Lesson 40

447 32 2


My phone started vibrating as messages started to flood in.

Yibo senior: Hey, how are you doing? Remember to place an ice pack on your eyes to reduce the swelling from your crying.

Kun: Babe, it feels different to sleep without you by my side. I miss you.

Shuxin: YuXin! Don't forget our date tomorrow, I can't wait to see you 😊

Argh I've forgotten that I have agreed to meet Shuxin tomorrow. Should I cancel it? But... Maybe I could use this opportunity to know more about their engagement too.. Sigh.


"YuXin! Over here!" Shuxin waved at me in an exaggerated move trying to get my attention in the sea of people. I waved back with a tight lipped smile and walked towards her. Be cool YuXin, you can do this.

"YuXin, I've got great news to share! I've finally exerted my power like you encouraged earlier and his grandpa announced us as a couple officially during a party yesterday!" Shuxin beamed at me happily while we were eating in the restaurant. Shit, me and my big mouth. Why did I even encourage her to do that.

" T-Thats great.." I smiled half-heartedly, taking a bite of my food.

" Yeah, now he knows he should stop flirting with other girls.. I have actually grown to be interested in him after meeting him. Grandpa has always told me about him since I was young and he turned out to be like a cold Prince charming..Ah maybe you could help me choose the gown for my engagement? My grandfather said we'd be engaged in a few month's time." She asked with a huge grin.

"Ah... But I'm not really good with these kind of stuff.." I hesitated for a moment, "How about asking your other friends?" so the engagement date has been set. My heart sank hearing the news. Liu YuXin, what were you hoping for?

Her eyes drooped down and she stopped eating. "But.. I don't really have any other girl friends except for you.." she muttered with a pout on her face, "The other girls in my school just wants to befriend me because of other ulterior motive.."

Seeing her dejected look made me feel a pang of sadness. Argh whatever, since I'm already stuck in this sticky business what's the harm in helping her. "Alright, you can call me when you're trying on your gown," I replied.


"YuXin, are you sure you're alright with this?" I looked at her with concern after she's back from meeting Shuxin. She has narrated the whole incident for us and we finally had the full picture of what was going on. Who in the right mind would actually agree to help her love rival pick out her gown?

YuXin let out a huge sigh, "I don't know if I'm okay with it.. But when I saw her dejected look I couldn't bear to just abandon her.." she muttered. I can't believe it, this girl is seriously thinking of helping her love rival out just because she couldn't bear to see her sad face?

"But what about your own feelings? Have you spare a thought for yourself??" Xue Er asked in an exasperated tone, her face etched with worries.

YuXin smiled and held on to Xue Er's hand tenderly, "I will be okay eventually... Anyway, I won't be seeing Kun once my brother is back. Jiaqi Jiejie is looking for him, there should be some news about him soon."

Sigh, I certainly hope so. The faster this switch of identity ends, the faster YuXin can get back to her original life. Knowing that Kun has been playing around with her while he had a fiancée stashed somewhere made me boiling mad. Cai Xukun, you better run if you see me.

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