Chapter 42

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~Y/n Pov~

After saying goodbye and hugging each other, our ride came. Me and Tae gave each other a peck on the lips and then waved goodbye. Lily was attached to Jungkook, not letting him go. Teagan hugged Jimin and then went to get Lily off of Jungkook. Once we all got in the car, we waved goodbye and left. 

~Tae's Pov~

As we walked inside, it was quite quiet. We didn't move anything from their room, just incase if they ever visit. I went and opened the door of their room. I walked over to Y/n's bed and sat down. As I sat down I felt something poke my bottom. I stood up and grabbed a silver bag. (If you don't know, read Chapter 30.) I saw that it was a gift for me. I opened it and saw a note. I then grabbed the note and opened it, then I started to read it.

"Hey Tae Tae! Its N/n. By the time you read this, We will be done with the song and me and my group will be going back to our city. I've given this to you as a goodbye present. And I didn't really had a chance to say this but... I like you. I don't know if you would like me back sense I'm not really good enough. That's why I picked out a great style clothes type of thing or present for you friend to wear. I over heard you talking about a girl you liked, sorry for eavesdropping. That's when I realized I should of kept my feelings for you to myself. I was planning to tell you a lot earlier than that day but I've been I guess scared to tell you. I mean I did had pretty bad experience of telling a boy I liked them, mostly I would get rejected by them. No surprise there huh? And This is a present I was going to give you on Christmas but then decided not to, sense it's special to me and I don't really know if this will be special to you. I enjoy the times that you and me had spent times with each other and the others. And I am truly sorry that I got you and the others in my drama with Celestia and Brandon. But that's mostly all to say to you. Oh I forgot to say that I love you. -Y/n L/n <3"

I  was quite confused about this note. "She probably was going to give this to me before she left I guess." I said with a small laugh. Then I saw a box in the bottom of the bag. I took it out and opened it. There were pictures of us hanging out, eating together, singing/writing lyrics together, at Disney and more. Then  I saw something shiny in there too. I picked it up and saw a bracelet. It had looked familiar.. Then I had realized that y/n was wearing a matching one like that. I looked and saw she also put some candies and other things that I liked. I smiled and went to put on the bracelet. Then I opened some candies and ate them. 

~Y/n's Pov~

As we were driving home, I saw that Teagan and Lily had fell asleep, making me the only one awake. I went on my phone and scrolled through the pictures of me and Tae. I smiled while looking at them. Then I got a text. I opened it and saw it was from Tae. I smiled.

💕😁: Hey N/N bear, I found a box under your covers and opened it. I saw the pictures, notes, candies and also a bracelet. You should of told be earlier that you liked me. Oh and I'm wearing the bracelet you got me :) 

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Y/N: Aw I didn't know you would find it, and I'm sorry if I haven't told you sooner. Glad you like the bracelet, I am wearing a matching one :))

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💕😁: Haha, I thought it looked familiar. I'm going to talk to you later, were going to eat right now.

Y/N: Okay! Take care, Love you!

💕😁: Love you Too! *Liked by Y/N*


I went and played my playlist, then turned off my phone. Slowly, I fell asleep. 


A few hours later and we got home. I woke up to Lily tapping on my should. I got up and grabbed my bags and went out of the car and into the house. We all went to our rooms and went to sleep.


so close to being done with this?? o.o uhm anywayss- It had official that Ive been making this story for 4 months now :D luv that for me. anyways thank you for reading :D

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