Field Trip (Part 3)

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Steve Rodgers knocked then entered the room. He scanned the shocked teens until he found the familiar curly haired one.

"Hey Peter! I brought you down lunch."

"Thanks Mr. Rodgers. You didn't have to though."

"Nonsense kid. I wanted to meet your class anyway."

"Oh ok. Mr. Rodgers, this is my class. Guys, this is Steve Rodgers AKA Captain America."

Peter told the captain. Then he pointed to Ned and MJ, "And those are my friends, Ned and MJ."

Steve laughed, "The famous Ned and MJ. Ned, I heard you like legos. Clint gave me a Captain America set, you could help me build it." Ned almost fainted, MJ had to hold him up. Steve laughed again and continued, "And MJ. Pete told me how much you love sketching people. Maybe you can give me some tips? I can never get the proportions right."

MJ almost showed emotion, "Sure Rodgers. I think Ned will take you up on your offer as well."

Steve handed Peter the tupperware container and walked out. Flash was looking especially murderous.

~Meanwhile, in the Avengers common area~

Tony was in the kitchen, Bruce was sitting on the counter. Natasha and Clint finally came out of the vents and were sitting at the table behind the couch. Sam and Bucky we're sitting on the couch watching a movie. Wanda was sitting in the other end of the couch, trying to braid Bucky's hair with her magic. He kept swatting at the magic like it was a fly. The elevator dinged and Steve walked out. He sat at the counter, next to Bruce.

"Ya know the weirdest thing just happened."

"What Capsicle?"

"Well I was dropping off Peter's lunch and this kid in the back was shooting death glares at him." Steve said.

Natasha looked up, "I think I saw him too. Short, tan skin, with the black hair?"

Steve nodded.

"I saw him too!" Wanda said, "He looked so mad at Pete, I thought I was gonna have to witch out on him."

Bucky paused the movie, "I had an unpleasant interaction with him. He asked me how much Peter paid me to saw I knew him. He even called Pete a name."

Tony looked surprised at this, Bruce spoke up. "Was it Penis Parker? Trisha, the tour guide, was talking about him. His name is Eugene Thompson. Apparently he's been trying to throw punches at Peter the whole trip."

Tony looked furious. Then something clicked in his head, "Remember two days ago, when the kid came in with a black eye? He said it was from patrol the night before, but with his healing, it should have been gone. Or when Pete came in with a gash on his elbow and he said he tripped?"

"I was there that time." Nat said, "Peter's eye twitched. He was lying."

Sam looked over at Tony, "You don't think?"

"Peter could pulverize that guy in his sleep. You guys don't really think Eugene's bullying him?"

"All the signs point to it." said Steve.

Tony was channeling his inner Irondad, "Oh he's so dead."

~Back to the tour~

Peter's class was finishing up lunch. Trisha stood and announced they would be going up to one of Tony Stark's labs and meeting him.
Flash smirked at Peter's worried face, "You're so busted Penis."

~Time Yeet~

The tour walked into the spacious lab. It was bigger than Dr. Banner's and Peter's. In front of them was Tony Stark, but they didn't expect Steve Rodgers, James Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, and Wanda Maximoff to be behind him. The high school class was standing face to face with most of the Avengers.

"Hey everyone. As you probably know, I'm Tony Stark. I hope you all are having a good time here in the Tower." Stark said in a sickly sweet voice. "Now before you all ask me questions, let me ask you a question. Which one of you is Eugene Thompson?"

The class split and left Flash in the middle. He walked right up to Tony with a smug look on his face.

"Hey Tony. I'm sure you've heard of me."

Steve spoke up, "Yeah we have,"

"but not in a good way." Bucky finished.

Tony grabbed Flash's collar and spoke through gritted teeth. "If you ever lay a finger on Peter Parker ever again, you'll have the Avengers to deal with. Got it?" Eugene nodded nervously. "Good. Get out of my tower, we don't host bullies." Tony dropped his collar aggressively.

Trisha directed Thompson out of the room.
The class and the Avengers started mingling. Steve found his way to Peter.

"Why didn't you tell us you were being bullied?"

Peter sighed, "I don't know. I guess I'd rather have Eugene bully me instead of anyone else because I know I can take it."

Steve smiled, "Ok. If he bullies you or anyone else, tell us. Bucky, Nat, and Tony are fighting over who gets to kill him."

Yay! I'm working on another concept for a multi part but for now, more one part minis! <3 u all 3000!

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