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Holy by Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper.


Royalty Hall College was going down,parents were withdrawing their kids out of the school fearing for the life of their kids...Shirley's story had more light to it,the whole world had known the full story even though there was a little bit of rumour to it.

Shirley Nicholas had died not due to suicide but murder and the guilty ones were few of her classmates,her stepmother,her sister and Oscar Benjamin.

The whole world had it in mind that Zara and Antonia were behind jails but Zara and her twin brother traveled abroad with their Mom,even though the father had planned on abandoning them but the mother knew that it wasn't the best idea,they needed a motherly love and she was going to try her best.

Whereas Antonia was in the rehab...
Unfortunately for them,it was a generational mental issue and it was her turn and Antonio gave her all the support she needed.

Shantelle was still healing and atoning for her sins,she spent days in the empty Roman Catholic church crying and pleading for forgiveness and also praying for healing on her life,it was hard to erase the dirty wrinkled hands of Mr.Oscar from her mind and Princewill was always there to support her and remind her that suicide isn't the option,he always told her that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Doris and her best friend Ben were glad that they didn't miss one of the last episode with Shirley's soul in another body,they made up their mind to follow the steps of their brave friend Shirley and leave inclusion school,they didn't care if people still snicker and laugh at them when they pass by,they were glad to be in this healing process and it may be hard but they were going to be brave to see what life had in store for them.

Paul and Bethlehem were still as close as ever and Brianna had joined them and for Paul,the feelings he had for Brianna slipped away,he hoped it'll be back but for now,all he needed was friendship and they were both glad that their friend Shirley Nicholas was probably proud of them.

After the incident that fell on The Tamara household as predicted, Omisha didn't think twice to take her and the kids faraway to a new place on the mainland. Unfortunately for Nova,she had lost the memories of her in Royalty College,it was a new place for her to bear her name fully, Nova Tamara,she was getting to know Allen and Omisha little by little and they were growing again.

It wasn't easy for anyone but to Princewill it was like a miracle that she could remember only him. Although Princewill still had feelings her,he vowed to start afresh to learn her again because she was neither Shirley nor Dabria. He didn't bury Shirley memories,he always visited her stone with nice incense and he was always checking up on Shantelle and Linda as well,her health was bad and she was just informed that she's pregnant for the rapist who will probably spend his whole life picked up. She (Linda) has been talking about aborting the unborn baby but Princewill has been trying his best to convince her even though he resented her due to Shirley's matters, he knew deep down that Shirley wouldn't like that and at the end of the day,it was his brother she was planning to abort.

" Where's Nova? ". Princewill asked Allen.

" She went to dress up,where did you say you guys are going to? ". Allen asked eating his meal.

" The field...she likes the place ". He said.

" Oh...Be careful and how's Shantelle? ". Allen asked.

" She's doing well,she hasn't been coming out for months but she's moving around in the house and Diane is there for her ". Princewill sighed.

" And Linda?..Is she still thinking of aborting the baby? ".

" Well,I hope not ". Princewill sighed again.

" Dude..You hope not?..I mean this is your baby brother,I know your Dad was messed up in the head but it's not the baby's fault he came to the world,your Dad and Linda gave him an invitation card ". Allen laughed at his statement.

" Am glad you're having fun with my problem ". Princewill said sarcastically gulping his water as Allen burst into laughter.

" I can't believe you Allen ". Nova walked into the kitchen.

" Ok...Ok...am sorry but you have to try harder and change her mind ". Allen said.

" It's her embarrassment,seeing the baby's face will only bring bad memories and besides she's the one carrying a child for nine months,don't get me wrong,I don't want her to abort the baby but it's not my decision to make,I mean.....I tried,I warned her about my Dad ". He said.

" I can't believe these all happened while i was in coma,when can I get to see all of my 'friends' again? ". Nova asked.

" Very soon Nova ". Allen said and he wasn't lying,since they were 100 percent sure that the souls had departed from Nova's body,she was never going to remember a dime,all she needed to do was start afresh and they all promised not to dig up the dead again.

" Don't sleep when we come knocking ". Nova reminded her brother.

" Who's staying at home? ". Allen scoffed at her.

" Where are you going? ". Nova asked.

" On a date ". He replied.

Nova gasped," With who? ".

" Am not telling you,sorry. ". Allen said standing up.

" Princewill do you know the person? ". Nova asked.

" Don't tell her ". Allen said.

" Okay ".

" I thought we were friends ". Nova playfully beat Princewill.

" Sorry,Bros before chicks ". He said.

" Oh....wow ". Nova frowned carrying her bag as Allen laughed at her.

" Take care ". Princewill waved at Allen and rushed to meet Nova.

He leaned to her and whispered the name in her ear as Nova gasped.

Don't blame him,he couldn't let the person he likes get mad at him.


We've come to the end of Renee and am grateful for the support and the little comments,I love you guys so much.

I'll give you options.

a). Shantelle.
b). Doris.
c). Beth.
d). Antonia.

That's all,when the book grows more than it is,I'll tell the answer in my new book.

TWO WORLD'S APART IS COMING SOON,keep on checking my profile and wait for the blurb on the next chapter.

BOOK ENDED ON 6th of November,2020.

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