Lesson 29

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"Senior, Kun and I decided to take up uncle's offer and go to the resort during our summer break, will you come along with us?" YuXin looked at Yibo with her puppy eyes wide with expectation as we were walking to the committee room.

"Do you want me to come along?" he replied with a smile.

"Of course! The more the merrier, it would be fun with you along," YuXin flashed a smile towards Yibo and I couldn't help but feel sour at their interaction. Damn it Kun, now you're acting like a jealous overbearing boyfriend.

"If you want me to be there, then I will join you guys," Yibo glanced at me looking for a sign of approval and I nodded curtly. Its not like I could say no, my dad did ask him to come along.

"That's great! Senior are you going to ask the girl you like along?" YuXin asked innocently and Yibo immediately stiffen at her question.

"Since when are you such a busybody?" I interjected, ruffling up her hair causing her to pout at me while she tried to smoothen it. That's it, time for a talk with Yibo to lay out everything before things go awry.

"Yibo, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked as the meeting was adjourned. He nodded and we sat at the couch while the rest of the members made their way out.

"You knew about her identity, when?" I questioned trying to get the answers.

"A few weeks ago, I saw her out in the streets wearing female clothing with her cousin, Jiaqi. That's when everything clicked. What about you?" Yibo raised his brows.

"That's.. When she was trapped in the store room, I accidentally pulled her shirt up," I admitted guiltily. "You what?!" Yibo raised his voice as he frowned in disbelief.

"Relax, I didn't see anything. Anyway, I just want to tell you, she's my girlfriend now," I stressed, hoping he'd get the hint and act accordingly.

"I know," Yibo placed his elbows on his knee as he leaned forward, cupping his face with his hands, "So what do you want me to do bro?" he glanced at me with a solemn look.

What did I want him to do? Stay away from YuXin? But he's her friend as well and she's fond of him as a senior. Honestly I haven't thought about it, I just wanted him to know that YuXin is with me right now.

"Just thought I'd let you know since you obviously have feelings for her."

"Yeah, don't worry. I won't do anything to jeopardise your relationship with her," he gave me a smirk, "Unless you hurt her of course."

I laughed at the incredulous thought, "Don't worry, I won't."



"Kun.. We are supposed to be studying," I muttered softly. We were sitting at my study table and instead of our usual sitting arrangement where he pulls a chair beside me, this time round he decided to plop himself on my chair and pulled me to sit on his lap instead.

" Yeah, this is a new method of studying," he smirked. "With you close to me, I'd be able to scrutinise your work clearer."

"But I can't concentrate with you breathing down on my neck," I lamented, "It's distracting.." and it was. I could feel my body heating up as he whispered to my ear in his airy voice, a tingling session cruising through my body as he touched my hand. How am I supposed to study this way?

"Well, alright. If you can answer this question correctly, we will get back to the original sitting arrangement," he offered and I nodded my head in agreement. "But.. If you get it wrong..  Then you'd need to give me a kiss."

"Okay, but on the cheek," I replied quickly and turned to focus on my math question. Urgh, what's this differentiation again? I tried my best to write down the steps, plotting in the formula and scribbled down the working. After what seemed like forever, I grinned at the completed work and turned to look at Kun. This should be correct. "Kun, I finished it."

"Great, and you owe me a kiss," he smiled back cheekily, pointing at the answer. "Your calculation is wrong." What? I frowned as I pulled the paper up to see my mistake.

Kun picked up my pen and started scribbling on my paper. In less than a minute, he worked out the solution and showed it to me with a grin. " Here, this is the correct solution." I looked at his solution and spotted my mistake, urgh I forgotten one step.

"Fine," I sulked as I leaned in closer to his face, his dark glimmering eyes twinkled as I shifted closer to him. As I was about to place my lips on his cheek for a quick peck, he turned and pressed his lips against mine instead, enveloping my lips with his warm luscious lips.

"That's cheating!" I protested, trying to get off his lap but Kun grabbed hold of my waist, refusing to me budge.

"I merely moved my head, you are the one with bad aim," he teased. "Alright alright, let's go on to the next question," he pacified, pointing to the next question on the page.

I creased my brows, focusing on the next question. I must win this round. Just as I was about to start on the next question, I felt Kun's hand being placed on my thigh, squeezing it softly. My breath hitched as my heart leapt at his sudden touch. Sensing my tense body, he leaned his chin my shoulder, snuggling his head on my neck.

"Do you need help for this question?" he whispered as his fingers started tracing along my upper thigh sensually, teasing me.

"N-No need. I can do this on my own," I muttered softly trying to tame the buzzing in my body. No YuXin, you cannot lose to Kun. I mustered my strength and attempted to do my work, trying to win against Kun's foul play.

As I was about to finish the question, he slid his hand near my inner thigh, giving it a squeeze causing me to twitch from his touch.

"Kun.." I moaned softly, feeling my face heating up slowly from his touch, my heart thumped hard against my ribcage as though its trying to escape.

"Yeah? Are you done with this question?" he gave me an innocent look with his puppy eyes staring at me, his hand though still remained on my inner thigh, unmoving. He is doing it on purpose, trying to make me lose focus. Gritting my teeth, I wrote down the last working and let him check the answer.

Upon looking at my answer, he gave a soft sigh, "Yeah, that's correct." Finally. I pulled my tongue out at him teasingly and hopped off his lap. "Well, someone's happy about getting away from her boyfriend," he sulked grumpily.

"That's because the boyfriend is being annoying and trying to break his girlfriend's concentration while studying," I retorted, pinching his cheeks lightly while he pouted like a sad puppy.

"I just want to hang out with you like a real boyfriend instead of a room mate," he explained. It was hard for us to have any intimate interaction outside of our room since I am still acting as a guy, not like we could just hold hand and go to school together.

Sighing, I caress his face tenderly, leaning close to him and rested my forehead against his. " Jiaqi jiejie is already looking for Yuxi, once he's back, I will go back to being a girl and we can date properly alright?"

Yuxi, where the hell are you?

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