Lesson 16

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"Yuxi, your class test is coming up, how are you coping with it?" I looked towards his direction as we walked back to the dorm together. "Um.. I'm not sure if I am able to score well enough, but I will try my best." He clenched his fist with a determined look. "Why don't we study together? You could consult me any questions in the different subjects," I offered. "But you are a year ahead of us, Yuxi if you need help I can just tutor you," Kun interjected as he pulled Yuxi's right arm close to him. Looking at the sight of them being close together, a wave of jealous starting brimming and I pulled Yuxi's left arm to my side. "Yuxi, I've taken the tests before and I know the different chapters well so I can help you out better. Besides, Kun is busy with his basketball to-" Kun pulled Yuxi's arm close to his side, "That's not right, I am able to spend time to tutor Yuxi at night too, you don'-" 

"W-Wait, my arms hurt a little.. Could you guys let it go?" Yuxi's eyes darted at between the both of us with a slightly pained expression on his face. We immediately loosen our grip as he rubbed his arms to soothe the pain. "How about the three of us studying together then?" Yuxi suggested and Kun and I looked at each other with a nodding our head reluctantly. "Great, let's start today! Kun and I will come over to your room since there's more space," Yuxi looked at me with his puppy-like eyes and bright smile I couldn't help but return the smile, "Sure, see you guys at 8 then." I set up a square table in the middle of my room that would fit the three of us. This should be comfortable enough for us to study with the soft carpet on the floor. 

"Yuxi, this question should be done using this method," I pulled his notepad towards me while writing out the equation swiftly, showing him the correct steps. He leaned in closer to me, trying to see the steps and I suppressed the smile that was trying to form on my face at his close proximity. Kun pulled the notepad away from my opposite side and exclaimed, "Actually, there's an easier step to do this Yuxi," he started scribbling right below my working as Yuxi leaned closer to him trying to follow the steps. My mood immediately sour looking at how Yuxi was listening so attentively to Kun and I tried to pull the notepad back, "I wasn't finish with the working yet." Kun's hand gripped on the notepad firmly, refusing to let it go as he glanced at me with a look seemingly to challenge me. 

"H-Hey, maybe you guys could do your methods then I can just learn from the both of you?" Yuxi said as he glanced towards the both of us with his eyebrows creased in worry. "I'll go get some food and drinks while the both of you solve it then," he stood up and rushed out of the room before we could say anything. 


Did Yibo senior and Kun quarrel? They seemed to be having some sort of heat tension between the two of them, I should probably let them have some time to talk things out. I walked to the cafeteria to buy some snacks when I saw Zhangjing beaming happily as he slurped on his iced milk tea at the cashier. "Yuxi! You're also buying snacks? Let me recommend you what's nice," he started grabbing different snacks and placed them in the basket. "This is nice, this too.. Oh and this," before I knew it, my basket was filled to the brim with snacks. "Ahh, that's a little too much.." I glanced at him and he just smiled, "But they are all very delicious, did you know eating while studying allows you to concentrate better?"

Really? That's the first time I'm hearing it. "Better your head," YanJun smacked Zhangjing lightly on his head, "You said you're just taking a break from studying and now I see you at the cafeteria buying milk tea." So they are also studying for the class test, everyone is really putting in effort for this. "Yuxi, I heard you're studying with the two elites, if they're too boring you can always join our average club here with Justin." Yan Jun pointed towards Zhangjing and Justin, "Yeah, we only strive to have fun in school and of course, eat good food." Zhangjing added.

So there are normal people in their group of friends. I couldn't contain my laughter upon hearing their declaration, "Thank you for the offer.. I'd definitely find you guys if I want to have fun."


"What's wrong with you bro, why are you acting weird snatching the notepad and pulling Yuxi's arm, what's gotten into you?" Yibo looked at me with a quizzical look as he leaned forward towards me. "What had gotten into you, you kept glancing towards Yuxi and look like you're in a daze," I questioned back, feeling the jealousy riling up within me.

"I was just trying to look out for him, especially after what Liu Ye had done to him, it made me want to protect him more," Yibo explained with a slightly pained look on his face. "You on the other hand, has been acting weird, it's as though you are jealous of me spending time with Yuxi."

"That's not true, I was just looking out for him too," I raised my voice and leaned forward towards him to justify myself. "You're the one-"

"I'm back," YuXin opened the door and peered in at sight of me and Yibo leaning forward towards each other in a dangerously close position as though we were inches from kissing each other. "Umm.. I think I'll come back later, you guys look like you have some more things to talk about, I'll just go back to my room first.." YuXin turned around was about to walk off when Yibo and I both stood up anxiously, rushing towards the door to stop her. "That's not it Yuxi, we're just.." I accidentally tripped on Yibo and pulled him as we tumbled down on the floor.

This must be a nightmare, this is not real. I opened my eyes to see Yibo's face stuck close to mine. Our lips locked together as we collided on the floor with him on top of me. Yibo and I stared at each other unmoving in this awkward position trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Umm.. I think I will just close the door to give you guys some privacy," YuXin closed the door hurriedly and left. Yibo clambered off me, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his t-shirt forcefully, "What the hell was that!" We looked at each other as an awkward tension filled the air. "It's an accident!" I retorted loudly, wiping my lips violently trying to remove that revolting experience in my memory. Would Yuxin think I am gay now? Shit, why are things getting out of hand. "We better find Yuxi and clear up this misunderstanding," I said and Yibo opened the door and darted off towards my room. 

"Yuxi, that's not how it looks like, it was really an accident," Yibo tried to explain frantically and Yuxin just look at him with a confused frown. "Senior.. It's okay if you and Kun have that kind of relationship, we are in the 21st century. It's normal for guys to like guys," She commented. 

Grabbing her arms, I turned her to face me and looked at her with a piercing gaze, "Yuxi, do you really think we have that kind of relationship?" She gulped down the lump of throat as he replied meekly, "Well.. I don't know..." Looking her doubting face made me feel a strong sense of frustration about to erupt within me. "Fine, then does this makes you gay then?" I leaned into her and pressed my lips against hers as she stood rooted to the ground in shock. I pulled away and asked "So, are you gay now?" "N-No..." she looked at me as though she was about to cry and yelled, "But who said you could do that? That was my first... ahh forget it. " She ran out of the room with Yibo following suit. Fuck, I've done it now haven't I, doing things without thinking. I face palmed myself and let out a groan, why are you so heated up everytime it involves her Kun..

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