Hort's Wish

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Hort whimpered under his breath as he gazed out the window and watched Tedros sob and fall asleep. He watched as the fairies gently lifted the ever prince and flew him to his dorm. An image of Agatha's face filled his mind. His heart beat rapidly as he continued to think of his only love. He had never and never would stop loving this girl. She would be the only one for him. He would wait patiently until she would realize her feelings for him like a true prince. But..but. Hort sighed. Agatha was gone. She would never return. He would never see her again. Unless...unless the school master took her again? But that would be impossible. Once the school master sends a student away, he would never bring them back.

"I wish for Agatha." Hort whispered and clasped his hands together. "I wish for Agatha to return forever. I wish I could see Agatha again. Dear God, please make my wish to come true." He prayed and squeezed his eyes shut in hope, knowing it was useless. God never granted him a wish. All those wishes he had prayed for never came true. Was it because he was a villain? Was that why? Or was it because he was unworthy enough for a wish to be granted.

To be honest, only princesses and princes gets their wish granted. They have fairy godmothers and godfathers. While, us, villains have none. He thought rather bitterly. It just wasn't fair how only Evers got to be happy while Nevers couldn't. What was it that Evers had that Nevers did not? Why was it that Evers always ended with a happy ending while Nevers did not? And why was it that it was always the Nevers dying in a story book? Was it just meant to be that way? A depressed tear slipped out of Hort's eye. Behind him, Vex watched him, worriedly. Everyday, Hort seemed to be getting more and more dejected. He barely smiled or laughed.

"Hort, you okay?" Vex asked. Hort did not reply. More tears formed in Hort's eyes and spilled down his cheeks. Vex heaved out a sigh and left the dorm to give his dorm mate and friend some privacy. He had heard enough of his praying, too. When he heard the door slam behind him, Hort immediately broke down into loud, violent sobs. He cried as if his heart was broken. He cried and cried until no more tears came out. He flopped onto his moldy bed and buried his face into his moth eaten pillow and breathed in some of its scent, hoping he would be able to smell Agatha because once upon a time, Agatha had owned this pillow. Hester had gifted it to him, rather reluctantly as she had wanted it herself for she missed Agatha crazily along with Anadil and Dot. He jerked up, suddenly and went over to his desk. He brought out a fresh piece of paper and took out his quill pen.

Dear Agatha(He wrote),

I love you and I miss you. When will you come back? Will you come back? I miss you so so much. Everyone else does too. You don't know what it is like to be here without you. Tedros is 100% depressed. He still loves you, I think. But I love you more. You don't have to go to him. Come to me. Sophie; she fainted a couple of times. But today, she fainted again and didn't wake up for a long long time. Tedros felt more dejected, then. Even Hester, Anadil and Dot miss you. They barely smile anymore. Actually, no one smiles now. Literally. Even the teachers. School these days is like hell. No more happiness. No more laughter. Just sadness and tears. Kiko actually misses you, too! She misses you like...mad! Though you two didn't really talk, did you? I don't know why, but she's depressed without you here. She even won her dream prince's(Tristan) heart. But that certainly isn't enough. The Doom Room is closed, did you know that? Lady Lesso actually closed the Doom Room! Her heart softened a lot. I actually miss the cold, firm version of her. The now Lady Lesso...well, isn't her. Lady Lesso is usually brave, confident and bold. Not, wimpy, doubtful and weak. Yuba even isn't strict anymore. In fact, he always seems to cancel class. Every teachers does. They go protest in front of the School Master's tower where he simply stares down at them, innocently. Aggie. Dearest Aggie, come back. We love you. We miss you. And we need you. I'll be waiting.

From you lover, Hort.


As he wrote the letter, spots of tears plopped onto the paper. He buried his head in his arms and began to sob harder than ever.

Come back, Agatha. He thought.

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