Chapter 22

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~Y/n Pov~

"Alright were here." He said. I looked outside the window. We were at a parking lot on the mountain. We both got out of the car. I looked at the edge of the mountain and saw the whole city. "Woah~." I said. Tae came next to me. "Okay. What do you wanna talk about?" I asked Tae. "Oh yea. Uh.." He said. I looked at him. "I-I just wanted to ask if.." He said. I raised one of my eyebrows with a smile. He looked at me. "If.. Teagan is okay!" He said. I laughed. "She's doing great Tae. Her family visited her today." I said smiling. He was kind of smiling. "Anything else?" I asked. "Well uhh.." he said. "I-" Then a music type of sound cut him off. I turned and saw a ice cream truck. "Tae Tae! Lets go get ice cream." I said smiling at him. "Huh?" He said. "Come onnn!" I said grabbing his hand and walking to the ice cream truck.

 "Hi! What would you two love birds would like to get?" She said. I realized I was still holding Tae's hand. "Sorry Tae." I said smiling. He was also smiling. "Could I get strawberry please?" I said. She nodded. "What about you Tae?" I asked. "I'm okay." He said. I clicked my tongue. "Make that 2 please." I said to her. Tae's eyes widened a little. "Alrighty!" She said. "That will be $4 dollars." She said. I opened my purse and got $5 dollars. "Here you go!" I said smiling. "You could keep the change." I said. She smiled. "Here you guys go." She said handing me the ice cream's. "Thank you!" I said. We walked back to the car. "Here." I said giving Tae the other ice cream. "Thanks y/n." He said smiling. Then we drove back home.


When we got home, I could see Jin and Jungkook cooking while Lily was sitting on the table. "Sorry if we came back late." I said coming in. "Where were you guys?" Lily asked. "We went to the park." I said. She made a 'o' with her mouth. "I'm going to take a shower real quick." I said. Lily nodded. 

~Lily's Pov~

I walked to Tae who was taking off his shoes. "Did you tell her yet?" I asked. He took a big sigh. "You didn't, didn't you." I said. He nodded. "Tae come on. Its not that hard." I said. "You make it sound so easy Lily." He said. "I have an Idea." I said. He looked at me. "You should tell her on Christmas." I whispered to him. His eyes widened a bit. I smiled.

~Y/n Pov~

After my shower, I put on my PJ's and blow dried my hair. I walked to the kitchen and saw Lily and Tae talking. I walked up to them. "You should give her a present." Lily said. "Give who a present?" I asked. They turned. Both of their eyes widened. "U-uhh.." Lily said. "My friend!" Tae said. "Oh. Okay." I said. "Dinner is ready!" Jungkook announced. We all walked to the table. "Here you guys go." Jin said. "Thanks." I said smiling. I could see Lily and Tae looking at me and Jin. "Alright lets eat." Namjoon said. 


After dinner, I went and helped to clean up. "What are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked while wiping down the table. "I don't know. What do you want to do?" Namjoon said. I turned and smiled at him. "What are you planning." He said squinting his eyes at me. "Shopping!" I said smiling. He laughed. "Okay we will." He said. I smiled again. After cleaning I went to Lily. "How are you and Jungkook?" I asked her. "Were doing fine. What about you?" She asked me. "I'm doing okay I guess." I said. "Did something happen?" She asked. "Well, earlier today when me and Tae went to the park he said that he wanted to tell me something." I said. "Uh huh." She said. "And he looked nervous. He asked how was Teagan but I don't think that's what he wanted to tell me." I said. Lily nodded. "Maybe he forgot what he was gonna say." She said. "Maybe." I said back. "Well I'm gonna go to sleep." I said standing up. "Alright. Good night y/n." Lily said. "Night Lily!" I yelled while walking. 

As I was walking I ran into Hobi. "Hobi do you know where Tae is at?" I asked. "I think he's in his room." he said. "Okay Thanks." I said. He nodded. I walked into Tae's room while waving at Hobi. "Tae I'm gonna go to sleep-" I turned and saw Tae changing. He turned. "I-I'M SO SORRY!" I said closing the door. As I was closing the door I could see his eyes widened and he was blushing a bit. "OMG OMG OMGGGG!" I said. "What's wrong?!" Lily said running. I covered my face. "What's wrong?!" She asked again. I uncovered my face. She had saw my face was a bit red. "Ahh I see." She said. I went and hugged her. She started to laugh.

Tae came out of his room. "U-uh you were saying y/n.?" He asked. "I was saying I was gonna go to sleep." I said. "O-Oh yea. You could go." He said walking past us. Lily was still laughing. I was crying inside honestly. "Okay well are you going to sleep?" She asked. "Yes I am!" I said. "Okay then. Night." She said. I nodded. I went into Tae's room and went into his bed and fell asleep.

~Lily's Pov~

I ran to Tae. "Wait I think I know what happened." I said. He kept walking. "Did she-" He cut me off. "Yes she did Lily." he said. I tried not to laugh. "SPF-" I said. He turned around. I saw that his cheeks were red. I burst out laughing. "YOU LOOK LIKE A TOMATO RIGHT NOW!" I said laughing. He started to walk away. "Tae just tell her alright." I said following him. 


oopies- TYFR <3

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