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"Shune," I watched as the brunette spun on her heel quickly, "do you have a minute?"

"Am I in trouble?" She panicked as she looked up at me, my feet inches making her seem tiny before me.

I giggled softly at her expression and she relaxed slightly, "No, you're not in trouble." She sighed and her shoulders relaxed even more. "I've asked Lord Gaara to allow me to take you on as a student." She'd be my first student and I think I was just as nervous as she was.

"Huh?" She blinked again me multiple times and I began laughing as I immediately thought about Naruto.

I smiled and tilted my head slightly, "You're wanting to join the ANBU one day, yes?" Shune nodded and I continued, "I'm here from the Leaf village to help train the ANBU, and I asked to take you on as a student. It's up to you, though."

"Are you really the Archer of the Leaf?!" She blurted excitedly. She covered her mouth quickly with both hands in embarrassment and I found my smile growing.

"Want to find out?" I smirked as I put my hands on my hip. She nodded her head so fast I thought it might fall off. "Then come on, you're with me today."

Shune didn't question me as she followed behind me out of the Kazekage mansion. I was in my shorts and peekaboo top again, my cloak hanging over my left side only and hitai-ate secured to my shorts like a belt for the day. My kunai pouch was on my right like usual and my tantos at each calf. Asa has braided my hair into twin braids and then weaved them together in an intricate design. All I cared about though was that it was out of the way.

Shune was in beige linen pants that stopped mid-calf and a brown top that hung loosely from her body. Her hair was likely to her shoulders but she had it in a short ponytail at the moment, and her own hitai-ate on her head. She scuttled to walk beside me and her green eyes darted around as she watched where were going. I was meeting with Kankurō to be introduced to the current ANBU commander before training a few newly promoted jonin.

"Morning," I smiled when I saw Kankuro turn.

"Morning," he replied as he looked between me and Shune.

"M-morning, Sensei," Shune's face was crimson at the simple greeting. I curled my lips inward and bit down to suppress the laugh that threatened to escape me.

"You don't have to call me 'sensei'," Kankurō smiled softly at Shune and I thought steam might leave her ears, "Kankurō is fine."

I smirked and took the opportunity to help the girl out, "I call him Kuro." I shrugged.

Kankurō flushed a dark pink beneath his face paint and Shune looked at me in wonder, "W-what about 'senpai'?"

Kankuro cut his eyes away and scratched the back of his head, "That's worse." He mumbled.

"Senpai it is!" I chirped and clapped my hands once in conclusion.

"Dammit," Kankurō grumbled as he kept his eyes away from me.

I stepped closer and poked his cheek, "Where's my 'senpai' greeting?" I winked as his eyes cut over to me and he mumbled something as he walked away.

It was cute and harmless fun, but I should lay off picking on him. He was just too adorable when he blushed though, and the look on Shune's face was priceless. I threw an arm around Shune's shoulders and we followed Kankurō into the small sparring arena they had towards the outskirts of the village. It was a fifty-yard square and the sandy floor was just as annoying as I remembered from when I sparred with Jirayia here years ago.

There were six people in the arena and they all had their ANBU masks on. Two women, four men. The first woman was petite and tiny, likely good with stealth missions. Hair black and cut short, kept back with a headband. Her black eyes watched us approached and her mask held the face of a rabbit. The second woman had long blonde hair, almost white in color, in a high ponytail. She was about my height and had a thicker figure, all muscle though. Her eyes were a pale blue and her mask was that of a cat.

Missing Kunoichi (Book 2 of MK Series) Where stories live. Discover now