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''I asked Meghan to marry me'', Wilson mentioned casually and Caleb spat coffee all over the place.

''You what'', he was beaming at Wilson in surprise.

''You heard me'', Wilson rolled his eyes at the unnecessary reaction.

''And'', Caleb prompted him to continue.

''She hasn't said anything, which is obvious considering how this concept is to her, instead I think I might have convinced her to move in with me. I need to keep her safe if the anonymous texter gets notorious'', he sighed.

''You think it's going to go that far, but whatever, I'm really happy for the two of you'', Caleb genuinely smiled at Wilson.

''Coming to that I was thinking if she agrees we'll host a dinner at my place today, just the usual people'', Caleb nodded and the two of them got back to work.

It was almost quarter to one when Meghan decided to give Wilson a call.

''Wilson'', she shyly placed the cell phone close to her hear.

''Yes, love'', this would always send butterflies in her stomach.

''Am I disturbing you'', she smiled, no, grinned.

''No mi amor, though I'm planning to host a small dinner at the penthouse, just a few people. You tell me, is everything ok'', she could hear his fingers tapping the keys on his laptop.

''I had to tell you something, that thing you asked me about moving in with you, I think I'm fine with that'', Meghan was ready to take a step further, marriage was too fast but moving in would give her an opportunity to know him better, to prove to her this wasn't lust but love.

Wilson let a sharp breath out and quickly composed himself,

''I can live with that for now, I love you, see you at home then'', and she hung up.

She was sketching some designs in her book when Steve got some coffee for the both of them. He seemed rather excited.

''Wilson called. He's hosting a dinner party and I'm invited'', Steve was acting like he was on the 7th heaven.

''Yeah, he did tell me about it. Steve I'm moving in with him'', Meghan looked at Steve to gauge his reaction.

''Finally, I applaud myself to knock some sense into you'', he laughed and Meghan immediately relaxed.

''I'll just get a few things done and leave a little early today, can you please close the boutique today. I need to shift things to his place, that's going to take some time right.''

''Of course, sweetie'', Steve happily agreed.

Meghan excused herself for home. She decided to pack just a few things, since Wilson would make her stay back tonight. The rest of the place could be shifted later. The stupid grin on her face was just not willing to leave. She was finally having the life of her dreams, a companion she loved more than her life now. Just when she was wrapping up a few things there was a ping on her cell phone. She seemed taken aback. It was definitely not Wilson they had just talked a couple of hours ago.

Time is ticking fast baby girl

-Unknown number

This time the text did not get the required reaction from Meghan. It was certain that the person behind these texts did not know she had already spilled everything to Wilson. If anybody had to be worried it was the unknown sender who was currently being tracked. This time instead of succumbing to the pressure, she decided to text the sender back.

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