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Zara frowned as she kept on searching through Google for Shirley Nicholas as they showed her a lot of profiles bearing the same name.

" Can you be less sarcastic now? ". She hurled at her laptop.

Someone knocked as she frowned.

" Who's there,am busy ".

" Busy with your books right?,please open the door ". Zion said.

She couldn't refuse Zion now,she overheard her parents talking about taking Zion out of the country according to their prayerful Mother, Zion was going to pay for his sins and that means Shirley was alive somewhere and she needed answers fast.

" Come in ". Zara opened the door.

" What have you been searching for Zara? ". He asked.

" Nothing ". Zara grinned.

" Tell me what's bothering you,that's the sixth rule of our twin code ".

" Actually it's the first but I'll tell you anyways,it's about you and that dead witch! ".

" Dead witch? ". Zion sat down.

" Shirley Nicholas,who else? ". Zara threw her hands in the air.

" What?..Zara you don't speak evil about the dead ". Zion whispered.

" Dead? ". Zara scoffed," You think she's fucking dead,she's alive Zion and she wants to take you away from us ". She was at the verge of tears.

" Zara,we attended her funeral and they saw her corpse,what else could you be thinking about,that she reincarnated? ". Zion held his sister's hand.

" But Nova....

" We've done this to Shirley and it's eating up our soul,let's leave Nova and let her be ".

" What kind of name is Nova self?, who gets transferred in SS3 and out of the empty seats why Shirley's? ".

" Zara,I offended Shirley,no matter the different types of drugs and olive oil mom use on me,I have a hand in her death and whatever price I have to pay for that,let it happen, nothing is hidden under the sun forever Zara and I hope you understand that,you barely spoke to Shirley and that means there's no blood stain on you but if you get involved with Nova then who will look after Mom and Dad?,think about it ". Zion kissed her forehead and stood up.

" Zion wait,did you like Shirley? ". Zara asked as tears welled up in his eyes.

" I took the truth serum when someone asked me that question and it was No but I liked her,she was clingy and sometimes annoying but I liked her ". He licked his lips and sniffed.

" Sometimes when I try to look pass her physical appearance it was impossible and maybe that's why I didn't like her ".  He said.

" Nova?..Do you like her? ".

" She reminds me of Shirley but a different face,I feel like an hypocrite but that's who I truly am,an hypocrite ". Zion said as he left.

Zara sighed facing her laptop," How can I prove it to you Zion?,How can I prove that Nova is Shirley but how are they related? ". She groaned and opened Instagram typing Nova but she saw many profiles.

" What's that her surname?..Nova..uh.
uh...Tamala..Tamara ". She typed Tamara as Dabria Tamara popped out.

Zara sat up and checked the profile,it had Nova's pictures,her and Allen her brother and most of her former classmates.

" Who's Dabria? ". Zara sat up and splited the screen as she went to Google to type Nova and the meaning came out.

" The sudden brightness of an inconspicuous star ". She kept on searching until she saw a book titled 'Nova' she read the story information and it was all about Reincarnation.

" Shirley,Nova and Dabria can be the same person ". She packed all her stuffs and called Shantelle.

" Yes Zara ". Shantelle replied.

" Uh..I just want to ask if the girls night is happening? ".

" This Saturday is hectic,I and Beth have to work on our essay and am tired but if you want to hang out,am open ".

" No..No,just organize a sleepover or something like that,to get the girls to unite and all ".

" I'll do that soon. Take care,am busy ".  Shantelle hung up as Zara's heart skipped and she was scared,if this was a reincarnation thingy,that means Shirley was back to make them bleed for their sins.

* * *

Omisha walked into the hut of an aged woman probably in her 80's who was known as the seer but she was a good astrologist.

She's a Jamaican woman and Omisha's old aunt,she had a long black dreads with white beads on it,if this was left for a typical Nigerian actor,he would call her ' an herbalist ' and that was her home not a shrine.

" Aunt Winnie ". Omisha smiled taking a look at the surrounding which now has lots of stars and weird orbs.

" Omisha,what brings you here today? ". The old woman croaked.

" It's Allen,my son...I've been thinking of telling him everything,the whole reincarnation thing but what if he doesn't appreciate her as Shirley? ".

" My dear,why are you bothered about the cat that ran away from the bag years ago? ".

" Huh....cat?..Does Allen know? ".

She hummed nodding her head.

" How?...What am scared of the most is everyone finding out that my child is dead and another lives in her,you know how these Nigerians think,they'll say my child is possessed ".

" But the cat is out,Omisha ".

" Will everyone find out? ". Omisha sighed.

The old woman squinted her eyes around the orb muttering incoherent words as she shook her head tremendously.

" What Aunt? ".

" Dabria is gone ". The old woman squinted her eyes closer," Shirley is gone ". and her eyes closed," Nova will have to go ".

" What?! ". Omisha shrieked," Nova will go,but the old man last time said I'll have a daughter ".

" Dabria was death,she just came to give you sorrow and leave and she did but Nova has to let go of Shirley ".

" What do you mean? ".

" When she's done,you will know and when you find out,go far away even back to Jamaica ".

Omisha frowned,she loved it here in Nigeria.

" Does it have to be Jamaica? ".

" No,it doesn't,am laying examples my dear but listen carefully,Nova is in danger when they know and it's up to whoever really likes Shirley that can save her ".  The aged woman looked at Omisha and for the first time in a long time,she was scared.

" You're Omisha,You're a seer of life and death only you can tell if Nova is going to be dead or alive ".

Omisha sighed throwing her head back,she hated all these.

And it's left to Omisha.

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