Chapter 1:

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~ Hey it's the Author here I just wanted to say a few things before you start reading.

This story includes a lot of very strong and possibly triggering topics that will come up without any warning. These topics are all listed at the bottom of the book's description so please look if you haven't already :)


Even as a High School Senior, there was still a lot Jack didn't know about his own family. The most he had ever gotten out of his father was the title of "Professional Gambler" which translated to blowing all of their savings on Poker games and slot machines. His mother did mostly volunteer work, never taking on a long-term job which always surprised him, she had such a motivation to work especially to try and keep up with her husband's spending habits yet she never stayed in the same position for long.
Though Jack believed this was how every family functioned - he never really made friends in school so he had no one else to really compare his own dysfunctional family to. The only thing that ever set off red flags for him was his father's desire to teach Jack how to shoot a gun, which was something his mother always stopped from happening. Sure his parents had arguments that resulted in his father disappearing for the night but that's how every family functioned... right?

Jack sighed as he came to a stop at a crosswalk, he hated having to walk home from school but yet again no one had remembered to pick him up from school after his Theater Club Meeting. Even though he was technically counted as an adult now, his parents refused to allow him to drive nor did they have the money to buy him a car. Jack found himself walking home alone on most days because neither parent remembered to pick him up from school and riding the bus was a nightmare.
Being a Theater kid with a dead-beat father made you a walking target for countless bullies.

The roads were oddly quiet this particular afternoon, Jack humming quietly to the music playing in his earbuds as he waited for the crosswalk sign to change green.
Before he could react a black van came to a screeching stop in front of him, men jumping out and shoving him inside. Jack hit the floor of the van hard, the wind getting knocked out of them as the men jumped inside and the van went speeding off down the road. Something that felt like zip ties secured Jack's hands behind his back as he screamed - though opening his mouth only allowed one of the captures to shove a cloth of some kind into his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up kid," one of the men growled as a bag went over Jack's head. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to kick at the men around him, screaming against the cloth in his mouth. He could hear them laughing, finding his attempts at escape to be amusing while the zip ties dug into his skin hard enough to draw blood.

What felt like hours later the van finally came to a stop. Jack could hear the door sliding open as he was grabbed and pulled to his feet. Jack couldn't tell where they were going with the bag over his head, so he tried to calm himself down enough to rely on his other senses. But with how panicked and overwhelmed he was, Jack couldn't focus on anything other than his own panic.

After what felt like a maze of twists and turns Jack was shoved down into a chair, his arms pinned awkwardly behind him as the bag was ripped off his head. His eyes burned from the sudden bright light as he looked around, expecting danger only to see he was in what appeared to be a home office. The walls were lined with overflowing bookshelves, the room bare of furniture other than a large black desk he was sitting in front of, a black office chair sat behind said desk.
Once they believed Jack was secure in the chair one of the men called out, "Boss!"

Almost imminently a man entered the room - he was tall, jet black hair and cold eyes. He wore a fancy suit, the visible skin on his hands littered with scars. He walked with confidence - everyone in the room clearly afraid of what he might do if they disobeyed his orders.
He went over to Jack, looking him up and down with a smirk before kneeling down and removing the gag from Jack's mouth.
"Don't start screaming and shouting otherwise it's going back on," the man explained calmly. His deep voice almost seemed to echo through the room.

Jack could only manage a slight nod, his body trembling and the tears starting to fall once again.
"Now now, no need for all that..." the man cooed before looking at his men - a silent order for them to leave the room. "I'm not going to hurt you unless you make me."

The man's words didn't seem to help Jack calm down any - only made the teenager feel like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. At the rate of his breathing, Jack was probably going to end up hyperventilating if he didn't calm down.
"Just breathe."
"What... What the hell is your problem??"

The man seemed surprised by the sudden attitude, a glint of amusement in his eyes as he smirked. "Fiesty aren't we? Well..." he straightened up, heading over to his desk and leaning against the wood. "You should know that Seán."
The use of his real name only made Jack panic worse, "N-No I don't! You're fucking i-insane just let me go home! I-I promise... I won't tell anyone..."
A frown came across the man's face as he listened to Jack's demands turn into begging. While he had seen plenty of men beg for their lives before, Jack made his heart ache.

"Your father stole quite a lot of money from me..."
"Y-You're lying!"
"Tsk." The man scolded as he stepped closer, arms now resting on the armrests of Jack's chair. Jack leaned back in the chair as far as he could to put as much space between him and the stranger as he could. "It's rude to interrupt, don't you have any manners?" When Jack fell silent he sighed, stepping away and straightening his sleeves.

"I entrusted him to complete a task for me and instead he turned and ran... used my 15 million dollars on hookers and slot machines. Since he decided to steal from me I decided to steal from him."
"M-My father would never-"
"Oh bullshit," he laughed. "Seán you have no idea what your parents get up to behind closed doors. I'd be shocked if they even realize you're gone yet."
"E-Even if this all was real... my parents don't have that k-kind of money! Please just let me g-go..."

The man shrugged his shoulders, clearly starting to grow annoyed by Jack's persistent begging. "Listen closely Seán. I don't give a shit how long your family takes, they could take a century for all I care. Until I get my money you are staying here. Now I cam make your stay comfortable or I can make it a living hell. Your choice."
Jack fell silent which caused the man to say, "Good boy."

The praise made Jack feel sick - this man was out of his mind. This had to all be a wild dream, he must've fainted while walking home or gotten hit by a car. Any moment he would wake up in a hospital bed or back home with his mom worrying over his bedside.

The man's movements broke Jack out of his thoughts - Jack looking up only to see the glint of a blade in the stranger's hand. Panic rose in Jack's chest again, the teenager trying to squirm away from the approaching man only to go still when he heard a snap.
He pulled his hands out from behind his back, rubbing his sore wrists as he looked up at the man with surprise.

"I don't intend on hurting you Seán, as I said you are a guest."
"S-Stop calling me Seán... only my mom c-calls me that..."
"Alright, Jack it is then," he replied with a grin. "I guess I should introduce myself as well then... you can call me Dark."
"Y-Your name is Dark...?"
"My street name is Dark, my real name is only known by a handful of people I can trust."

Before Jack could ask anything else a man entered the room, "His room is prepared Sir."
"Wonderful," Dark hummed as he held out a hand for Jack to take. But even in his shaken state Jack stood on his own, not wanting Dark to touch him.

"I believe he will behave for you Baker, but please let me know if he tries anything. I'd like to handle it... personally."
"Yes Sir," the man replied with a nod before gesturing for Jack to follow.

Knowing he had no choice, Jack quickly followed behind the man addressed as Baker. He looked friendly - gentle green eyes and ashy black hair. Baker had a smaller build compared to Dark but, he still looked rather tough... definitely not someone Jack would want to mess with.
Baker walked Jack through an absolutely massive mansion, Jack getting lost in the constant turns but Baker seemed to know the layout of the building like the back of his hand. Eventually they came to a stop in front of a room, "This is yours for now."

Inside it was bare other than a simple bed - not even a window lined the walls. There was a small door to the left that most likely led to a bathroom that was just as baren.

"I suggest you try to get some rest. Dinner's already been served so you'll have to wait for morning." Baker explained as Jack stepped into the room. "Goodnight." Before he could react the door was closed and Jack heard it lock.

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