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''Mr. Elias and his team will be here any moment now, I hope everything is ready and Steve, I want you to get a few mannequin's, here in my cabin for trials'', Meghan was all work no joke today. She had managed to arrive at her boutique a little early than usual since even though she knew she was the best at her work, it required a lot of dedication to keep it that way and being the perfectionist she was, she never liked being unprepared.

''Yes Mam'', Steve mock saluted her, he knew how important this was for her.

Meghan busied herself with a few designs and layouts on her desk as everyone around her buzzed trying to meet other deadlines and get everything set for Wilson's arrival.

The boutique was rustic, it had a very raw look to it. It made you feel like you were by the beach but with a much darker setting. The exteriors were painted dark brown with lightbulbs bracing the door for aesthetics. The board was in gold calligraphy and read, Meghan's. The interior was a lighter shade of brown and beiges with splashes of gold and copper, brick walls made the place age a thousand years. Since this was the designing studio it was less messy, less fabrics and less machines, it was more of a I could-work-and-play here place.

Wilson took a moment to appreciate the interiors and immediately fell in love with the décor when he was zapped out of his thoughts by Steve.

''Mr. Elias it is a pleasure having you here, hope you had no difficulty spotting our boutique'', Steve was nervous.

''With an efficient driver and my GPS, no it wasn't'', Wilson chuckled. He loved intimidating people who were affected by him, which was everyone.

Steve lead Wilson, Caleb and the wedding planner to Meghan's cabin.

The moment Steve opened the door, Wilson's eyes darted straight towards the petite brunette who he checked out at the pub the other night.

Meghan was standing against her table, hands sprawled in front of the laptop, hips lifted and pushed away from the table, she strained her neck into the laptop oblivious to Wilson gawking at her like meat. Steve cleared his throat alerting Meghan.

''Mr. Elias thank you for making it to the boutique at such a short notice but like I said I don't do one off's at my clients place'', for a moment Meghan just stared at the blond Adonis in front of her but she quickly collected herself and beamed as she shook her hand with Wilson. He held her hand for a moment longer, his eyes gauging hers, he wet his lower lip with his tongue, a dark thought crossing his mind momentarily but he resumed,

''We should get to business, I have to be out of here in a few minutes'', Wilson quickly composed himself back and led Caleb and the planner to the fur chairs placed across the table.

''So, it's for the wedding, did you have something in mind'', Meghan picked up her sketch book and placed it on the table.

''Three groom's men, bride's maid, myself and the bride. No specifications, just a deadline, two days'', Wilson was curt in his command which received glares from the planner, she had other things on mind but who was to mess with him. As everyone gaped at his bluntness, he retrieved a cheque book from his pocket and pulled out a cheque.

''Mr. Elias I am sorry but I'll need more than that. A color, themes and I was also expecting the bride to discuss her taste'', Meghan was already irritated and the cheque book just added the fuel to fire.

''My wedding planner will take you through the theme, all the measurements required will be mailed to you by afternoon, you could get in touch with my secretary if you need anything, and here is the blank cheque, fill it in as your payment'', Wilson was just getting ready to get up when Meghan snapped at him. She was glaring at him, her deep brown eyes boring into his grey ones and her hands folded against her chest in disapproval.

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