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Princewill put spaghetti inside his mouth as he stared at the laptop that was playing something about heart transplant and then his door went ajar.

" Shantelle! ". He was confused.

" I need to talk ".

Princewill gulped his water and paused his video.

" Sit ".

" It's not time for sitting Princewill, this was something I would have done months back but I just realized that I miss Shirley and no matter how hard I want to get her out of my memory,it's just not possible..My mom is being a real bitch right now and.....your Dad is starting to get on my nerves..I need your help to expose your Dad ".

Princewill swerved his chair to her direction.

" When Shirley told you she was raped,why didn't you tell me?,why didn't you take it serious? ".

" Hello...excuse me,I told her to tell you but I guess she didn't want to and I believed her even though I find it hard to believe and what did you do that time I told you,you said your father will never,you also hesitated before pointing hands at your father.. we all have doubts in us and it resurfaced in that time ".

" So why are you here now?,to blame me for being doubtful,if I told you that your mother killed my Dad,won't you hesitate? ".

" Of course I will ".

" And that's exactly what I did but even if I still doubted you at that time,I went around looking for proof to take my own father down while you,your mother and your rich snobs blamed the victim again ".

Shantelle smiled folding her hand on her chest," What do you think I am,a monster?..I saw truth in Shirley's eyes but I needed evidence,I went to meet the person I know that Shirley trusted the most,I went to meet Antonia and she took advantage of the situation ".

" The deed is done now ". Princewill swerved back to his laptop," You never liked Shirley after all and besides there's no proof ".

Shantelle groaned as tears rolled from her eyes," Please Princewill,I know I was never good to her,I can't change what has happened but I can do something for her,like find her rapist ".

Princewill scoffed," And her murderers? ".

" Shirley commited suicide ". Shantelle whispered.

" No,she was murdered by you,by your mom by your rich friends and that boy with the largest ego,Zion or whatever he calls himself ".

Shantelle crouched to the floor crying.

Princewill sighed," We are all guilty,Shantelle ". He squat in front of her," Nemesis will catch up with my Dad and with every one of us who has a hand in her death ".

" I feel it's too late to say sorry ".

" We'll find evidence Shantelle,I promise Shirley that ". Princewill went back to his seat and passed water to Shantelle.

" Thank you ". Shantelle said.

" Am busy,we'll see later ". Princewill said.

" Ok. Bye ". Shantelle left the house bumping into Mr. Oscar.

" Shantelle what are you doing here? ". He asked as Shantelle rolled her eyes and gave him the middle finger.

" Soon Shantelle soon ". He bit his lower lips looking lustfully at Shantelle.


There was nothing more annoying than  Monday morning when you're on your period and then your mom is yelling at you being late to school whereas your handsome  brother is trying to crack a joke but you can't decipher whether it's a horror story or if you were actually supposed to laugh,it's probably the latter.

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