Lesson 2

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"Ahh, its Yibo!! Can I take a picture with you?"

"You look so cool when you don't smile."
"Yibo, when are you going to dance again?"

I walked in mach speed, trying to reach the dorm before my ears go deaf from their incessant shrieking. Why on earth did the Dean of the school design the dorm and school campus one street down from each other? Every morning and afternoon is a torture as the girls crowd and fawn over the students from our school. As I reached the door to the dorm building, I glanced at my watch. The new dude is late.

I saw a petite figure running towards the door, panting hard as he reached the destination. "You got chased by girls?" I asked in empathy and the latter shook his head. "I am.. late for my orientation.. with a senior.." he said while catching his breath.

"Ah, you must be Yuxi, I'm Yibo, the senior that's supposed to orientate you around. Are you... Good to go?" I look at the breathless Yuxi who's still panting a little, his face glistening with sweat. How is it that his face looks smaller than my palm and his skin is so fair and flawless.. "Senior?" his voice brought me back from my daze and I realised I was just staring at him. "You gotta be careful of the girls out there, they could possibly eat you right up," I said, giving him a pat of encouragement.

I brought him for a walk around the dormitory, "there's a total of four different dormitory building and we are staying in the Crest Dorm. You can have free access to the gym facilities, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, leisure room, cafeteria and my favourite - dance rooms." I brought him to the second level of the dorm that had all the facilities and the dance rooms. As we entered the dance room, his eyes turned wide in amazement and he let out a gasp. "T-this place is so big.." Grinning I added, "This is actually my own dance room, I have full access here. The rest of the rooms are by booking basis."

"Why do you have your own room?" Scratching my nape in embarrassment, I replied, "Well, let's just say I've got permission to do so." He nodded and took my word as it is rather than pressing on. I heaved a sigh of relief, "Guys are much simpler to communicate with."

"What's that?" He asked as he stared at me with his puppy eyes. Ruffling his hair, I smiled and replied, "I said, guys are easier to communicate with. Girls on the other hand, they like to question and grill you till no end, you know." His face started to flush red and I placed my hand on his forehead, "Are you having a fever?"

"Ahh, n-no. It must be from the running just now..." he pulled my hand gently away. How is this guy's hand so soft? "You need to train on your stamina. Anyway do you know who's your roommate yet? What's your room number? " Yuxi shook his head, "I haven't met him, I'm in room 502." Cai Xukun stays in that room. "Well, I think you should be fine. He's hardly in the room anyway. Let's head back to your room."

We reached the front of his door and he opened his door. True enough, Kun isn't in. "Dinner is served in the cafeteria from 6pm onwards, you can come down and meet the rest of your dorm mates later." He nodded his head with a thankful smile, "Thank you senior for spending your time in the afternoon to show me around."

My heart started to skip a beat upon seeing his smile. What's going on? Why am I reacting this way to him? "I-I stay in room 602, just a floor above yours. You can come to me if you need any help... And you should probably be careful of guys too.."


That senior Yibo seemed to have gone through something to be so wary of girls and guys, but he seemed like a really nice guy. I unpacked my luggage into the empty wardrobe and looked at the stack of chest binder. Sigh, having it just makes it harder for me to breathe, if not for this I wouldn't be panting like a dog from a mere run. I placed the stack of chest binder on the top compartment of the wardrobe. Goodbye womanhood.

Turning to the administrative file on my table, I started to browse through it. As a scholar, you are to keep your grades 75 points and above. Failure to do so will receive punishment and should you fail to score an average of 75 points for the year, your scholarship will be revoked and you will have to bear the school fees of $75,000 per semester. What??!! I think sending me to my death would be a faster and easier option.. "Ughh, Yuxi, I need your brain now."

"Do you refer yourself in the third person when you're alone?" Cai Xukun entered the room with a grin in his basketball Jersey. "Uhh haha.. Yeah, weird habit of mine." He took his towel and stood beside me, "You have an interesting character. I guess I don't have to introduce myself since you already know me. I'm going to shower before heading to the cafeteria. You want to wait for me or you'd want to go ahead first?"

"Ahh, I'll wait for you then," I replied with a grateful smile. Stepping into the cafeteria alone is rather intimidating.I can't believe my classmate is my roommate, what are the chances. Good thing he seemed to be friendly so far.

"Alright, let's go," Kun motioned and I quickly followed behind him. He glanced back at me, "You are rather short for a guy, you should eat more." He passed me a plate and we walked to the buffet spread in the front of the cafeteria. The galore of food made me salivate as I picked a few of the dishes to put on my plate.

"Let's head over there," Kun tilted his chin to the direction where eight boys were seated at. "Hey guys, you are all early," Kun said as we sat down. "This is my new roommate, Liu Yuxi." "You've met Zhen Zhen and Cheng Cheng just now in class," he pointed towards the two who sat beside Kun.

"Did the dorm manager set the rule that pretty boys need to stay together?" the guy with dreadlocks commented. "Yeah Xiao Gui, and there's a rule that I have to be in the same room as annoying you," the guy with his hair geled up commented. "Im Ziyi, Xiao Gui and I stay in room 504, right beside you."

"And I'm Justin, I'm staying at 406 with Nong Nong," the cheerful guy pointed to the meek looking boy with a cute smile who waved excitedly at me. "Eh, stop stuffing your mouth with food," the guy sitting at the far end elbowed the guy who was munching on his food without a care in this world. "I'm Lin Yanjun, and my roommate is Zhangjing, the glutton who can't stop eating. We are in room 308" he gave me a friendly nod and Zhangjing smiled at me with his cheeks filled with food.

Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to introduce myself and I cleared my throat, "H-Hi everyone, I'm Liu Yuxi. I hope to get along well with all of you." Kun placed his arm over my shoulder, "Don't worry, if any of them bullies you, you can just tell me."

"Aye Kun, showing favouritism to your new roommate already I see, what if he is the one bullying us?" "If Yuxi bullies you, then you probably deserve it," Ziyi retorted shaking his head.

"I see you've already introduced Yuxi to your clique," Yibo senior commented from behind as he walked towards us. He patted my head and continued, "Anyway Yuxi, if any of them bullies you please tell me."

"Yah, why are you saying the same thing as Kun?" Cheng cheng voiced out, "Do we look like we are going to bully him?"

"You don't look like it, but I'd be thankful if you don't teach him to become like a flirtatious cassanova like you," Yibo replied.

"Ehh, I can't help it if girls fall for me willingly. I didn't ask them to come find me." The dining table was soon filled with the chatters of the guys as we ate our dinner.

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