking me if am still working on my research,her Mom owns like one of the popular magazines and I had that opportunity of publishing there ".

" So,that day Laura came and was questioning my absence on the article I was writing,I was done with the down syndrome research but I was too scared to drop it and then Laura started questioning my friendship with Shirley ". Princewill paused reliving that day.


" Or are you slowly falling in love with that girl? ". Laura asked.

" You mean Shirley,I can't date her ". He lied.

" Then what are you doing with her? ".

" Have you forgotten am on a life project..Get close to a down syndrome patient,find out more about what they feel And how human they can be ".

" And then leave her? ".

" Obvioulsy ". Princewill sighed," Well.....". He was about to continue but he heard a sound and turned to meet a crying Shirley.

" I asked you why you were my friend ". She sobbed as Princewill became speechless.

Shirley gave a sad smile and ran out.

*flashback off.

" How dare you betray her like that ". Beth hit Princewill as he closed his eyes and took the beating as Paul held his best friend.

Long chapter......whew...
You guys now know what happened that night from Princewill side.
More to come guys.

Am watching The king- Eternal Monarch and updates will be slower but am always here for you.

Kindly vote and comment.

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