Chapter 12

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~Y/n Pov~

I turned to see who it was. It was a man. I didn't really know who he was, but he looked familiar. "Hello every body. I am Yeon Lei Woo. Nice too meet you guys. I am very excided to work with you guys." He said smiling. D-did I hear that right.. "I am Yeon Lei Woo." D-dad?.. He looked at us. I kept my head down so he didn't see me. He looked at me. "Ah. What's your name?" He asked me. "I-I uh.." I said. "Her name is Yeon Y/n Wao." Teagan said. Crap. His eyes widen. "Y/n?.." He said. I lifted my head up. He paused. He looked at my face. The boys and my members were confused. "Wait.." Lily said. "Your both Yeon.." Lily said. Lily's eyes widen. "Sir. Are you her father?!" Lily asked him surprised. The boys and Teagan's eyes widen. I started to cry. Lily looked at me. I ran to dad and hugged him. He also had some tears in his eyes. "Y/n.." He said. "Abeoji.." I said back crying. "We will give you guys some time." Namjoon said as they all stood up. Dad nodded and they walked outside. 

"How are you Y/n?" He said wiping my tears. "I'm doing fine Abeoji. What about you?" I said. "I'm doing great now that I had found you again." He said smiling. "How's your mother doing?" He asked. "She's.. Doing okay." I said looking down. "Did something happen?" He asked me. "Well.. Jasmine asked the doctor about mother. They had said she only has 2 months to live." I said with a tear falling down my cheek. Dad paused. "R-really?.." He asked me. I nodded. He started to cry. "How about this. We will pack and we will visit your mother." He said. "I would but.. We have to finish the song.." I said. "I will finish for you." He said. I looked at him. "I promise. You can go." He said smiling. I smiled back. "Thank you Abeoji." I said hugging him. "You will go today. I will get you a ticket." He said looking at me. "Alright." I said. "Go out the back door. I will call my manager to come and pick you up." He said. I nodded. I walked outside. I saw them looking at me. "I'm going to go somewhere." I said looking at them. "We'll come with you." Lily said. "Ahh its okay." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. I waved bye at them. Then I walked out of the back door.

"Are you Lei Woo's daughter?" A guy asked me. I nodded. "Great. I'm his manager. He told me to pick you up. Lets go." He said. I nodded. I got in the car. We drove to the hotel so I could get my things. I got my things and went back outside. "Did you get everything?" He asked me. I nodded. He drove to the airport. "Your father's assistant is at the airport. She got everything you need. She also has your ticket." He said. "Alright." I said. We got there. "Put on your mask and hat." He said to me. I put both of them on. "Lets go. Ill help you." He said. He grabbed my bags and we went in the airport. We started to walk. We got to the 4th floor. Suddenly a lady ran to us. "Did you get everything?" She asked my fathers manager. He nodded. "Okay lets go!" She said. We walked to the check in. We did the stuff. "Alright are you ready?" She asked me. "Yup." I said. She smiled. I smiled back and waved. As when I was gonna leave someone called my name. 

"Y/N!" I turned. It was Tae and the others. They ran to me and gave me a hug. "Why are you here?!" Lily asked me. "I'm going to visit my mother." I said. "You should of told us." Teagan said. "I know I know. I'm sorry I didn't." I said looking at them. "It's okay. But next time tell us." Jin said. I nodded. We did one last group hug before I left. Then I waved bye. I went on the other side and waited for my flight to be called. Then the intercom called my flight. I stood up and grabbed my bags and went to my flight. "Ticket please." The Lady said. I gave her my ticket. "Alright." She said smiling. I smiled back. I walked into the plane. "2AB.." I said. "Ah here it is." I put my bag above the pocket above. I got my stuff that I was gonna use. "Excuse me." A guy said. "o-oh sorry." I said. I let him through. I guess he was my seat partner. I closed the pocket and sat down. "Excuse me." Another guy said. Great 2 guys are my seat partners. I stood up and let him in. I sat back down and got comfortable. "Wait.. Aren't you Y/n from THR3?" One of them said. "U-uh Yeah I am." I said smiling. "Ahh cool! My girlfriend listens to your guys music." He said. I smiled. "Could I get a picture with you?" He asked. "Yeah of course." I said. We took a photo. "Thank you." He said. I smiled and nodded. Then an attendant said over the intercom, "Ladies and Gentlemen please take your seat as we prepare for take off." She said. I had put on my seat belt on. Then we took off. A lady came with a cart of snacks and drinks. "Hello! Is there anything you would like to snack on or drink?" She asked. "Ill have a cup of coffee." I said smiling. "Alright. Anything to snack on?" She asked. "Nope I'm okay for now." I said. "Alrighty!" She said smiling.

~Lily's Pov~

As we arrived at the studio, I could see that Tae was quite sad and bored. "You okay Tae?" I asked him. "huh? Oh yeah I'm okay." He said. We walked back into the meeting. "I see you guys came back." Lei Woo said. We nodded. "Alright lets start." He said smiling.


oop- I can't tell if this this a short chapter- But Anywhoo. Thanks for Reading <3

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