Lesson 27

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What am I doing kissing Kun in the room in Broad daylight. I tried resisting his kisses but somehow as our kiss deepens, my willpower got weaker as I slowly succumb to his soft lips. Kun took the opportunity to pulled me in close to him as he kissed passionately, this time round with his tongue.

Oh shucks, it feels so good, I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as our tongue entwined together.

No wait, it shouldn't be like this. There's still an AnQi!

"Mmm, stop it Kun," I protested, twisting my head away as I pushed him, trying to get away from his alluring kisses. "Kun.." I said again, this time shoving him away more forcefully as he pulled his lips away from me with a frown.

"What's wrong?" he asked as I stood up, walking to study desk and sat on the chair instead. "We shouldn't do anything before you make things clear with AnQi.. Have you thought of how you are going to explain things to her without making her sad?"

He gave a smirk as he walked over to my side, pinching my cheeks softly, "Why are you always thinking about others? Don't worry, I will try my best to be tactful." He fondled my lips gently with his thumb, looking at me with a teasing smile "Then I would be able to kiss you without you having any other excuse to pull away from me."


"YuXin, I'll be back real soon alright? Don't worry I will make things clear with AnQi," Kun ruffled my hair gently with a soft smile as he left. Sigh, I wonder if everything will be fine.

Two hours passed and I started to feel a sense of unease when Kun hasn't returned back yet. Did he perhaps met with some difficulty explaining things to AnQi? I paced around the room restlessly as my thoughts started running wild. I should probably wait for him at the gate.. This pacing in the room is making me crazy.

As I reached the gate, I could hear Kun's voice explaining in exasperation, "AnQi, for the last time, I'm not interested in you. I'm sorry if I did anything to lead you on but I am simply not in love with you."

AnQi started pouting as she held onto Kun's arm. "That's impossible, you like me if not you wouldn't have helped me during our event together... Why are you suddenly saying things like that..." AnQi's gaze landed on me and her eyebrows creased, "I know now..."

She strutted towards me and pulled me towards them. "It's because of you." She prodded me on my shoulder, "Cai Xukun, you are rejecting me because of this guy over here right?" Kun shifted his eyes towards me with shock and I looked at him with the same questionable look. Did she.. perhaps figure things out?

"You are keeping silent.. So I must be speaking the truth," turning to me, AnQi continued, "Liu YuXi.. I'm thankful that you shielded me from the scalding tea, helping me out.. I know you like me, but..." her eyes darted indecisively between me and Kun.

Hearing her explanation, Kun and I looked down as we bit our lips trying to suppress our laughter. How did she even come to that conclusion? Were my actions that misleading?

"Sigh, it sucks to be this popular.." she lamented. "Please don't cry because of me Liu Yuxi.." she pulled my arm slightly with a pout. How do I explain myself before this situation gets out of hand? I shouldn't have come out here. I gave myself a slap mentally and cleared my throat.

"AnQi I ju-" AnQi cut me short by placing her fingers on my lips, "shh.. You don't have to say anything anymore. I don't want to reject you when you saved me."

Glancing at Kun with a forlorn look, she sighed, "Cai Xukun.. I know you have feelings for me, but we can't hurt Liu Yuxi anymore after he's risked himself to save me.. So I'm going to have to end things with you.."

Kun and I stared at her with a dumbfound look. This girl much be smoking something to reach this level of delusion. But I guess it's a blessing in disguise since things ended without anyone crying in tears.

" Thank you AnQi for being understanding, I'm sure you'd find a better guy out there," Kun flashed a warm smile at her and without warning, she tiptoed and smacked her lips against his cheek. "A goodbye kiss for you," she muttered before turning away and leaving.

Kun immediately placed his hand on his cheek, his eyes wide in shock as he stared at AnQi who was walking away from us. My eyes slowly turned into slit with slight jealousy and anger. Is he smitten by her kiss?

"Cai. Xu. Kun. What was that?" a cold piercing voice resonated from our back and I could feel a chill down my spine. Kun immediately snapped out of his daydream upon hearing the voice as he winced in fear, slowly turning his head around as he massaged his nape anxiously.

"Mum.. What are you doing here?" Kun said with a sheepish smile. I turned around quickly and bowed while greeting, "Good afternoon aunty." The frown on her face turned into a warm smile as she greeted me back, "Afternoon to you too Yuxi. Kun, a word with you."

Mrs Cai

I strutted further down the walkway, a good distance away from Yuxi before turning back to see Kun following behind me like a sad puppy.

"Kun Kun, I thought the last time I left you, you expressed your interested in Yuxi? Now I see you kissing with another girl.. Are you playing around?" I grilled him coldly as he quickly shook his head with a flustered look.

"You got it all wrong mom, I was just explaining about my feelings towards her and she pounced on me for a goodbye kiss. I swear!" He answered with a shaking voice, fighting hard to clarify the situation. Seeing the look of sincerity and anxiousness on his face, I could see the truth in his words.

" Alright, I believe you." his face immediately relaxed as he heard my words. "There's family dinner today, are you ready to go?" I asked as he glanced towards Yuxi's direction with a longingly look.

Walking back towards her, I tapped on her shoulder as she turned back with a slight jump, "Y-yes aunty?" she asked with a soft tone. "Yuxi, Kun and I are heading for a family dinner, why don't you join us?"

"Uhh.. I think.." without waiting for her to finish her sentence, I held on to her hand and tugging her along as I walked back to the car. "Kun, get on." I instructed and Kun obliged without a word as I pushed Yuxi gently into the car to sit beside Kun. "Right, let's go for dinner" I said as I got in the front sit of the car.

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