Chapter 18

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~Y/n Pov~

Then Brandon pulled me towards his chest. Tae pushed them out of the way. "Aw is your boyfriend going to do something?" Brandon said to me. I was shaking but also turned red. "He's not my boyfriend." I said. "Ah I see." He said looking at Tae. "Dude let her go." Tae said. "Who's this cute thing." Celestia said holding his hand. "Back off." Jasmine said. The boys ran to me and pulled me away from Brandon. "Let him go Celestia." I said looking at her. "What are you going to do." She said going close to my face. I slapped her. I could hear the rest saying 'ohhh'. "That's what I'm going to do." I said. Someone pulled me. "Babe. Why did you do that to her?" Brandon said grabbing me from my hips. Tae pushed him and punched him. "Tae!" I yelled. Lily pulled me. Jasmine and Emily started to fight with Celestia. I was shaking so much that I had fainted. 

~Lily's Pov~

I saw y/n faint in my arms. "Y/N!?" I yelled. They all turned. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER?!" Jasmine said with a few bruises. Brandon and Celestia ran away and we carried y/n to the closest medic. They put her on a bed and put an air this around her head. Then the ambulance came. "We'll be at 132 Idekwhattocallthis." One of the people said. I nodded. "Lets go." Teagan said. We ran to the van and followed the van. 

~Y/n Pov~

I woke up the next day.

My vision was blurry so I couldn't see who it was. It was a tall figure though. "Where am I?.." I asked them. "Y/N!" They said. Then I saw a bunch of people come up to me." Are you alright?!" "How are you feeling?" "What happened?" "Is your head okay?"

"Guys I'm okay. But who are you guys?" I said. My vision was still blurry. "Does she not remember us?.." Someone said. "Call the doctor." Another one said. "What is the matter?" The doctor said. "Did she forget us?" Someone ask. "Well were doing some tests but lets ask her some questions." They said. They came close to me. "What was the last thing you remembered?" They asked me. "I-I don't know." I answered. "Do you remember Lily?" Someone said. "Lily?.. Sorry I can't see." I said. "Rest for now Ms. Yeon." The doctor said. I nodded. As I lay down on my bed I could hear someone cry. "Who's crying?" I said. "M-me." Someone said next to me. I held their hand. "Don't cry. I'm alright." I said smiling. I could kind of see their face. They nodded. I lay on the bed and went to sleep.

After a day I woke up, a nurse had my food already on the table. "Good morning Ms. Yeon." She said. "Good morning!" I said yawning. "Your breakfast is ready. You have mash potatoes with steak and peas and do you want coffee, tea or anything else?" She said. "Ill just have water." I said smiling. "Coming up!." She said. Then she walked out.

~Lily's Pov~

Me and Teagan woke up by the boys knocking on the door. I went to answer. "Wha-" I got cut off. "Lets go." They said. I woke up Teagan. We didn't have time to get ready sense they rushed us. So we both put on our shoes and went outside. Then we got to the hospital. "Hi can we visit Ms. Yeon." I said. "Yes of course." She said. "Here you go." she said giving us a card. "Thank you." I said. Then we went to the elevator. "Do you think she'll remember us?" Jimin asked. "I don't know but let's just hope." Tae said.

~Y/n Pov~

I started to eat. Then I heard foot steps. "Hey y/n." Lily said. "Hi!" I said. "Are you feeling alright?" Teagan asked. "Yup!." I said. "Hey y/n." Jasmine said. My eyes widen. "Sister?!" I said. She dropped the flowers. She ran and gave me a hug. "You remember me?!" She said. "Well of course!" I said. She started to cry. "Why are you crying?" I asked her. "I was afraid that you would forget me." She said. I wiped her tears. "I won't ever." I said smiling. "But do you remember them?" She asked pointing at them. I looked. Some them were looking down. I smiled. "Of course. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seok Jin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook." I said smiling. "And of course, Yeon Y/n which is me. Song Lily and Kang Teagan." I said smiling. They looked up and their eyes widen. "You remember us." Lily said running and giving me a hug. I hugged her back. The others came and gave me a hug. Tae picked up Jasmines flowers. "I believe this is yours." He said handing me the flowers. I looked at Lily and she was raising her eye brows at me. I flicked her forehead. "Sorry." She said. I laughed. I took the flowers. "Thank you." I said smiling. He smiled back at me. Then someone knocked on the door. "Sorry to ruin the moment but are you done with your breakfast Ms. Yeon?" She asked. I nodded. 

She came and took my plate. "Do you want your water still?" She asked. "No thanks." I said. She smiled and nodded. "Your getting treated like a Queen right now." Jasmine said. I laughed. "I'm actually really great friends with her." I said smiling. "I just asked the doctor how long your going to stay here and he said for a few more weeks. He said something how you were so scared or something that you just passed out. There's more but yeah." Teagan said coming in. "What did happen?" I asked them. They explained what had happened. "So that's what happened?" I said. They nodded. "Where are they at now?" I asked. "Don't know. They ran away after you passed out." Emily said. I nodded. 


sorry if i didnt post today- I uh- was busyyy- Thanks for reading <3

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