Escape and Refuge

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Waking up the next morning, Tiffany left the house and went to the bakery to check on Grandpa Greg. Although when she arrived, she found that he was no longer there and the place had been abandoned. He probably had left the district along with the others who had managed to escape, but that would also mean that there was no one around to make the bread. Grandpa Greg was the one responsible for the baking of bread in the whole district, and without him there was no bread. Well unless you could make it yourself. Wandering through the store, Tiffany noticed that all of Grandpa Greg's belongings were still in the bakery. Frowning at this discovery, she immediately got to work at making bread. Hours later, Tiffany finally had enough loaves of bread to open up shop and start selling. Although at this point without the government aid everything would have to be given away for free. 

"Oh this is where you were. There's a meeting in the town square soon. You should probably come." Matthew had entered the shop. 

"Alright. Let me pull this last bunch out of the oven, then we can go." 

After a few minutes, the two left the bakery and walked to the center of town. The place was surprising crowded and many people couldn't actually see the man that stood in the middle. But luckily the man was very loud, so everyone could hear him.

"Okay! Everyone knows that we are trapped inside these walls! We are going to have work together and turn this district into its own working government. We cannot rely on the Military from within the other walls, because they have abandoned us!" The man yelled.

It didn't take long for Tiffany to zone out and look around the crowd. She didn't even notice when the man finished his speech and left, making the crowd disperse. Matthew had left a few minutes prior to the speech ending, and Tiffany was left to venture back to the bakery. When she arrived to the bakery, she noticed that several loaves had gone missing. At first she didn't think much about it, but when she got back to making more bread there were chewing sounds coming from within the bakery. 

"Hello?" She called out as she ceased to knead the dough. 

The munching continued, but the source was no where to be found. Looking around the shop, Tiffany kept calling out for whoever was there. Yet each time they remained quiet, until they bumped into one of the racks. 

"I found you!" She yelled as she turned and stared down at the culprit.

"I'm sorry! I was just hungry and I noticed the bread!" The boy yelled as he covered his face. 

The boy looked to be about the same age as Tiffany, and he had dirty blonde hair. He looked up at Tiffany once everything had quieted down, and he fidgeted under her gaze. 

"Who are you?" Tiffany asked as she knelt down in front of the boy. 

"Me? I'm Quintin. Who are you?" He responded nervously as he watched the girl's movements.

"I'm Tiffany. I haven't seen you before, so where did you come from?" 

"I lived not far from Quinta, but this is the first time that I entered the District. My dad brought be here, but I was trapped inside when the Titan's came." The boy stated as he hugged his knees to his chest. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. So does that mean you don't have a place to stay?" Tiffany asked as she stood up and helped the up.

"I don't. But that's okay, I'm used to sleeping outside." Quintin smiled as he dusted off his pants.

Nodding at what he said, Tiffany went back to making bread with Quintin watching from the counter. The two were silent for several minutes, until people started approaching the small shop. Tiffany would hand out a loaf of bread to each person as that came by, and by the end of the day she had successfully given out a loaf of bread to everyone. Deciding it was time to close up shop, Tiffany locked up everything and headed back to her home. Although Quintin followed a little ways behind her, because he wanted to stay close to her. She was the only person that he knew in Quinta, and he didn't want to have to be separated from her. 

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