Chapter 28

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~Y/n Pov~

Me and Lily were still hugging each other. Jungkook had called the police already. Me and Lily backed away from them, until we bumped into someone. We quickly turned around and saw another guy with a black mask. We both screamed. Lily started to run, me following behind the guy quickly grabbed my hair and covered my mouth. Lily turned and saw. "Y/N!" She yelled making the others looks. I tried to punch the guys and kick but nothing worked. I started to cry more. The boys quickly ran to me. Then, The guy pulled out a gun at my head. My eyes widened, so did their eyes. "Y/N!" Lily yelled out crying. "Come closer and I shoot this kid's head." The guy said. I tried to kick again. "And the more you kick, the more I pull the trigger." He said to me. Then the police came. The guy backed away along with me and the gun that is pointed to my head. I could see the people watching from the window on the top floor. "Put your gun down!" The police said to the guy. Then he shot up in the air, making all of us flinch. I looked at Tae who was worried sick for me. I looked at a guy in the back that had a sniper. My eyes widened as I ducked my head, just incase he would shoot. BANG!  I shut my eyes. I slowly began to open them and saw that he had shot the guys leg, causing him to let go of me. I turned around, trying to find the gun that he had threw to the grass. Then I found it. I kicked it away so he wouldn't get it. BANG! another shot had been fired. This time not to him, but to me. Someone had shot my arm, causing me to scream in pain. Lily started to look around to find who had shot me. I turned and saw a girl with a gun pointed to my head. The police had got the guys. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. It was Celestia. "Oopies! Didn't mean to do that!" She said laughing. She reloaded the gun. The police had lasers pointed to her. The group watching in the back of them. I noticed that Lily wasn't with them. I looked back at Celestia. "You took everything from me, now I will take everything from you." She said with a smirk and laughed. As she was going to pull the trigger. BANG! Another shot. I looked and saw that Lily had shot her leg, making Celestia shoot  somewhere in the dark. Thank god that didn't get me. Then the police hurried and took Celestia away. Lily and the others ran to me, as I was sitting down, Blood dripping from my arm. Tae and Lily helped me up and walk towards the ambulance, that just came in time. They took me in the Van. Lily, Tae and Jungkook all came in with me. 

~Hobi's Pov~

We stayed, as Tae, Lily and Jungkook went with Y/n to the hospital. I looked at Celestia, who was getting in the back of the police car. Then I saw the person that had pointed the gun to y/n's head. It was Brandon. We had talked to the police of what had happened. They told us to ask y/n what had happened sense she is the victim. The people that were in the party had came outside asking what had happen. Namjoon explained to our staff and managers. I looked around and saw blood on the ground. They had found the knife and the gun Lily used to shoot Celestia's leg. So long for a Christmas huh? Then they went into the studio to look at the camera's. I also went to see how it happened. "Right there." The police said. We looked and saw Y/n squatting down picking up a note. Then a guy sneaking up on her. She turned around and started to run. [Then more happened but yk, too lazy :P.]

~Y/n Pov~

They had rushed me into the ER. I over heard them saying I needed surgery or something. They put something on my face, making me feel sleepy. Sooner or later I found myself passed out and taken into a room. 

~Lily's Pov~

I started to panic. Tae was stressed. Jungkook was texting the guys. "Damn it. Lily your right. I should of told her when I had the chance too." Tae said to me. "Hey hey Tae. It's okay-" He cut me off. "Lily its not okay. What if the surgery doesn't go well?!" He said. "Tae. Stop thinking negative. As long as she wasn't shot in the heart or in the head, Then she'll be fine." I said wiping a tear off my face. We sat down, waiting until we could visit her. After a few hours passed, the doctor came out. "How is she Doc?" I asked standing up. "She's doing well for now. Currently she is resting. You may visit her if you would like." He said. We nodded and went in. We saw Y/n laying on the bed, with her arm wrapped. Me and Tae went to each side of her. Jungkook had texted the boys saying that Y/n is fine and that she's resting. "Guys, Hoseok just told me who the people were." Jungkook said. We both turned to Hobi. "Who?" I asked. "Celestia- I think that's how you say her name? And Brandon." He said. "Should of known." I said looking back at y/n. We told the doctor that we would stay over night here. Y/n had her own room, so there was a couch and some chairs. I took the couch to sleep on as Jungkook slept on two chairs. Tae was sleeping on Y/n's chest while sitting on a chair. As I was going to sleep, I got a text message from Namjoon. 


N- Lily, We will start on the song tomorrow. Teagan just got realased from the hospital. Y/n already sang her part of the song so don't worry about that. Just a heads up tomorrow at 11 am. 

L- Oh alright. Were sleeping over here at the hospital, so if you could tomorrow morning pick us up?

N- We'll do. Night Lily.

L-Night night.


I put my phone back on the table and went to sleep.


:^..........Tyfr- :D <3

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