Chapter 13

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~Lily's Pov~

As we finished the meeting, Mr. Yeon asked us a question. "How's Y/n doing?" He asked us. "She's doing well sir. But sometimes things would happen and she would get a rest break. But still over all she's doing fine." Teagan answered for all of us. We all agreed on what she had said. "Ah thank you for telling me. I've haven't seen her for 6 years." He said. We looked at him. "6-6 years?" I asked. He nodded. My eyes widen. "I had left for personal reasons." He said looking down. "Anyways, Next week is her birthday." He said looking at us. We looked at him. "Do you guys have any plans for her birthday?" He asked us. "No sir." Tae said. "Ah I see. I have a plan." He said. "What is it?" Jin asked. He told us the plan. It was going to be amazing.

~Y/n Pov~

It's been a few hours in the plane. Lily called me and checked up if I was doing alright. I watched some videos here and there. My sister called me. I answered.

"Y/n I heard your coming to visit mother. Is that true?" 

"Yes. I'm on the plane right now."

"That's great! I'll tell mother."

"No. I want it to be a surprised." 

"Oh alright. Have you ate yet?"

"Yes I had. How is mother?"

"She's doing alright. She's resting right now."

"Ah alright."

"How much longer is the flight?"

"Maybe around 2-3 hours."

"Alright. Ill pick you up."

"No no. No need to. Ill call an Uber."

"Alright. The nurse just came in. Ill call you later. Bye bye~"

"Bye bye~"

She hung up. I went and charged my phone. It was at 12%. Then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. It was Soo. "Soo?!" I said. He nodded. I looked beside him and it was Mai. "Mai? What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. "Were going to visit Mai's grandmother. Then were going to visit my friends mother. I heard she wasn't feeling good." He said. "Ah. Same here. I'm visiting my mother." I said. "Ah alright." He said. "I hope their okay." Mai said. "Don't worry, they will." Soo said. Great, now I'm also third wheeling. I took a nap for a few hours. Then we landed. I put away my stuff in my bag. "Well. I guess I'll see you guys when we get back to Korea." I said smiling. "Alrighty. Bye bye~" They said. "Bye!" I said smiling and waving at them. I got out first. I went to go get my other bag that was packed in the airplane. I saw it then grabbed it. Then I walked out of the airport. I called an Uber to come pick me up. 

A few minutes later, my Uber came. I got in and we drove to the closes hotel next to the hospital. I booked a room. I grabbed my key card and went in a elevator. [Ding~] I got out of the elevator and walked to my room. "Room.. 241... AH! found it." I said smiling. I swiped my keycard then went in. I plopped down on the bed and dropped my bags. "I'm so tireddd." I said. Then I got a message. It was Jasmine. She had texted me the address of the house. I didn't need it sense I already am in a hotel. Perhaps I could just book it for one night. I had put on my mask and hat and went out of the hotel. I went to walk sense the hospital was around the corner. While walking, I passed by some shops. One of the shops was a flower shop. I stopped. I walked across the street and went into the flower shop. "Welcome!" A lady said. I waved at her. I couldn't really smile because I was wearing a mask. I looked around for a while. I was looking up and down when all of a sudden I bumped into someone. "I-I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay." They said. I looked up. It was a girl. But she seemed so familiar. "Wait.. Y/N?!" The girl said shocked. "Emily?! Is that really you?!" I asked. She nodded and gave me a hug. 

[Basically, Emily is your childhood bestfriend. You've guys been best friends every since kinder through high school. Sadly you guys weren't going to the same college. Short story, She's an old best friend of yours.]

"Where have you been? Its been like forever since we met." She said smiling. "It has! I've been here and there you know." I said laughing. "Why are you wearing a hat and a mas-" She paused. "OHH! I forgot your famous now!" She said smiling. I laughed. "Congratulations! I've heard some of your groups songs on the radio." She said. "You have?" I asked with a small laugh. She nodded. "Here." She said giving me her phone. "Lets give each other our numbers so we could keep in touch." She said smiling. "Alright." I said smiling. I grabbed her phone and gave her my phone. I put my phone number in. "Here you go." I said giving her phone. "And here you go." She said smiling. I took my phone, so did she. "Well I should be going now. I have to visit my grandpa." She said. "Oh alright. Tell him I said Hi." I said smiling. "Will do." She said smiling back. We gave each other one final hug. Then she left. I looked around more. I saw this beautiful bunch of flowers. I picked it up. "How much is this?" I asked the Lady. "$19.40." She said. I nodded. I walked to the front. "Just this for today?" She asked. "Yup." I said. "Alright." She said scanning the tag. I gave her the money. "Thank you! Come again!" She said smiling. I nodded and went outside.

I ran across the street. Then I walked towards the hospital. I walked in. "Hello miss." A Lady said at the front. "Hello." I said back. "Could I visit Mrs. Yeon?" I asked. "Of course, now do you have any type of sickness or what so ever?" She asked. "Nope." I said. "Alrighty. The room number is 639 on the 5th floor." She said. "Thank you." I said. She smiled. I walked towards the elevators. I go in one. Then I pressed for the 5th floor. As the doors opened I walked out and walked to mothers room. Finally, I found it. The door was slightly open so I could peek. I peeked to see who was in there. I paused.


Just wrote another chapter because I have nothing else to do with my life :) Anywho- Thanks for reading <3

It all started with a collaboration ✔  ||Kim Taehyung||FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ