Lesson 18

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I let out a huge yawn after the long arduous week of class tests and committee meetings. We've finally finalised the events to do for the collaboration, hopefully they'd be open to our suggestions."Servant, please help me massage my shoulder," I called out to Cheng Cheng who's seated right beside me at the couch in the committee room. "Yeah yeah, anything for you master," he said in a sarcastic tone as he pressed down hard on shoulder with a pincer-like grip causing me to yelp in pain. Kun immediately stood up and gripped Cheng Cheng's arms forcefully, forcing the latter to release his hold on me as he screamed in mercy. "Ahhh, I was just playing around Kun... my arm is about to break..." Kun stared at him with a serious glint in his eyes before releasing his hold. "Maybe it's time for my mom to teach you a lesson instead since my warnings are falling on deaf ears." Cheng Cheng eyes popped out in horror as he grovel in a sweet sickening tone, "I know my mistake... please, give me a chance..." Unable to take his gold standard comedic act, I burst out laughing, "Forget it, you are spared of all duties from now Cheng Cheng, but feel free to challenge me if you want to participate in another week of servitude." 

Yibo senior came into the room and patted my head gently before addressing us, "Alright guys, don't need to play anymore games to be of servitude to each other, we have more important guests to serve. The committee members from Sakura Academy will be here next week, let's have a rundown of the events for the final time." 

"Ahh.. again? Didn't we already finalised everything?" Li Nong protested while sorting out the files. "Yeah, I don't want any girl schools to look down on us and find fault in our planning," Yibo explained and the rest of us went through the floor plan again.

My phone started chiming halfway throughout the meeting and I reached out for it, curious about who would be calling me right now. Before I could answer, the ringing stopped and I placed it back, focusing on the meeting instead.

Finally, after what seemed like eons, Yibo senior seemed contented with the whole plan and we all breathed a sigh of relief, getting ready to go back dorm for a good rest. I took my phone out and was surprised at the number of text messages... From Jiaqi Jie Jie.

Jiaqi: Xiao Xin, why didn't you pick up your phone just now?

Jiaqi: I haven't seen you for some time already. Are you still staying in dorm with your friends?

Jiaqi: Anyway, lets meet tomorrow. I'll meet you at your school around 12pm!

Oh no, this is a disaster. If she knew I am studying in a boys school now she'd be throwing a fit. I shuddered at the thought of her raging reaction.

YuXin: Girls, I need your help.. Jiaqi jie jie wants to meet me tomorrow at our school gate.

Xue Er: what?! Why now?!

YuYan: what are we supposed to do with your short hair?

Shaking: Mei mei just come over in the morning, we will help you sort this out.

Xue Er: Yeah, I suppose we just got to make you look like you again.

YuXin: thanks girls, I'll be there at 9am.

Hopefully she doesn't suspect a thing.


Xue Er

"Mei mei, wear this to hide your hair. This is the closest wig I can find to your natural hair," Shaking handed over a long tousled soft brown wig to YuXin's original hair. As she put it on, I can't help but smile at the sight of her looking like her original self with her long hair and wearing a white knee-length dress.

" You're just lacking some make up to cover up your panda eyes and you'd be set to go. Just close your eyes and let me deal with it," I instructed and YuXin closed her eyes obediently sitting in front of me to let me do my thing.

"All done," I smiled proudly at my masterpiece. YuXin's face now look flawless under the concealer and the faint blush I've applied softened her look. "You look like an angel now," Shaking cooed and YuXin looked at us gratefully. "Thank you for helping me girls, I'll treat you all to good food later."

YuYan smoothed YuXin's hair tenderly, "You just try to survive later. Just be natural, she probably will be too smitten by your looks to not pay so much attention on anything else."


Jiaqi jie jie was already waiting by my school gate as I stepped out. A random guy standing beside her with a shy look on his face as he placed his phone in front of her. Another guy asking for jie jie's number. Instead of taking the phone, Jiaqi jie jie simply rolled her eyes with an annoyed look and looked away to my direction.
Her face lit up immediately with a bright smile as she walked towards me," Xiao Xin, you look so pretty today, just like an angel."

I returned her compliment with a shy smile, "Jie jie, you are the pretty one, the guy just asked for your number didn't he?" I nodded towards the guy who was still standing there with a dejected look. Her porcelain looking skin and seductive looking eyes has always charmed guys wherever she goes. "Pesky flies aren't worth my time," she replied as she linked her arm with mine, "Ignore him. Let's go eat and shop!"


"Hey, who's that pretty girl over there?" Cheng Cheng commented nodding at the short jet black hair girl decked in jeans and shirt walking towards our direction. His eyes seemed to be glued to her just like the other guys on the street while she seemed oblivious to the attention, engaging in a conversation with the long hair girl dressed in white walking beside her instead.

"Yah, you're not here to look at girls, we're here to run errands for our committee," I lectured with a look of impatience while holding the bags of items. Shoving my arm lightly, Cheng Cheng replied, "It's not everyday we get to see pretty girl, she's walking towards our direction. Do you think I'd have a chance if I ask for her number?"

I scoffed in an uninterested tone. "Aren't you supposed to go collect our brochures from the printing store?" He looked and me with a disgruntled look before walking into the store beside us. What's so pretty about the girl? No doubt her looks stand out but that's about it? On the other hand, the long hair girl who's beside her had a more soothing aura though I couldn't see her face proper as she's facing the other girl.

As they walked past me the short hair girl accidentally bumped on me, causing my bag of Groceries to scatter on the floor. She gave me a side eye and tsked me with annoyance. Geez, her pretty face can't save her personality for sure.

"Ah I'm so sorry, let me pick it up for you," the long hair girl bent down immediately, trying to pick up the groceries while the short hair girl looked at her with a frown, "Xiao Xin, that guy has hands and legs, he could pick it up himself." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to bend down and picked up the items as well, ignoring her yapping. "Thank you for picking the stuff up," I smiled towards the long hair girl whose head was looking down, concentrating on groceries. Once the items around her were all placed in the plastic bag, she lifted her face up with a soft smile, replying "Don't mention it, it's our fault for bumping..." she stopped her sentence midway as our eyes connected.

Her eyes stated wide at me with her mouth hanging loose slightly, riddled with shock. This girl... Why does she look so strangely familiar as though I've seen her before. I stared at her clear face that had a hint of blush, lost in my own thoughts. She's really pretty. My heart started to thump wildly as our eyes met, resulting in a faint blush being cast on my face. 

"YuXin, hurry up and let's go," The short hair girl beckoned as she pulled her along, breaking our eye contact. YuXin... Is she Yuxi?? Suddenly everything in my mind clicked. Yuxi is a girl all this while, no wonder she stopped her sentence halfway during our conversation regarding him kissing a girl.. She must be trying to say that she isn't a lesbian...

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Cheng Cheng slapped me from the back, "did you look at that pretty girl till you're in a trance?" "Yeah.. I think I just did.." I mumbled softly. Shit, what's going on. 

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