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" I honestly don't get why you're going to school so early Nova ". Allen yawned.

Nova sighed turning to him," It's just for today Allen,I don't want to go with Shantelle because she has a lot of explaining to do and am weirdly feeling the vibe ".

" Vibe for what?!..". Allen raised his voice.

" What's going on here? ". Omisha entered.

" Allen,I think you should stop hanging on my neck ". Nova walked out angrily as Omisha turned to her son.

" Didn't I tell you not to bother her? ". His mother yelled.

" Well am sorry if I care for my sister a lot ".

" Allen Son,these things are hard to explain ".

" Explain to me Mom,give me reasons why you changed her name to Nova and her recent weird  behaviour,and if you can't give me,then bear our  quarrels because it won't end here ".

" You have guest sleeping over Allen, reduce your voice ". Omisha said as Allen walked out. But it was too late,Princewill had heard.

Allen entered his  room to wash his face.

" Hey. Are you okay? ".Princewill asked.

" It's just my sister,she has been acting weird lately ".

" She has semantic amnesia,Allen,she can't remember a lot of things she likes ". Obinna added.

" Yes,I know ". Allen sighed.

" If you love her,support her now,other things don't matter ". Obinna said. Princewill was lost,he couldn't understand what they were getting at,so Nova has amnesia?.

Nova smiled when she entered the class,she heard sobs and then she put on the light.

Antonia was curled up in one corner crying.

" Antonia? ". Nova said.

" Am so sorry Shirley,I didn't mean it,I swear hear me out ". Antonia screamed.

" Antonia,it's me Nova ". Nova said as Antonia paused and looked up.

" You look messed up,are you okay? ".

Antonia wiped her eyes," Am fine ".

David walked in and noticed the condition of Antonia,he knew she has a stupid flaw which put SHIRLEY NICHOLAS six feet down but he believed there was a good side in her and even if most of them changed after HER death,the feeling he had  for her never died,he knew over the months that the guilt was eating her,so he always came early to make her feel better.

" Is she okay? ". He went to her side.

" She was crying ". Nova was confused.

" David ". Antonia cried as he pulled her for a hug.

" Who is Shirley? ". Nova thought walking back to her seat.

Nova's mind wasn't in the class,she felt giddy that Zion was at her back,she needed to know who Shirley was.

" Nova are you even listening? ". The angry teacher asked.

Nova looked around.

" Uh...Yes miss ".

" If you say so now tell me the last word I said? ".

" Uh...". Nova's eyes roamed the board but what was written  on the board was a totally different subject.

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