Chapter 19

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~Y/n Pov~


Fast forward I got out of the hospital. We continued to work on our song. Present time. December 17.

"Alright guys were almost done with our song!" Namjoon said. We cheered. "Our song will be release on December 23." He said. We nodded. We got out of the studio. Then someone called my name. "Y/N!" They yelled. I turned. "Oh Soobin!" I said smiling. Tae and Lily were looking. "Hey. Sorry we forgot about your birthday. But here!" He said handing me a bag. "Aw its okay. But thanks." I said smiling. They smiled back. "Y/n!" Someone yelled. We turned. It was Soo and Mai. "Hey guys!" I said smiling. "We heard about your birthday. Were sorry we couldn't give this to you on your birthday. We were still at babahbcehe. But here's our gifts for you." He said handing me 3 gifts. "Aww thank you so much." I said hugging all of them. Tae and Lily were still looking. I waved bye and went to them. I over heard Lily say something to Tae. "When are you going to do it?" She said. "Do what?" I asked. They looked at me. "I-I uh nothing!" Lily said. I made a confused look. "I'll carry those." Tae said. "Thanks Tae Tae." I said smiling. He smiled back and looked down. I looked at Lily and she was smiling. "Why are you guys so smiling today? But cute." I said walking past them. I laughed. 

We walked back to the staff. "Y/n! Your mother sent this." My manager said. "Oh. Thank you." I said. It was a letter. I sat down and opened it. Tae and Lily came to sit next to me. 

"Dear Y/n, Happy birthday sweetie. I'm sorry that I didn't get you a gift. I am giving you this letter to remember me. My 2 months is almost over. Just know that I love you so much. And I am truly sorry for everything I had done with you and Jasmine. I've been listening to your songs. My favorite one is 'Flowers'. I've been listening to it went I go to sleep. On my funeral I want that to be played. But again, I love you."

I smiled and started to cry. "What's wrong y/n?" Lily said looking at the tear drop that had fell on my leg. Tae looked at my face. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. They both hugged me. "Oh I have to go get something from the studio. Tae stay with her until I come back." Lily said looking at Tae. She started to smile. Tae continued to hug me. "Here." He said. He was handing me a towel. "Thanks Tae." I said wiping my tears. He smiled. I took the towel and wiped my face. "Okay back." Lily said. "Alright let go and eat." Teagan announced. We walked outside and went into the van. "Where we eating boys and girls?" Namjoon asked. "Panda express!" Jin said. We laughed. "Any other suggestions?" Namjoon asked. We shook our heads. "Panda express it is!" Namjoon said. He turned on the radio. We were all singing our hearts out. Then 'BTS Cypher 4'. Then Yoongi's rap part went on. "Wait wait get ready." Lily said. I already knew what was gonna happen. [Skip to 3:28]

Their eyes widen. Especially Yoongi's eyes. They started to cheer on Lily. I started to smile. "Thank you Thank you." Lily said smiling. Then we got to Panda express. We went inside. "Hi what would you like to order?" The guy said. We order our food. I was the last one to order. "That will be $10.37." He said putting a napkin in my bag. "Here you go." I said smiling. "Thank you!" He said smiling. I turned and saw Lily and Tae looking. I laughed a little. We sat down outside. "Let's eat!" Namjoon said. We cheered. I went to get out my box. Then I grabbed my chopsticks and opened them. Then we started to eat. My face got messy a little so I grabbed the napkin in my bag. I was wiping my face until Lily said, "What's that on your napkin?". I looked at the napkin.

"Hi. I'm that cashier and the guy that did all your orders. I thought you looked beautiful. So here's my number. **************. Call me anytime you want. :)" 

"Oh." I said. They looked at me. Lily grabbed my napkin. "Lily-" She cut me off. "Eh." She said wiping her face. "What was on the note?" Jin asked. "The guys phone number." Lily said. I looked at them. Tae kept eating. "I need to go to the bathroom." I said standing up. I went inside and into the bathroom. I went and looked at myself in the mirror. "Omg! Y/n is that you?!" Someone said. I turned and saw it was Celestia. I went and left the bathroom. She followed me. "Why are you running away from me?!" She said following me. I pushed the door opened and slammed it on her. "HEY! STOP IGNORING ME!" She yelled. I stopped walking. The other turned around and saw Celestia. "Oh! It's the cute boy!" Celestia said winking at Tae. Lily and Teagan stood up. "What do you want Celestia." Lily said. "Why? I can't say hi to my friend-" I cut her off. "CELESTIA YOUR NOT MY FRIEND." I said out loud. It became silent. " Your not my friend." I said more calmer. Then she grabbed her cup and threw it at me. Then Tae stood up and blocked me. My eyes widen. Lily and Teagan were chasing after her. "Are you okay y/n?" Tae asked me. "Yea I am but why would you do that?" I said looking at him. He just looked at me. "V you okay?" Yoongi asked as he gave him a towel from the van. "Yea I'm alright." He said. "Here I'll help you." I said. I grabbed the towel and went behind him. "Just squat a little." I said. "Short." He said with a laugh. I hit him with the towel. "I'm kidding." He said. I laughed. I started to wipe down his shirt. His shirt was see through so I could see his back. I tried not to look at it that much. 

"We couldn't get her."


:^ Thanks for reading <3

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