24 - Chapter Twenty-Four - Emerson Bennett's Point Of View.

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When Maddox walked through the door looking the way he did, I knew things were going to get worse before they got better. Fast forward four days and things were still really tense around here. I heard from my father the Jackson had his own live-in psychiatrist now, Dr. Martin.  Maddox felt really bad about the attack, he offered to pay for the rebuilding of the building and extra cash for his troubles.  Maddox also told him for the time being this was probably the safest place for him for a while. Addison, his daughter and his husband stayed with us for two days before they went back home. This new family proved to be a problem as they were allied with none and attacked all the families, or at least that's what I had heard Maddox say over the phone.

Maddox had made me quit my job, which at this rate was better than being dead. Cade moved into my mother's home permanently, stating it would be safer for her that way. Well, I agreed, I felt like telling him he didn't have to justify wanting to stay with my mom permanently. it was nice to see him really making my mother happy.  A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. The door opened and Jackson brought Rosie and Dr.Martin inside. I really hoped he asked Maddox first. Considering Maddox was in no mood to play host right now.

"I hope we aren't bugging you," Jackson said setting Rosies bag down.
"No, No, the more the merrier. Honestly, I could use some company."
"Maddox said you would probably enjoy the company."
"Yeah, yeah, Im sure Dr.Martin would enjoy the normal company as well."
"Jackson is not a bad company when you get over the fact he has OCD, and an ego the size of Texas. But that's just my professional opinion."

I bit back the urge to chuckle at the doctor's remarks. Jackson kissed Rosie and left. I enjoyed having Rosie around, she was a really good kid. You could tell the good doctor hadn't really been sleeping by the dark circles around his eyes.

"Im going to take a shot in the dark and say you really haven't been sleeping well."
"Im having nightmares, and as hard I try to use my logical brain and tell myself its a natural result of the trauma I went through, I still can't seem to make it better."
"Dr.Martin it's only been four days since the attack."
"That's just it, its been four days, and I still can't shake the feeling of the windows blowing out, or the sound of my ears ringing."

Rosie was a smart child, she stopped playing with her toys and came and nuzzled Dr.Martins leg.

"Daddy says it will be ok soon, daddy's always right."

Dr.Martin smiled softly at Rosie.

"I trust your daddy to be right then."

Content with Dr.Martins's answer Rosie ran off to play with her toys again. I went and grabbed Dr.Martin a freshly baked cookie and handed it to Dr.Martin.

"I've treated this kind of trauma for years, I never thought at thirty I would have to treat myself for the same kinds of traumas."

It was hard to believe he was thirty he didn't look to be even that old. but that would make sense given his profession.

"At least when you do return to your profession, you can treat people better, now that you are experiencing it yourself. "
"Im not sure ill be able to return to work to treat others, it would be redundant if I can't even treat myself."
"Please call me Zev, we are on equal ground here. Least I can do is give you my first name."
"That's a fancy first name."
"It's Hebrew for the wolf."
"That's actually really cool."

Dr. Martin, Zev looked absolutely exhausted. I felt like I had to ask now that Jackson was gone if he was actually okay staying with Jackson.

"Zev. Is Jackson being a good house host? are you really ok staying there?"
"Yes. He had been really accommodating, despite taking his bed and waking him up with night terrors."
"You said he had OCD?"
"Yes, he does. I found out when I moved somethings around he had had to put them all back where they were, Everything is sorted, His bookshelves are alphabetically ordered. It's impressive, but also out of control. He has a need to be in control of his surroundings."
"That's truly impressive."
"Maddox has control and anger issues his space and design choices reflect that. Everything is sharp and cold, much like he can be. But everything is also very clean, He cleans often doesn't he? He is uncomfortable in a dirty space."
"Yes, He is very nitpicky about his space. Also your right, Maddox picks everything that comes in the house, it's his space after all."
"Wrong. It's a shared space, you can see it. There are things that don't fit with his personality. For example, The coffee cups on the counter, aren't black or white. They are bright red. You bought them yes?"
"I did. they are very pretty."
"The colour black means death, White means peace and purity, Red means Passion or danger."
"I guess I've never noticed, I've accepted Maddox at every turn. His normal is becoming my normal."
"That's the thing, you are both accepting the changes. He is allowing you to change his personal space. Well, you are allowing him to change your normal lifestyle."

Rosie came out of the living room.

"Em. Snack please?"
"Want a cookie?"
"Please don't eat it on the couch, Uncle Maddox doesn't like the cookie crumbs in the couch."

I grabbed one of the cookies and gave it to her. She ran off with her treasure. If Maddox found cookie crumbs on the couch he would know it was from her and he wouldn't complain, he would just clean it. He had a soft spot for Rosie. I had witnessed it when she came over with Jackson before. He always had cookies for her. It was really cute to see. He would make a really good father, it really made me wonder why he had gotten a vasectomy? He never stated that he hated children, maybe he just wasn't sure if he would ever settle down. It wasn't the end of the world after all. He could adopt if he wanted children.

"You're deep in thought again, Want to talk about it?"
"Nah, it's not really important, just a passing thought, that's all."

His face said he wasn't taking my bullshit lie, but he didn't push on the subject. he honestly looked too tired to even if he really wanted to.

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