Chapter Fifteen

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He kissed me slowly, softly and gingerly, like he was afraid of doing it, like I was forbidden, like he feared I would break if he touched me wrong. I was fully aware of the scars, bruises and flaws that I had but his lips communicated otherwise, he told me I was beautiful and perfect.

I held into his arms just for me to be sure that what was happening was real life. That I wasn't dreaming of how perfect this moment with him felt. Chills ran down my body as his hands moved to my waist pulling me closer to him. Sending a burning sensation erupting through my body. Our kiss deepened into something that was far from innocent. My breathing began to accelerate as his lips became demanding and passionate. Somehow I found my back against the hood of the car. My hands went to either side of his face bringing him closer to me and encouraging him to go on.

He held my body delicating against him, exploring every part of me. His tongue asked for entry against my lips and I so gladly gave it to him. Desire erupted inside of me as I felt small knots tie up in my stomach and a moan escaped my mouth. He was searching me, healing me and feeding off me in the same way I was to him. My hands ran through the thick strands of his hair and my mouth fell open when his lips moved from mine and began to explore the crock of my neck, planting his delicate kisses there and inhaling my scent.

I had kissed many times before but never like this. Never this passionate or this delicate. It's never felt this addictive or this right. If I couldn't I'd let him hold me forever. It was so intense. First kisses with each other should never be this intense. But it didn't feel new at all. He felt comfortable and right. Like this was meant to happen.

"Sayd? Is that you? I thought I heard your-oh wow." I heard Mera saying from not too far from us. I immediately pulled away from Kace and Kace pulled away from me.

"Wow I mean, " she said with excitement in her voice, " I thought I had the evening of my life but this is better."

I couldn't help but blush as I tried to create more distance between Kace and I. As she got closer to me I noticed her face was tear-stained, her hair that was once combed so neatly was now a mess and she wrapped herself up in a fleece blanket.

"Mera, are you okay?"

"Me? " She rubbed her nose and faked a smile. " I'm fine, please carry on."

Her voice was high-pitched, I knew she was lying. She looked looked at Kace and smiled brightly.

"Hubba-Hubba," she looked at him up and down. " Kace, I'm Mera you're future maid of honor. "

I covered my face and shook my head fe

Kace smiled politely clearly amused. " Pleasure to meet you, Mera."

"Where you crying? " I interrupted their greeting.

"No, I was not."

"But -."

"But nothing, I said carry on. " She turned around and began to walk away.


"Don't follow me," she took long strides back into the apartment.

Kace chuckled and moved closer to me. " She's quite the character isn't she?"

Again he was standing dangerously close to me. I turned around and blushed remembering what we just did and how much I loved it.

"You should go after her," he said and I nodded several times like an idiot.

"Yeah," I said nodding some more.

"I'll check on you tomorrow, " he said then paused." If that's okay with you. "

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