Suga || OCD 📕

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For some reason I was scared to publish this chapter it took me a good 7 minutes of staring at the publish button lmao

Sooooooooo. I was thinking about turning this into a series. I've actually had this idea for a long while lol. (Since I started reading fanfics..) Ive just been time scared to write it .. I was trying to think about a schedule I would do for Suga. Since I would like to do more requests for him, but also do this at the same time. What I was thinking, is close his requests until I finish this series.. how do you feel about that? I have done some research on this topic and I hope not to upset anyone. So if you think that the topic OCD will offend you, or trigger you I advise you not to read.

I want this series to raise awareness for this topic, I hope that people know OCD isn't just wanting things to be organized. Saying you have OCD because you think 'it's cool' or 'trendy' isn't funny, nor tolerated here. It's a serious condition that can cause people to fall depressed. Please keep that in mind before you say you have it, when in reality you don't.

Please forgive any of my mistakes, gladly point them out. In a nice way please.

Now let's begin the first part in this series..


Yoongi's Pov

It's more than just I need to arrange my pens in a neat line. It's, if I don't put my pens in a certain order something will happen. What if Hoseok comes in and the green one isn't in line properly and it rolls of the table. Then Hoseok slips on the pen, it's all going to be my fault. I don't want to hurt him. I need to protect him, because as soon as I lose him something will happen. I can't let that happen. He's my best friend and, I-I just can't see him suffer. I know for a fact that if I leave his side someone will hurt him. So I need to stay by him at all costs. I will actually dedicate my life to keeping him safe if I have to.


3rd Pov

Yoongi is overwhelmed. The build up of sweat on his forehead drips down into his eyes, each droplet leaving a stinging sensation that won't go away even if he pleaded. Carefully walking to his position on the stage making sure to count each and every step he took. Left, Right. Left, Right. Left, Right. Every Step he took brought more fear into his brain, his negative thoughts took over him. Is Hoseok safe? I need to find him. Picking up his head looking left, he's not there. Panicked, he looked to his right. Walking along right beside him was Hoseok. He's in danger, the older thought. By who, he didn't know. Hoseok was walking confidently clearly not counting each dangerous step he took, the younger rapper picked up his walking pace. Leaving the older steps behind. He got further away from Yoongi with each step.

Go save Hoseok. The farther away he is from you the more danger he is in, you don't want him in danger do you? He walked faster, just fast enough to catch up to him without loosing count of his steps. One foot after another. Hoseok gripped onto Taehyung's hand, Tae's clammy sweaty hand gripping onto the rappers like it was the last chocolate bar him and Jungkook were fighting over the previous night. Hoseok's grip isn't as tight or passionate. Hoseok's face is plastered with a solid smile, looking as happy as ever. His heart smile reveals his perfect teeth, the color so white you could see it from miles away. His smile was blinding. Beautiful. Protect that smile at all costs Yoongi. Protect it. 1,2,1,2,1,2,1. They have arrived at their destination of the center of the stage. The seven members formed their way into the line, Yoongi hanging out at the back. Jin in the center with Namjoon just to the left. Jimin and Jungkook were on the right while Hoseok and Tae are on the left. Hoseok stood on the inside of Tae, next to Namjoon.

Get by Hoseok. He needs you to keep him safe. Counting his steps once more, he squeezed his way right beside Hoseok now standing in-between him and Tae. Doing this broke the hand holding session between the two. Taehyung looked up at the older frowning. Whispering, 'what was that?' Yoongi was not paying attention, instead focusing on the thoughts running through his mind. An instant replay of his last step. It landed on one. One. One is an odd number, not an even number. Take another step. Or else Hoseok will get hurt. It has to land on an even number. Taehyung and Hoseok's feet were angled in front of his, preventing him from taking a step without tripping on one of them. But he had to do it. Or else someone would hurt Hoseok. He can't step backwards, no way. Backwards would mean he would have to step forward twice to get back in line. And it has to be in a straight line. Or Hoseok might die. Hoseok cannot die. His palms were sweaty and his stomach turned again. He felt nauseous and sick. His head pounded with the sound screams of the fans as Namjoon spoke to them. What Namjoon was saying was inaudible to him, he was too focused on protecting Hoseok. Take the darn step already. He moved his right foot slightly forward, tripping over the younger vocalist. He stumbled, clearly visible to his members and Army. The attention turned to him, for once he could focus on something other than Hoseok;

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