☆ Chapter 11 ☆

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When the radar picked up on serpentine activity, you could bet that the ninja were down there immediately, ready to catch whoever they had seen slithering around

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When the radar picked up on serpentine activity, you could bet that the ninja were down there immediately, ready to catch whoever they had seen slithering around. The team ended up cornering a quivering Venomari troop, who burst into tears during the interrogation and revealed information related to Pythor's whereabouts.

Once they got back to the Bounty, the ninja reported everything they learned to the rest of the team. Leaving it to Nya to find the location of the last Fangblade, with the help of a very enthusiastic Y/n who wanted to show Lloyd how much she had learned over the last few weeks.

A frustrated scowl crossed the black haired teen's face as she looked at the map, "The Venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade."
She grumbled, overcome with frustration as she smacked her hands onto the various buttons in front of her.

"Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one. We gotta get it. We gotta think of something."
Jay said with exasperation as he looked at everyone, who all racked their thoughts together jn an attempt to find a way to obtain the last fangblade before Pythor could.

Y/n also looked to be in some degree of distress, though she was more confused than anything else as she pressed various keys, the radar still showing nothing on the screen. She was almost out of ideas herself, and very nearly dropped into a slump until she heard her dear friend perk up with an idea of his own.
"Hey," the blonde-haired boy grabbed everyone's attention, a grin on his face. Lloyd stepped closer to Y/n, placing a hand on her shoulder as she turned to him.

"All we have to do is just get one Fangblade to stop him. What if we take back the other three?"
He gave her a grin, and slowly Y/n started to see how his idea made sense, finishing off his thought as they both turned to the others.

"I get where you're coming from...Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. So he's probably hidden them somewhere while he goes for the fourth because if he takes all of them with him to the last Fangblade, he could be afraid he'll run into you guys with them all!" Y/n finished as she started to smile widely.

Cole stared at the two silently, before he groaned and smacked his face with a hand.
"It's so simple!"

"Huh, why didn't I think of that?" Kai commented, agreeing with the idea. The kids grinned at each other and high fived as they saw everyone nodding their heads.

"Aaahda ta it can't be that easy,"
Jay interjected, looking to Zane to run the diagnostics of the mission, and come out with the percentage that they would come out of that plan alive.

The White Ninja nodded, " My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals."

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