Chapter Twenty- Nine

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When Damon Salvatore gasped back to life the first thing he noticed that it was dark outside, the second thing he noticed was that he was laying on the living room couch. Then memories began floating back how Klaus had captured him to him wanting to dagger Kyra to Kyra snapping at his neck.
"Kyra," Damon called hoarsely being thirsty.
"she's not here," The sound of Stefan's voice was heard as he appeared in front of Damon with a blood bag.
He egarly took it and drank it down instantly feeling better.
"Where the hell is she?" He asked narrowing his eyes at his brother.
"She went home. Back to Elijah she's been acting strange today. And even said some sort of goodbye type thing to me,"
"Oh Stefan your an idiot, Klaus wanted to dagger her. You didn't think to at least stop her?"
Just then the door busted down as both brothers stood up ready to fight. It was none other than Klaus and Elijah themselves.
"WHERES KYRA?!" Damon was the first to yell as Elijah quickly grabbed him and began compelling him.
"Don't move," he said in a deadly voice causing Damon to nod.
"And to answer your question she's kept in a safe place. But Stefan I have a bone to pick with you and possibly a stake to the heart," he says as Stefan's eyes widened.
Klaus immediately ran over to Stefan sand pinned him to the wall.
"And to think I was going to bless the marriage between you and my sister," he growls squeezing harder.
"I-I don't know you!" Stefan says trying to fight back but Klaus only held on tighter.
He growled.
"Remember," he compelled before Stefan blacked out.
Stefan and Kyra were visiting Chicago and heading down to Gloria's bar. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders as the two went in.
"I think this will be fun. Dont you Stef?" Kyra asked while giggling.
"Maybe but I much rather be at home cuddling and watching the fire,"
"Awww Stef your so old," she giggled causing him to smile. "You remind me of my big brother Elijah. I think you two would get along someday,"
"Hopefully since I do plan on being your husband,"
"Awww. I love you so much Stef,"
"And I love you too Kyra. I don't want anything to break us apart," he says while giving her a kiss on the lips.
The moment soon ended when Stefan was roughly pulled away and hanging up in the air by his collar.
"Who are you to make kissy faces at my baby sister?" An all too familiar voice says as Kyra's eyes widened.
She placed Stefan down as she smiled.
"Hello baby sister. You've been alive all these years and didn't think to come see me?"
"Well.... your with Nik and we're not exactly on talking terms right now,"
"Darling that was 58 years ago. You planning on staying mad forever? Now I ask again. Who is this boy making kissy faces at you? I suggest you answer before I punch him in the gut and rip out his insides,"
"He's...... he's my Boyfriend Stefan Salvatore,"
"Did I just hear boyfriend come out of your mouth?" Niklaus says causing Kyra's eyes to widen as he appeared out of nowhere next to Rebekah.
"Hello baby sister long time no see. I think we have some interrogation to be doing don't you think?"
"Why are you here Nik? Do you plan on trying to dagger me again?"
"No, it's a coincidence really. Come, come Stefan sit. I would love to meet you and you girls go dance or something and I'll have my talk with you afterwords baby sister,"
"Please don't hurt him Niklaus,"
"Only if he makes one wrong move. I'll let you know if he survives by the end of the night," he says while dragging Stefan away.
When Stefan and Klaus sat down he nervously bounced his leg up and down while Klaus was just staring at him intensely. Stefan was already having a sweat beat down his forehead and he hasn't even said a word yet.
"Why so nervous Mr. Salvatore?" Klaus finally asked while drinking a glass of blood.
"I-Uhh.... Kyra's told me a lot about you,"
He smirked.
"Has she now? So you should know how I feel about the men she chooses then,"
Stefan gulped. At this point he wishes he could turn off his humanity so he can answer this guy without a care in the world.
"What makes you a good suitor for my sister?"
"I ummm...... I'm nice and I take really good care of her. I buy her whatever she wants and I make her happy and she makes me happy. We're happy with each other and would go through Heaven and hell for one another,"
He chuckled.
"How did you meet?"
"Summer of 1862. She was running towards me telling me that her brother was trying to kill her which I assume it was you,"
He nodded.
"What are your intentions with her?" He asked as Stefan was looking at her who was dancing and talking with Rebekah.
She looked over at Stefan and smiled nervously as she waved her hand at him causing him to do the same as Rebekah and Klaus crossed their arms.
"My intentions," Stefan started as he kept staring at Kyra who was laughing at something Rebekah had whispered into her ear. "My intentions are to marry her one day. To make her be mine forever,"
A/N: to clear things up Stefan wasn't a ripper back in the 20s he never was when he was with Kyra. So sorry to all you Stefan ripper fans.

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