Field Trip (Part 1)

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Hey! Author here! I've seen a lot of these "Field Trip" stories and I'm not quite sure who did it first. This one is completely my own, with no copied writing. It's really long so I'm spitting it into parts. I'm not sure how many yet. Hope you enjoy.

Peter Parker was sitting in the back of his home room class, fiddling with his web shooters on his wrist. He wasn't really paying attention to his teacher, his mind on other things, but when the word "Avengers" slipped out Mr. Oakland's mouth Peter almost fell out his chair. He started listening.

"We will be taking a field trip to Stark Tower. There will be a tour of the tower and we might meet some of the Avengers!"

Oh no.

The bell rung and the students filed out. Peter walked out, then felt a sharp tug on the back of his shirt collar. It was Flash and some of his goons. Sorry, "friends".

"What'ca think of the field trip?"

Pete tried not to give into Flash and just shrugged.

He smirked, "Scared we'll all figure out you don't actually work with Tony Stark?"

People were staring a bit now, Peter held his ground. "What do you mean? I told you I have an internship with Mr. Stark."

"Yeah. A fake one." Flash scoffed.

Pete rolled his eyes and walked away.


The fateful day finally arrived. Peter got up early and walked down to Midtown. Even though he woke a half-an-hour early, he was still one of the last on the bus. He quickly found Ned and slipped in the seat.

Unfortunately, Flash was sitting in the seat next to him. Pete put in his earbuds and tried to ignore him nagging the whole ride.

They arrived and were herded in the building's lobby. In front of them was a badge scanner. Next to it was a sign.

| |
| Level 1: Visitor Pass (limited access) |
| Level 2: Low-Ranking Employees |
| Level 3: High-Ranking Employees |
| Level 4: S.H.I.E.L.D Agents |
| Level 5: Avengers |
| Level 6: Elite |
| |

A woman in a grey pencil skirt, pink blouse, white heels and pearls sat up from behind the front desk. Peter recognized her immediately. It was Trisha. She was always nice to him and smelled like lilac. She walked over, her long, light brown hair swishing with her walk. Flash let out a low whistle. Anger boiled up in Pete until it spilled out his ears. He punched him in the arm, careful not to break it with super strength, though he definitely wanted to. Flash looked like he was gonna pulverize him but Pete dodged his weak punch and moved to the back of the line. Trisha saw the whole thing at flashed her signature smile at Peter. He smiled back. Then she cleared her throat loudly, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hi! My name's Trisha and I'll be your tour guide today!" She said cheerfully. "I'll start by passing out your visiting badges. Then hold them at this scanner and walk through. Like this." Trisha demonstrated with her badge.

Stark's female AI, FRIDAY, stated "Trisha Jackson, Level 3."

One by one, Trisha handed a student a pass, they held it up, FRIDAY said "Visitor Pass, Level 1" and the student walked through.

Peter stepped forward and Trisha smiled at him, "Hey Peter! Do you have your pass?"

Pete dug his landyard out of his back pocket "Yeah. Thanks Trish."

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