Lesson 7

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"Liu Yuxi, your timing is atrocious for the running. Go run another 5 more rounds around the track to build up your stamina!" The physical education teacher barked and I made my way to run another torturous five rounds while panting hard like a dog. The chest binder is really making it hard for me to breath and with the sun beating down hard mercilessly, I am sweating more than ever. I look at the rest of the guys who were already doing their leisure sports after warming up with envy. How do you expect a girl to compete with these guys over here? I silently curse Yuxi for the nth time of the day for my demise.


"Hey Yibo, isn't that the new junior in your dorm? He looked like he's about to faint from running. Hahaha, is he that weak?" my classmate pointed to the track where Yuxi was struggling to run as we were walking by. He certainly looks like he's in a bit of a tight spot as his arms started to flail around weakly while running. "I think he's just bad at running," I recalled the time when I first saw him and how he panted so badly.

All of the sudden, the guys in his class accidentally kicked the soccer ball off course and it smacked right on the back of Yuxi's head causing him to stumble and fall on the track. I immediately sprinted right to his direction, worried about his injury. "Yuxi, are you alright?" I bent down and flipped him gently to the side. Yuxi eyes remained close, appearing to be fainted. Kun who was behind me bent down, attempting to carry Yuxi, "Let's bring him to the infirmary." "I'll do it," I mentioned as I scooped Yuxi in my arms and carried him to the infirmary, surprised at how light he felt.

"Doctor James, I've got a student who fainted during physical education," Kun mentioned as we reached the office. "Pshh, which weakling is it?" Doctor James chided with his back facing us. "Just put him on the bed, I'll see to him later." "Doctor, he also have some cuts from falling on the track too," I added. Blood was slowly trickling down from Yuxi's knees and palms.

"Wah, let me see who's this unlucky guy." Doctor James turned to face us and his facial expression immediately changed to a worried frown when he saw Yuxi. "Hurry up and put him on the bed," he commanded. "Explain to me what happened to him." He looked at us while furrowing his brows.

"He was running when someone accidentally kicked a soccer ball hitting him in the back. He fell and fainted on the track." Kun explained. "Who's the blind guy who kicked the ball, ask him bang his head on the wall... The both of you can leave now, I'll take care of him." Doctor James said in a huff.

"Why is he reacting so badly over this? Usually he would have teased the students to no end for being weak," Kun said as we stepped out of the infirmary. "Beats me.." Something is fishy here. He does sound a lot more concern for Yuxi than other students.


I groaned out softly as I tried to open my eyes, my body felt like a truck had just drove over me. "You're awake, how are you feeling now?" A warm hand smoothed my forehead and I squint my eyes to see James looking at me with a tired smile. "Uncle, where am I?" "You are in the infirmary, you fainted while running and you even scrapped your knees and palms." I sat up slowly and inspected my injuries. The knees especially, were covered with nasty wounds that with fresh red blood peeking through.

"Yuxin, shall I just talk to your mom about this? Maybe we can work something out," James hugged me warmly. "Uncle, it's okay. I am getting used to the school regimen. These injuries are nothing." I waved off his concern knowing deep down my mom would not be easy to negotiate with. James looked at me encouragingly and handed me a bag of medicine. "I've already cleaned your wound. Apply this to your wound after you wash up. Make sure you don't get any infection alright?" 

I limped back to the dormitory slowly, trying hard to not wince with every step, what sheer bad luck to fall on the track and to miss half a day of school. That means more work to cover later.. "Yuxi, oh god, you look horrible," Xiao Gui mentioned as he walked towards me. Grabbing the bag from my hand he said, "Let me help you with this." I shot him a grateful smile, "Thank you, umm could you also tell me what the teacher covered in class just now?" "Yeah of course! Even though I look like a slacker, I am also the top 10 in school," he grinned. Just great, is everyone around me a genius except for myself? 

"So we've gone through chapter 5 & 6 for math and chapter 4 for physics. These are the pages for the homework," he flipped through my textbooks and helped me circle the pages. "T-Thank you Xiao Gui, I owe you one" I said as I looked at him sincerely. Even though he's cheeky, he's really helpful. "Y-Yeah, No.. No problem," his face started to flush as he darted his eyes around. "I uhh I got to go, you get some rest alright." He ran to the door and was almost hit by the door that swung in as Cai Xukun entered. 

Xiao Gui

Oh crap, don't tell me I'm turning gay now. Is this the side effects of being chased by girls too much that I'm starting to develop feelings for guys now? It must be the lack of sleep from playing too much computer games, that must be it, causing me to overthink. 


I was greeted by a flustered Xiao Gui whose face was flushing badly as I opened the door. "See you around bro," he said as he ran off to his own room. What the heck was that about? "Yuxi, how's your injuries?" I asked as I walked towards him. "It's okay, I was about to shower so I can apply the medication," he replied as he reached for his showering bag and went to the toilet. As the water faucet started running, I could hear Yuxi grimacing in pain as he showered. The wound must be stinging. Once he came out of the toilet in his oversized t-short and berms, he tried to apply the medication on his wound, struggling as the wounds on his palms impeded his action. "Here, let me help you." I took the medicine and started to apply on his wound carefully squatting down while he tried his best to hold back from wincing in pain. "Was it painful?" I asked him softly and he looked at me with his big doe eyes and shook his head. "Thank you for helping me Kun." My heart skipped a beat as I stared at his eyes and the way he called my name so tenderly made my ears turned red. Shit, don't tell me I am falling for guys now. 

"H-Hey, do you use some floral soap whenever you shower?" I asked. It must be the scent that is throwing me off. "Huh? I just use the normal soap in the bathroom.. Does it have a floral scent?" Am I now hallucinating scents now? "Never mind.." I stood up and sat at my study table. I must be too overworked. 

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