Chapter 46 Love Fails

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I got into the car on my way to pick up Sofia. The whole ride all I could think of was Lucy and just everything that had been happening. As much as I wanted to go I knew I would lose Lucy. I just felt that she didn't trust me around Camila and that angered me a bit. She should be able to trust that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her or disrespect our relationship around anybody.

"Hey."the younger girl said getting into the car.

"Are you a bit better?."

"Yes I am thank you for being here for me Lauren,it really means a lot."

"I'm sorry I can't be doing more for you."

"You coming with me is more than enough."

"About that, "i said looking at her barely being able to put a gaze into her eyes,"I won't be able to go, some things came up and I have to stay with Lucy,I'm sorry."I didn't even want to look at the poor girls face,

"Oh Uhm,I understand don't worry."the disappointment in her tone was visible

"I'm really sorry I really wish I could be there with you."I said finally looking at the younger girl who was upset

"It's okay, I promise regardless you've been great to me."she said trying to brighten the mood

"Please call me when you arrive."I said giving her a hug,before she began to get out of the car to get her bag

"I will."the young woman said getting out of the car and getting her bags.I felt awful watching her enter the airport alone.

"Is everything okay?"Kristen said approaching me

"As okay as it can be while one is in the hospital."

"Maybe we should go get a coffee?"

"I've had like 2 already"

"Third times the charm?"the blonde said smirking,"It would probably be a good little distraction"

"Alright I guess i could use a little walk"I said finally sitting up from the uncomfortable hospital chair

"Has Sofia messaged you at all?"

"She has actually, right before she boarded her plane"

"I'm glad she's coming actually,you need that family support"she said looking at me as we continued to walk the long hospital hallway

"Of course,I miss her a lot Miami just seems so far."

"I mean you do have that trip in a couple of weeks."

"I'm not sure I'll go if my dad isn't okay."

"I'm sure he will be stable."

"Well it's been hours and nothing."

"It's always like this,plus it's super busy during this time of the year."

"Yeah...Im just glad you're here with me."I said as we finally got into the cafeteria

"You are?"she said tilting her head down

"Yes,I actually really enjoy your company."

"I thought you'd be tired of me by now,work and all."she said timidly

"Actually quite opposite,I'm usually the one to say that."I said smirking as she chuckled

"I wouldn't know why others would say that."she said continuing to chuckle.

"Yeah very funny Miss Mewis."

"Please first name basis Camila."she said looking at me sternly

"Of course my apology."

Getting back to the apartment was dreadful.I hated the decision I just made but I understood Lucy's point even if it didn't feel right.

I literally sat in the car for various minutes.I didn't know what I was waiting for.Maybe for Lucy,maybe for me to have the courage to drive back to the airport.It was all too late.My decision had been made for me.

Just as I was about to get out of the car ;feeling my heart heavier than ever,it fell to my feet.In the rear view mirror I could see Lucy.She was getting out of a car.The guy driving, her drug dealer of a friend Victor.I couldn't believe her.I was so upset I began to feel my eyes fill with tears.I felt so stupid here I was staying for her and she was going back to the people that made her a bad person.

She laughed as she hugged the man goodbye.As soon as the car left I got out of the car.I was able to beat her to the stairs to the apartment.I entered the apartment because I didn't want to make a scene outside.I was barely able to enter before she followed behind me.

"You're here."she said smirking

"Where else would I be Lucia."

"Nowhere.Here with me."she said trying to focus on my face.Her hands tried to trace my face but her daze was nowhere near me eyes.She bit her lip,before trying to kiss me.She didn't even notice the tears that roamed my cheeks.

"Lucy what the fuck,you said you wouldn't use again."I said pushing her away

"You also said you loved me,more than anything and here you are trying to leave to see Camila."she said sitting on the couch

"Are you serious ?!"I dragged my hand through my hair I couldn't believe her at this moment

"I am,because I thought we were done with this Lauren, I thought you were over her."

"Lucy Im right here,with you!"i said looking at her as she sat back dazing out,"If I wanted somebody else I would've left!"i looked at her but she didn't seem to be listening

"Whatever..."she said with her head tilting back,

"I can't deal with this Lucy why would you go back with him?"

"Because you were going back with Camila."

"I guess you really don't know me."I said trying to calm down.It wasn't good for both of us to not have a care in the world at the moment.

"I guess you never really knew me either."she said continuing to stare at the ceiling.My heart felt broken for her,and because of her.I sat down next to her not being able to hold in my tears anymore.It wasn't even anger anymore,it was sadness that we had gotten to this point.

"Laur...."she slurred But I couldn't get myself to even look at her.I felt her finally sit up and place her hand on my back.

"I love you"she said placing her head on my back,she was barely able to sit up.I couldn't rely to her.Instead I was able to sit back and let her rest her head on my legs as she continued to doze out.This wasn't the life I wanted with her.I couldn't live with someone who didn't trust I loved them.Sometimes love fails,and love isn't enough for one to stay.


"Cabello family."An older woman finally stated walking into the waiting room.My mother and I got up rapidly as the doctor directed us to another private room.

"Please sit."she said sitting on her chair.

"Is he okay?"my mother asked as soon as she could

"He is stable,he had a stroke, we don't really know the effect to this,but we can assume he will not have movement in parts of his body."my mother began to cry.

"What do you mean?"i said trying to keep calm but my heart was racing faster than before.I tried to concentrate on the doctors words but all I could hear was my mothers sob.

"He will need extra care and therapy,his speech will be poor or almost none."I felt my heart fall to the floor,I couldn't stop myself from crying either.It just got worst the longer she continued.Tears dropped from my eyes.I couldn't be strong anymore.

"I'm really sorry."where the last words coming from the doctors mouth as my mom and I stood up and left the room.As we got back to the waiting room.I was met by sad brown eyes.Sofia ran to us hugging my mother and I.She hugged on to my mother,and Kristen came to me on time for me to hold on to her.The older woman opened her arms for me as I hugged onto her.She was kind enough to bring me aside for me to feel vulnerable.I had been holding the screams in.I sobbed onto her chest and I felt was her grip getting stronger on me.

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