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"Where could she possibly be?" Groaned Agatha as they trudged through the mud, rain pouring on them. 

"I swear. I saw her hair. I saw it." Said Anadil, gritting her teeth. With the cold, harsh weather, none of them were shivering even with the icy rain. They had gotten so used to Lady Lesso's ice classroom. And after hours of searching for Hester, none of them had found her.

"Maybe...maybe she drowned..." Lady Lesso choked. 

"Drowned...drowned in the moat... the moat!" Cried Anadil and they raced to the moat at top speed despite all the slipping and sliding through the mud. 

"Hurry." Panted Lady Lesso who for once seemed exhausted. 

At last, they got to the slimy moat. No one was there. No one meant no Hester. No Hester meant no tattooed demon or red hair. 

"We're hopeless." Sighed Agatha and flopped onto the ground, not caring a bit about the state of the sloppy, dead grass. The rest did the same.

"She's gone." Said Anadil, trying not to tear up.  

"She's drowned." Murmured Lady Lesso, swallowing loudly. Her eyes were full of grief and frustration. "Every year we have a student dead by drowning in the moat."

"This year was Hester." Whispered Anadil, finally spilling out the tears she had been holding back for a while. Agatha and Lady Lesso stared. They stared at the Never who had always seemed so strong and bold and brave. The girl who never cried. But the same girl was in tears. At the sight of Anadil breaking down over her friend, tears fogged up both Agatha's and Lady Lesso's  eyes. 

"DAMMIT HESTER!" Yelled Anadil and punched the ground, hard. Luckily, the ground was soft from the rain and  didn't hurt her hand. 

"Damn you." Said a familiar voice from the moat. All three heads snapped up. Their eyes immediately darted to where the voice had come from. There, standing on the moat, on the water, was- "HESTER!" Screamed Agatha. She leapt up and went towards her friend, just stopping in time at the edge of the moat. 

"How are you alive?" Gasped Anadil tearfully.

"How are you not dead?" Lady Lesso gasped with Anadil. Hester gave a slight, devilish grin.

"I'm afraid how I escaped is a secret. But, I suppose I'll tell you how I didn't drown. You see, if you go into the moat-or fall in-you can swim to the bottom. If you swim to the right spot, you'll find a heavy door. The door isn't locked, so you open it and go right in. There, you'll find a large garden where in the middle a man stands. People just didn't know that and drowned. The good school master. He has a mask of gold and silver which immediately represents him as the good school master. I asked him to send me to Anadil. He kindly obliged-since he is the good school master-and sent me here. Where I find you guys bawling you eyes out(even Lady Lesso) and hear Anadil yell 'dammit Hester'." Explained Hester. Suddenly, she softened and her face twisted with guilt. "How's Dot?"

"Um...not too good." Muttered Lady Lesso. 

"She'll live! She'll live!" Assured Agatha as Hester's expression grew into worry and shot a look at the dean. 

"Well, Hester. You can go see Dot for yourself and make up with her?" Offered Anadil. 

"Can I?" Hester asked and looked at Lady Lesso. The dean said nothing, but just nodded slowly. 

She jumped off the water and gave each of them a short, tight hug. Though, Anadil's hug was a bit longer. 

"Anyway, how were you standing on the water?" Asked Agatha as they walked towards the school. Hester laughed.

"That's another long story for next time." She said. 

Hey readers,

I'm sorry for not updating for a while and sorry for making this chapter short. I'm not quite sure when I'll update the next chapter, but I'll make that one nice and long. I don't have much time these days, but I'll update as soon as I can.

Happy reading.


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