Chapter 25

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~Lily's Pov~

"Hyung's I have something to confess." Tae said. We all looked at him. He looked at me.  I knew what he was going to say. I nodded. He looked at back at them. "I..I like y/n." He said looking down at his plate. I looked at there reactions. All of their eye's widened except for Yoongi. "Ha I already knew." Yoongi said. We looked at him. "What?" I asked. "I could tell by the way he looks at her. And whenever she smiles at him, he gets all shy." Yoongi said with his mouth stuffed. "Wait you already know Lily?" Namjoon asked me. I nodded. "So do we." Jungkook said walking in with Jimin. "I mean I support, but I don't think Big Hit would like that." Namjoon said. Tae looked down. "But~ What I said to him is that if he could TELL HER ALREADY, Then he could have time spending time with her." I said. "But the thing is how are you going to tell her you like her?" Hobi said.

~Y/n Pov~

I got of the shower and changed. I quickly dried my hair. I got out of the room with a smile. For some reason I felt like smiling. "But the thing is how are you going to tell her you like her?" I heard Hobi say. I stopped walking and hid behind the corner. "I don't know, But can you guys help me?" Tae said. "Of course we'll help. But we can't let y/n know." Namjoon said. "Of course she can't know." Tae said. Then I stopped smiling. Why did that.. Hurt. Did Tae like someone? "What style does she like?" Jin asked. "How do you not know her style?" Lily asked. Words kept going through my head.

Was I not good enough?                                                                                                                                                      Am I ugly?                                                                                                                                                                                 What if she's really pretty?                                                                                                                                                 Was I too fat?                                                                                                                                                                           Should I go on a diet?                                                                                                                                                            Do I have to put on more makeup?                                                                                                                               Do I dye my hair?

Though things kept going on and on in my brain. I shook my head to ignore the words in my head. "Hey guy!" I said walking towards them with a fake smile. "OH- Y/n!" Lily said with a small laugh walking towards me. "I'm going out." I said grabbing the keys to my car. "Oh alright! Do you need me to come?" She asked. "NO- I mean, No thanks." I said. Lily nodded. I grabbed my bag and went out the door. I went in my car and drove to a nearby gas station. "Welcome." The man said smoking. I ignored him. I went and got some candies and snacks. I went and also got an energy drink. "Is that all?" He asked. I nodded. "$8.59." He said. I gave him the money and he gave me the bag. 

I went back in the car and drove up the mountain. I went to a private spot so no one could see me. I took off my hat and mask. 

But the thing is how are you going to tell her you like her?

"Damn it.." I said as the words of Hobi came up in my mind. Then I started to think again.

Was I not good enough? 

 Am I ugly?

 What if she's really pretty? 

 Was I too fat? 

 Should I go on a diet? 

 Do I have to put on more makeup?

 Do I dye my hair?

I started to break down. 

~Lily's Pov~

Why did Y/n say 'no' out loud?

"Is it me or y/n is acting weird.." Jimin said. I nodded. "Didn't she just say 'no' out loud when she left?" Jungkook asked. "Did she hear us?" Tae got scared. "I don't think she did." Jin said. They kept talking about what had happen. I pulled out my phone to see where her location is at. Didn't say. She must of turned of her location. "Guys I feel like we should of followed her." I said. They looked at me. "Why? What happened?" Tae asked. "Well, She doesn't act like that first of all and second she turned of her Location which she never does." I said showing them my phone. Tae started to panic. I was also started to get worried for her. "Well at least text her and ask if she's okay." Yoongi said. I nodded. 

~Y/n Pov~

I kept eating junkie food. I tried to stop but couldn't. "I def have to work out tomorrow." I said while eating a push pop. Then I got a 'ding' from my phone. I check and saw Lily texted me.

'Are you okay? If seemed if you were mad or jealous of something.'

                                                                                    'Yeah I'm alright. I just needed to get some fresh air.'

'Okay. Come home around 7 Namjoon said. We have a meeting to go too.'


I put down my phone and played some songs to listen to while eating. 'Why am I acting like this?' I thought in my head. "Maybe.. I do feel jealous." I said to myself. I finished eating my junkies and started my car. I drove down the mountain and went to a makeup store. I had left my main makeup stuff at home. But I felt maybe I should buy some stuff here and try it out. I parked in a parking lot and walked around the corner to the makeup store. I walked in and saw that it wasn't really busy which was great. I looked around for some stuff I should get to try. I picked out 3 pallets and some other stuff. "Hello! Is this all?" The lady said. I nodded. "Alrighty." She said. "May I ask a question?" I asked. She nodded. "What would you recommend for my face? Like to make it better?" I asked taking off my mask. "Y/N?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. "I'm such a big fan! sorry but can I get a photo?" She asked. "Of course!" I said. She took out her phone and took a photo with me. "Thank you so much!" She said. I smiled.

 "I mean your beautiful as you are but if you are wanting a recommendation, I would recommend ColorPop Blush Crush Eyeshadow pallet and a Natural Matte Neutral Eyeshadow Palette for some natural eyeshadow." She said smiling. "What about some color eyeshadow palettes?" I asked. "Oh! One pallete I could recommend is the James Charles X Morphe pallete. And some other ones I could recommend is Norvina Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 1, Anastasia Beverly Hills. Sephore PRO Editorial 2.0 Palette and the Sephora Wonderland Neutral & vivid eyeshadow palette." She said. "Hey do you know a lot of makeup?" I asked. "I do!" She said smiling. "Here." I said giving her a paper with my phone number. "If you could text me some other type of makeup things." I said smiling.

She smiled. "And Also I would like to put these palettes and get the Colorpop, Natural Matte one and the James Charles X Morphe Palette please." I said. She nodded and asked her co-worker for the palettes. "You could wait over here on the side while they get them for you." She said. I nodded. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Ariana!" She said. "Oh! I believe I've seen you in my meet and greet!" I said. "Yea! I meet you there!" She said smiling. I walked to the other side and waited. "Here you go miss." A lady said handing me 2 bags. "Thank you." I said. I waved bye at Ariana while walking away. I got in the car and put my bags down. Then I drove "home". 


hi sisters. TYFR <3

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