Actually he's my whole world.

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Hello hello. Request from SassyPrincesa3 It was a pretty old request but we're good.

Peter hopped onto his weekly zoom check in. He despised these because Flash liked to bully him extra considering the teacher does absolutely nothing to stop him. Pete loaded in and sure enough Flash unmuted.

"What up Penis Parker? How's your stay at 'Avenger's Tower'?"

"Great thanks for asking Flash." Peter shot back. He didn't like Flash bringing his family into this.

~ time ʕʔ skiparoo ~

"Boss. I think you might want to visit Peter's room."

Tony looked up at the ceiling, even though FRIDAY didn't have a face to look at, "I thought he was on a zoom."

"He is. There's a peer of his saying some questionable things." FRIDAY replied.

This made Tony give his undivided attention, which few things get. "Like what?"

A boy's voice rang out throughout the lab, "Hey where's your fake dad Tony Stark, Penis?"

Tony got up abruptly. "That's it. I'm committing a felony." He strode out of the lab, muttering "But I'm his real dad." To himself.
When he reached Peter's room, he pressed his ear against the door. Tony almost punched a hole straight through the door.

"Come on Penis. We all know you're just their charity case. How could a useless orphan like you mean anything to the Avengers?"

That did it. Tony slammed the door open. "Actually he's my whole world."

Peter spun backward in alarm. The Zoom class went dead silent.

Peter's voice went oddly high, "Uhh hey Mr. Stark....I'm kind of in cl-"

Tony put on his dad voice, "We are talking after this. ALL of us."

"Ok Mr. Stark..... Wait. All of us all of us?"

"Yes. Everyone is hearing this."

"Oh Thor."

~ time ʕʔ skiparoo ~

Peter Parker walked the walk of shame from his room to the living room, where every single Avenger had gathered.

"Sit down son." Steve said.

Peter settled into the arm chair across from all of them.

"How long?" Natasha asked.

Pete mumbled something.

"What was that Petey?" Wanda piped from the back.

"Middle school."

"Middle school? That kid was so scrawny it looked like he hadn't eaten in days. You could pulverize him with your pinky." Stark said.

"Why'd you wait this long for us to find out?" Bucky asked.

"I guess I just thought I would rather it be me because I know I can take it and heal rather than someone else getting hurt."

Clint looked serious, which was an odd sight, "That's honorable bud but why didn't you tell a teacher?"

Peter sighed. "I did. It doesn't help. He can bully me I right in front of the teachers and they don't do anything. His parents are rich and fund the whole school."

Tony laughed, "You know wow else's parents are rich?"


Pepper fished her phone out of her pocket. "Yours. I'm making some calls."

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