Chapter 10

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~Y/n Pov~

My eyes widen on who it was. It was Soo. [If you forgot who he is, Soo was your dance partner] "Are you okay?" He said looking at me. "U-uh yeah I'm alright." I said standing up. "Why were you running?" He asked me. "I- I just forgot about something." I said stuttering. He nodded and mouthed 'o'. "Uh huh yeah so u-uh.. Bye!" I said running past him. He turned around looking at me. "Strange." He said. I ran into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I took a few deep breathes. I turned on the faucet and slashed water on my face. My face my hot so I tried to splash cold water on my face. I grabbed a paper towel and patted down my face. I heard someone come in the bathroom. "Are you okay sweetheart?" A lady came in. I looked and saw it was Mai Che. [Aka: Soo's girlfriend] "Yeah I'm alright." I said drying my face off still. "You look hot. Are you sure your okay?" She asked. [And not that type of hot -_-] "Yes I'm okay." I said. "Here." She said holding out a ice pack. "Hold this to your face. It will cool down your face. I promise." She said smiling at me. "Thank you Mai Che." I said. "Oh please just call me Mai." She said. "Alright. Thank you Mai." I said smiling. She smiled back. "I should head out. Bye." I said smiling. "Alright. Take care." She said. I waved at her and walked out. 

As I walked out I could see Lily and Teagan. "Took you long enough." Teagan said. "Sorry Tea." I said. "Why do you have a ice pack? Are you hurt?!" Lily asked while she comes and looks at my face. "I'm okay Lily. My face was just hot." I said. Lily put her hand on my forehead. "Your burning hot y/n. Are you sure your not sick?" Lily asked worried. "Lily. I'm just tired from dancing. I'm okay." I said. "We only did the dance routine 2 times. Unless, your face is hot because your partnered with Tae~" She said teasing me. "Aish." I said flicking my finger at her forehead. "I knew it!" She said. Teagan was in the background laughing. "I'm sorryyyy!" Lily said running to me as I walked away. I laughed. "Y/n, The boys were looking for you everywhere." One of the staff members said. "Where are they?" I asked them. "They went to the 2nd story." They said. "Alright. Could you tell them I'm here-" I got cut off by someone screaming my name.

"Y/n!!" Someone said. I turned and saw them running to me. They gave me a group hug. "We were worried." Namjoon said. "Why be worried?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe because you ran out of the studio and Soo saying how you were going somewhere because you forgot something." Tae said. "Okay Okay sorry guys." I said laughing. "Let me join." Lily said joining the group hug. We laughed. "I guess I'll join too." Teagan said laughing. We had a group hug. "Alright, you guys have to go on the 3rd story so you could finish the song." One of the staff members said. "Alright." Namjoon said. We broke up the group hug and walked to the stairs. Pasting by I saw Soobin again with the others still working on their song. I smiled. We walked all the way up the 3rd story. We walking into the studio and started to write. A few hours later and we finally finished the lyrics to the song. Then we went into a meeting for the song. "Hmm." The guy said looking at the lyrics to the song. "Can I hear the beat to it?" He said. Teagan brought out her computer and opened it. She played the beat [or however you would call it] for him. "It's great!" He said. We all smiled and hugged each other. "One thing you could do to make it better is to mix the raps together. For example maybe Lily and Y/n could rap the same verse. Then the others could do a solo, cause you know that's a lot of rappers for one song." He said. Namjoon and Teagan nodded.

Me and Lily didn't mind rapping the same verse together. We all went into the studio and started the song. "Alright lets go in." Namjoon said. So then we all went into the room and went in front of a microphone. [I don't really know how to say thing but then you and your members and BTS started to sing the song. After a few hours of rehearsing the song you guys took and break and when down to the 1st floor and took a rest] "We got you guys food!" My manager said. "Thank you." The boys said. "Thank you." Teagan and Lily said. "Y/n, I got you something else to eat." She said smiling at me. I mean I was her favorite so :). She handed me a take out box of panda express. "Omg. Thank you." I said giving her a hug. "Your welcome y/n." She said laughing. I turned around and saw all the boys looking at my food. "What?" I asked. "Lucky." They said. I started to laughed. We sat down at a table and started to eat. After we ate we went back upstairs to finish rehearsing. I was the last person walking with them. While we were walking someone called my name. "Y/n!" I turned to my right and saw Mai. "Oh Mai!" I said. "Here. Your manager told me to give this to you." She said with a smile. "Oh alright. Thanks." I said with a smile. She smiled and walked away. That was a bit sketchy for me. If this was from my manager then why didn't she give this to me when I was already with her? I didn't really care. "Y/n are you coming?" Tae asked me. I looked and saw everyone was already gone. "O-oh yea sorry." I said running to the stairs. 


Again, My phone isn't working so if I suddenly stop posting it's because my phone isn't working that good. Anywhoo sense you guys probably don't care about that- Thanks for reading lol-

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