Lesson 12

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Yuxi is late. I paced around my room for a good five minutes, wondering where the boy is. It's been 30 minutes past the designated time and he's still nowhere in sight. I tried to dial his number but it remained unanswered. Maybe he'd forgotten about it.

I went down to his room, rapping the door. "Yuxi, are in there?" "Yibo, what are you doing here?" Kun asked as he walked towards me. "Aren't you supposed to be tutoring Yuxi?"

"Yeah, but I've been waiting for over 30 minutes and he didn't come. Did he forget about it?" I looked at Kun whose face changed as he heard my words.

"That can't be... I saw him leaving the room.. Did something happen to him?" his eyes now filled with worry. "Shit, let's not overthink.. Let's try to call him again." As I dialed his number, I could hear his phone ringing from his room. Kun opened the door immediately to see Yuxi's phone lying on the study table. "Fuck, he must be in trouble," Kun face darkened as he glared menacingly at the phone.

"Hey, calm down. Let's split ways and try to look for him. Get your guys to look for him too," I said as the both of us headed to the different areas of the dormitory. Running around in frantic. Please be alright Yuxi.


"You are such an eyesore I can't wait to get rid of you," Liu Ye shouted. My eyelids felt so heavy I had to muster every ounce of my strength to open my eyes slightly. Liu Ye had my hands and legs bounded up with ropes as he dragged me towards the swimming pool. My head felt woozy and I couldn't really process what was going on, all I remembered was helping him and then feeling a sharp sting on my neck. What did he do to me? "Ughh," I groaned as I felt the ropes biting into my skin as he pulled it.

Bending down to face me, he spat "Awake now aren't you? You think you're something hovering around Yibo all the time? That place belongs to me!" Not you, some filthy little shit."

Standing up, he pulled the ropes tied on my hands violently, dragging me on the ground. "Anyway, it won't be long before you're gone," he gave me an evil smirk as I tried my best to keep my eyes from closing. "Say goodbye," he kicked me as my body rolled forward into the deep end of the pool. Shit, he's really out to kill me. I tried to struggle out of the ropes but my body felt like a lead and I couldn't wiggle much.

My lungs started to hurt as it slowly ran out of air, I can't believe I'm dying like this...


"YuXi!" I shouted as I sprinted towards the end of the pull where Liu Ye was standing at. His face lit up as I approached and he tried to pull me into an embrace. "Yibo, I've been waiting for you, I've helped you get rid of an eyesore aren't you happy?" I struggled away from his reach, trying to get into the pool to rescue Yuxi, "Let go of me you crazy shit!" I yelled.

Liu Ye fell to the ground hard as Kun kicked him hard in his abdomen. "Go save Yuxi, I'll take care of this fucker," he said with his cold piercing tone. I jumped into the pool without hesitation and pulled Yuxi up to the edge of the pool.

"Yuxi, wake up," I slapped his face lightly but he remained unconscious. The water must have entered his lungs. Placing my palms on his chest, I started doing chest compressions, don't die Yuxi, please don't die. Lifting his chin up, I placed my lips against his and blow the air in his mouth. Shit, it's still not working. I repeated the steps again, forcing more air into his mouth as I pressed my mouth hard against his. Just breathe Yuxi.

"Cough cough," Yuxi started to cough out water as he gasped for air. "You're alright, you're fine now," I said aloud, patting his back to soothe his coughing. He looked at Kun's direction and pointed his finger there weakly, muttering "H-Help."

Xiao Gui

Holy cow, "Kun! Stop! " I shouted, trying to get him to stop his vicious attack. Kun was crouching over the guy who was lying on the ground, half motionless. He's been plummeting the guy straight without missing a beat, his face swelling up more with every punch Kun landed on him. "Stop it bro, you're gonna kill him," Ziyi grabbed on Kun's shoulder attempting to stop him but ended up being flung off by Kun.

Zhen Ting approached Kun carefully, trying to coax the latter to listen but obviously, that didn't work. When the "Dark Kun" is awaken, there's nothing much that we can do to stop him. "The three of us at once," Zhen Ting commanded as we position ourselves to leap in and hold Kun down.

"K-Kun.. S-stop.." Yuxi mumbled with his weak and hoarse voice as he staggered here while being supported by Yibo senior. Upon Yuxi's voice, Kun stopped and turned his attention towards Yuxi. That's a surprise, to think Kun is able to hear Yuxi when he's in the berserk zone.

He stood up and walked towards Yuxi, his dark and menacing expression turning soft as he cradled Yuxi's cheek tenderly asking, "Are you alright?" Yuxi nodded. Kun picked Yuxi up gently, cradling him in his arms as he stared at Liu Ye who was half beaten to death. "Make sure he's tied up properly when I get back." The three of us nodded our head readily as he walked off with Yuxi in his arms with Yibo senior following suit.

"Yah.. This guy would wish he's never born later... Kun is going to deal with him hard." I sigh as I picked the bloodied guy up.


"Kun... I can walk on my own.." I spoke softly as my lips started to tremble from the cold. "Just rest and stop worrying," he replied as his gaze stayed fixated on me. "We need to get him warm up, the doctor is off duty now.. Let's just bring him back to the room and have a warm bath," Yibo senior suggested.

Once we reach the dorm, Kun wrapped me up in a thick blanket as Yibo senior went to the toilet to adjust the heater. "Hurry up and shower Yuxi, I'll bring in your clothes for you," Yibo senior said. I walked into the toilet and began showering without thinking much about his words. "Yuxi, your clothes," Kun said as he opened the toilet door. Shucks, I'm naked now.. What am I supposed to do? I placed my arms around my chest, trying to cover myself as much as possible, hoping the steam in the bathroom could act as a shroud covering me.

"I've placed the clothes behind the door," he said straightly as the door clicked closed. He didn't see anything did he, if he did there'd probably be a bigger reaction..

I picked up the clothes, realising the chest binder is not there. Of course there wouldn't be, I smack my head lightly. I guess I have to go without it today, the sweater seemed thick enough to cover me.


"I could have passed him the clothes too, you didn't have to snatch it from me," Yibo lamented as I stepped out of the toilet. As if I'm going to let you see YuXin's naked body. I had to look down on the floor tiles the whole time I was inside to prevent myself from seeing her in the shower, if he had entered it'd be a disaster.

" Well, I was nearer, anyway we got to do something about that scumbag. Who the hell is he anyway?" I glared at Yibo as I clenched my fist tight, recalling how he treated YuXin so harshly.

"Ive only seen him a few times too, he's always so courteous with me.. I didn't expect him to be such a psycho," Yibo furrowed his brows.

"He'd wish he's never born when I get through with him," I said curtly.

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