Lesson 25

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"Hey pipsqueak, we're just cleaning up for the last day of closing. You don't have to be so hardworking you know," Cheng Cheng chided as I cleaned up the tables actively trying to avoid Kun and his human plaster AnQi who kept batting her eyelashes at him whenever possible.

Seeing the two of them flirting makes my blood boil and I wrung the tablecloth, wiping the table hard. Yeah that's right, who am I? Just a flabby chested girl, how can I compete with that perfect girl over there.

"Yuxi, the table is clean enough." Yibo senior said gently as he took the cloth away from my hand. "Bad mood?" I smiled and shook my head, "Just trying to get everything cleaned."

"You're bad at lying, you know that right?" smoothing my hair gently, he said, "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

"Xiao Xi, I need your help over here." Jiaqi jiejie called out and I went towards her direction.

"That Yibo, Why's he patting your head and looking at you with such a concern expression?" she questioned softly while handing me a stack of plates.

"He's always concern about his friends.. He's a nice guy you know," I replied as I helped Jiaqi jiejie to carry the plates into the kitchen.

"Xiao Xin, when are you going back to your original self?" she asked as we were in the kitchen alone. I kept silent, not knowing how to answer her question. "You are still wearing that chest binder?" she continued.

"Not now.. I have to wait for the injuries to heal before I can wear it.." I answered softly. Hearing my answer, Jiaqi jiejie placed her hand on my breast over my oversized shirt and gave it a light squeeze. "Jiejie, what are you doing?" I asked as my eyes stared wide at her, shock at her sudden action.

"Your breasts are still growing Xiao Xin. If you continue to use that chest binder, I'm afraid your breast may go out of shape," she warned. Is there such a thing? But I haven't been paying much attention to it too.. What if it really happens?

"That's why you should go back to becoming a girl as soon as possible. I've already asked my sources to look out for Yuxi. Once I get hold of him, you'd have to become Xiao Xin again," she said as she pulled me in for a hug.


"Cai Xukun~ I'd miss you after this," AnQi whined as she held onto my arm, batting her eyelids. "Uhh.. Okay," I answered while trying to pry her hands away from my arm awkwardly.

"Won't you miss me too?" she gripped me harder, leaning closer to me with a pout. "Uhh.." how am I supposed to answer so that I won't hurt her feelings?

"Yah, what's with this cold reply. I don't care, I'll find you at your school everyday," she wrapped her arms around my body and hugged me tight as I stood rooted to the ground, surprised at her sudden attack.

YuXin and Jiaqi, who happened to come out of the kitchen caught sight of this awkward position and YuXin's eyes immediately turned dark as she frowned. Is she jealous?

"Hey AnQi, stop your flirting and make yourself useful!" Jiaqi hollered and AnQi quickly dropped the hug. I heaved a sigh of relief but immediately stop short after noticing YuXin's glare.

Maybe it's a good opportunity to make her jealous even more. "Here AnQi, let me help you." I offered as I took the box from her. "Ah, that's so kind of you," she cooed as she stared at me with her twinkling eyes. "It's nothing, it's only right if a guy steps in and help a girl in need." I replied while glancing at YuXin who stalked off into the kitchen with a sulk on her face.


"What's all that talk about guys taking care of girls. Yeah, great. Kun is such a gentlemen, taking care of AnQi. What am I? Just a short hair girl having her boobs being squashed up, possibly having scars on my back. If I'm a guy I wouldn't choose myself as well," YuXin muttered to herself as she cleaned up the glasses in the kitchen with a scowl on her face.

"I'd choose you," I answered with a grin on my face, walking towards her who was looking up in shock. "Senior.. I was just.. Talking rubbish," she explained in a stutter, smiling embarrassingly at me.

"I'd choose you," I repeated firmly with my gaze locked on her. "Ah senior, thank you for consoling me, that's really kind of you," YuXin replied with a slight smile. Does she think I'm saying this for just to cheer her up? As I was about to explain my feelings to her, Kun entered the kitchen with a box of stuff with AnQi following closely behind, smiling and chatting with Kun.


"Cai Xukun~ are you free tomorrow? We can go out together and have a break," I asked in a light hearted tone, hoping he'd agree. We stopped at the kitchen, seeing Yibo and Yuxi looking towards Cai Xukun and me.

"Ahh, you guys are here, I was just asking Cai Xukun out for a date tomorrow," I looked at Yuxi who had a frown on his face. "Yuxi~, is your injury better now?" I asked as I walked towards him, feeling a little guilty that his back was injured because of me.

"It's okay, not a big issue.. Well I should let the two of you talk about your date tomorrow. As far as I know, Kun is free." Yuxi placed the glass cup hard on the table, as he glared at Kun. "Enjoy your date."

Is he jealous about Kun dating me? Don't tell me... He's interested in me?


"YuXin, why are you stomping off so fast," I pulled her arm gently, trying to catch her attention as she stomped back to the dorm.

Hearing my question, she turned back at me with a frown on her face. Her eyes were looking down, " I don't know.. Senior, every time I see Kun and AnQi being together, my blood starts to boil and I feel a sense of annoyance whenever I see her latching on Kun.. Senior, can you tell me why I'm feeling this way?" She looked up at me with a troubled look.

My heart fell upon hearing her words, I could feel the pain slowly seeping from my heart to my body as it weighs me down. She must be feeling jealous about Kun and AnQi. So Kun is the one she likes huh.. Am I too late? I forced a smile on my face as I patted her head and explained,"whatever you're feeling right now, it's called jealousy.."

"Jealousy? But why would I be jealous?" She starer at me with a confused frown. She doesn't know her own feelings? "You have feelings for Kun don't you? If not why would you be so affected by his interaction with AnQi?"

"I like Kun?? I just see him as my roommate and friend.. Is that.." she sighed and pouted, seemingly aware of her own feelings. "Ahh... This is not supposed to happen, I can't fall in love with Kun. I'm a boy right now and he doesn't know I'm a girl.. Senior, what am I supposed to do?"

I ruffled her hair gently, "Don't worry so much, I'll figure it out with you.." Why couldn't you just like me YuXin, I'd be here to take care of you.. Am I supposed to just give up on you after knowing you like Kun? 


"I'm going over to Yibo senior's place and get him to help me instead," I said hastily, attempting to walk to the door when Kun pulled my arm back and replied with a firm tone, "No, you are not." 

"Yes, I am and it's my choice. Why are you so concern about me anyway? You should be more concern about your date with AnQi. Oh right, have a good date tomorrow," I plastered on a fake smile and pulled my arm away as I walked out of the room. Urgh YuXin, since when are you becoming such a scornful girl, get yourself together. 

I knocked on Yibo senior's door and he opened it within seconds with a confused look, "YuXin? Is something wrong?" "Senior... Can you help me to apply the medication on my back instead? I figured it would be better for you to do it instead of Kun.. to minimise the interaction between us." 

"S-Sure.. if that's what you want, come on in." Yibo senior replied as he opened the door wide and welcomed me in. 

[Author's note]

Thanks everyone for the angst at how slow Kun is making his way towards YuXin. I promise the next chapter will be more interactive.

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