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Nova blinked again as she opened her eyes and shut it immediately due to the bright light.

" Turn the lights off...geez! ". She yawned sitting up.

" Nova ". Allen hugged her tight.

" Okay,what's going on? ". Nova sat up and smiled at Princewill who didn't return it back.

" My dear,you need to rest ". Omisha said.

" Rest?..I don't even know whether we are in a new year ". Nova said.

" Stop exaggerating dear,it's  Thursday ".

" And? ".

" You slumped at Zion's house and he took you to the hospital but the doctor said you were fine and they injected you because you needed to rest ". Omisha said

" What about school? ". Nova stood up.

" Nope,not today...we'll skip that,get enough rest,am going to work,love you ". Omisha left the room.

Nova stood up," So boys aren't you going out or you guys want to look after me ".

" Look after you,maybe Princewill but we are off ".  Allen kiseed her forehead as Obinna hugged her.

" So,are you going to keep staring at me or tell me the reason why you are mad ". Nova turned to Princewill

" Why Nova?,Why did you go there?".

" Because he's a classmate ". She went to her wardrobe," and he was sick ".

" I warned you to stay away from him,didn't I? ".

" Yes you did but I don't recall any reason why ". Nova turned to him.

" Listen Nova,I couldn't save her but am hoping I can save you,am hoping you'll make this easier for me and stay away.. see you later ".  Princewill left.

Nova sighed dropping on the bed as she recalled her and Zion's conversation.

" What?You have nothing to say,what are you going to do next?,call me a retard ".

" I was being such a fool,how can I say that,where did retard come from?,how stupid I was ". She groaned.

" But....why?,I mean ". Nova scratched her itching scalp," Why did I slump,am not sick,and why would I think he would call me a retard? ". Nova sighed sitting on her bed.

" Allen is right,am weird ".  She shrugged it off going downstairs to get her meal.

She jumped on the chair to eat her well cooked rice and stew when her doorbell rang.

" Seriously?,you couldn't just wait for me to finish eating! ". She groaned and ignored whoever it was as she continued eating her meal when the doorbell rang again.

She rolled her eyes and stood up drawing her playsuit down as she opened the door and then her jaw dropped.

" What are you doing here? ". She stuttered.

" You're welcome ". Zion replayed her actions that day.

She rolled her eyes," Am serious Zion, I don't want to talk  about anything ".

" I was hoping for a 'thank you' ". He said.

" For what? ".

" I don't know,for you being alive when you slumped ".

Nova frowned.

" Sorry ". He said.

" Just come in ". Nova closed the door as she went back to eat her meal changing the channel as Keeping Up With The Kardashians played on the screen.

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