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" Uh.....Hi Princewill ". Linda giggled as Princewill stared at the lady in towel and a used condom on her hand.

" What are you doing? ". Princewill asked.

" What do you mean,obviously I just finished.........

" Am not talking about your sex life,am talking about your real life,you're sleeping with a man who raped your daughter? ". Princewill said

" Oscar,your father didn't rape Shantelle ". Linda said.

" You know who am talking about ". He said out of anger.

Linda sighed," There was no proof that he slept with Shirley and Shirley is an imbecile,not to be rude or anything but even an imbecile cannot think of raping Shirley ".

Princewill felt like struggling her to death.

" How can you speak like that about the dead! ". Princewill was at the verge of tears.

" Heyy,son just live your life,Shirley is not coming neither did your father rape her and trust me,I take rape seriously but I know Oscar well,my future husband can't think of it ". Linda smiled and walked away.

Princewill crouched to the ground as he sobbed remembering what happened to Nova yesterday.

He stood by the door as Nova laid on the bed and Allen by her side.

Omisha,Nova's mom was talking to the doctor.

" Is there any history of brain disease that I should know? ".

" Uh...she had a fatal heartache and underwent surgery and she woke up with Amnesia,semantic amnesia to be precise ". Omisha said.

" Uh....was there any complications before the surgery? ".

" Am not quite sure doctor but she couldn't remember her own name but she knows  her brother ".

" Am afraid Mrs Omisha but this is a rare case,spiritualist call this case Reincarnation,are you aware of that? ".

Tears welled up in Omisha's eyes as her lips trembled in fear,what would the whole world think of her when they find out another child is in her daughter's body.

" What's that doctor? ". Omisha acted.

" The rebirth of a soul in a physical body but because am a doctor and not a spiritualist,I'll speak with some neurosurgeon and let you know what's wrong medically but at the mean time, the signals Miss Nova Tamara is showing that she's going to have severe amnesia after recovering this present amnesia ".

Omisha stared at the doctor as Princewill and Allen made eye contact.

" As a doctor,I'll say she'll recover the memories of her former self but a spiritualist will tell you she'll recover the memory of the soul in her but I guess we'll have to find out ". The doctor said as Omisha left the room with the doctor.

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