Am I forgiven

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** Brads POV **

"Guys they are taking forever, let's go outside and wait for them." James suggested. "Okay but let me get a jacket first, its pouring down." I said before running upstairs to my bedroom and picking up my jacket.

We walked out the door and stood at the end of the garden and saw Connor and Jayden walking hand in hand. I couldn't help but tense up with anger and jealousy. Then Connor stopped walking and stood in front of Jayden, they talked and then both leaned in and kissed, they were having a full on make out session in the middle of they street. How could Connor do this to me? He knows how much I like Jayden. I couldn't watch this anymore and stormed up the pathway, I heard James shout their names and told them to come on.

I ran inside the house and upstairs to my room, I lay on my bed and started balling my eyes out. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Brad, it's me Tris, can I come in?" Tristan asked through the door. "Yeah." My voice croaked. Tristan walked in and ran over to my bed, and embraced me in a hug. "Brad, I don't know what to say but Connor's feeling guilty and wants to speak to you." Tristan said after pulling away from the hug. I wiped my eyes and sniffed. "I just don't know why he kissed her, I mean he knows how much I like her." I said. KNOCK! KNOCK! Then Connor walked in, "I'll leave you two alone to talk." Tristan said before standing up and making his way out my bedroom door. I heard Connor take a deep breath before he walked over and sat beside me on the bed.

"Brad, I'm sorry, I didn't know how much you liked her. You never told me." "Connor, I can tell that you like her too, so what are we going to do?" I asked him. "I don't know Brad." Connor sighed. "Listen Brad I'm really and truly sorry, can you forgive me?" Connor asked looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded and we MAN hugged. "Let's go downstairs." Connor suggested and we made our way downstairs. We walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

RING! RING! Jayden's phone rings, she answers and walks out the room. "I wonder who called her." Tristan wondered. "She never normally walks out the room when she gets a phone call." James said.

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