Lesson 38

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I instructed the chauffeur to drop us at the mega mall. "Kun Kun, where are we going?" YuXin asked.

"We're going to play escape room." I cast her a smile and lead her to the shop. "Ah.. But I'm bad at games.. We could be locked inside for ages," she stammered with uncertainty, looking at me with her sad puppy eyes.

"Relax babe, I'm here, " I smoothed her hair and caress her face, "Besides, I don't mind being locked together with you forever."

The game master greeted us, "Welcome to the escape room. Enjoy the game and see you on the other side." The theme of the escape room was haunted house and as we entered the dimly lit room, adorned with creepy decor, YuXin clutched onto my shirt tightly, hiding at my back as we entered. "Kun Kun, what are we finding here?" I scoured the room and noticed the door with a number combination lock.

"We need to find the number combination." YuXin nodded her head hesitantly and started looking around. "Ahhh!" YuXin screamed and ran to me, hugging me tightly. I turned around to see what caused the commotion and laughed when I spotted a creepy figure hanging out from the wardrobe.

"I'm just going to be useless and stick close to you," YuXin declared as she wrapped her hand around my waist from behind. Smiling, I walked around the room with her closely behind, gathering up the clue and unlocked the lock within minutes.


"Kun Kun, you're amazing. How did you managed to solve everything under 30 minutes?" I grinned at him. Even with me being a useless burden who hugged onto him the whole way, he managed to complete the game in record time.

"That's because you're with me and I got motivated to rescue my damsel in distress," he teased, receiving a light slap on his arm.

"Fine, you're the best in everything Mr Perfect. You've never screw up anything in life have you?" that was a question I was genuinely interested in. It seemed like his life has been perfect in all manners and he always have a plan for everything.

"My only screw up in life.." he paused with a thoughtful expression, "Was not meeting you sooner." He smirked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Sigh. Why's my boyfriend such a show-off," I lamented and he grabbed my face, planting his lips on mine. "I just want to be cool in front of you." Who knew the one who's always surrounded by a hoard of girls would be so cheesy.

"Let's go for lunch, I'm starving." Kun said as he held my hand and led me away.


"Miss.. It's not very good to be stalking Cai Xukun like this, let's go." my assistant Xiao Tang pulled my arms worriedly, trying to lead me away.

How can I let him away from my eyes after seeing how he blatantly kissed another girl in front of me. Unluckily for me, I didn't see the girl's face and couldn't assess my competitor. I was just shopping in the mall when I saw a familiar face. Who knew the guy my grandpa introduced would be such a flirt. "Let's follow them." I said, following them closely behind.

Cai Xukun chose a posh looking restaurant and the girl beside him shook her head, refusing to enter, only to be dragged in by him. Pshh, why is she acting all considerate.

Xiao Tang and I chose a hidden corner in the restaurant where I could still observe the couple. Urgh, the girl is back facing me, how am I supposed to know if she's prettier than me. "Miss.. It's not nice to do this.."

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